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One day, I felt God speak to me.

And I felt God say this to me, “Son, you are praying out of fear. I want
you to pray out of trust. Because I love them more than you do.”

Do You Want to Live an Awesome Life? By Bro. Bo Sanchez

Today, I’m gonna give you the specific strategy on how to live a great life. A life of happiness, a life of
peace, a life of contentment, a life of fulfillment, a life of meaning. The strategy that I’m about to share
with you is a little bit shocking. Are you ready? Here it is:

To wake up each morning and to put in your mind the possibility that you will live the last 24 hours of
your life; that the next day you’re gone, you’re dead. Now I know, it’s a little bit morbid like what? Like
when I wake up in the morning, I’m gonna think that I have only 24 hours to live? Yes. Because here’s
the truth: Every single second, three people die in the world. I know I’ve done this already in full time
but I want to do it with you again that this second three people died, this second three people died,
three people, another three people died, another three people died, another three people died, another
three people died; every single second three people die on planet Earth. How many people have died
already since the time I’ve been snapping my fingers? A lot. I’m very poor in math so don’t ask me. But a
lot of people have died already. Now, you could die the next time I will snap my finger. You might be
included in the three people. How about here? How about here? Maybe you’re included here already.
Think about it. You know what, you could die anytime. So, I’m just asking you, the next time you wake
up in the morning, let’s get next time you open your eyes. Imagine that was going to be the last of your
life, you only have 24 hours to live after that … gone. My dear friend, believe me the quality of that day
will be very different. If you knew that you’re going to live only for 24 hours. Here’s what’s gonna
happen. You’re gonna be so conscious about what you will say. You’ll be extra patient. You will be extra
kind. You really will and then you will be picking up the phone and here’s the thing: you’re gonna be
thinking about all the people that you know you’ve hurt. You know that you’ve seen the gates. You know
that you’ve done wrong. You’re gonna pick up that phone, you know you’ve got 24 hours left, you know
I believe this you’re gonna pick up that phone and with boldness and courage that you did not have
before, you’re going to ask for forgiveness, you’re going to apologize. You know what, you’re also going
to pick up the phone and talk to people that you love and you know you’ve not expressed love to that
person in the past months past years but on that day when you know you’ve got 24 hours to live, you’re
going to say, ‘Mom, never said this before but just want to say thank you for loving me. I’ve never said
this before, never expressed this before but I want to say this to you, I love you. Dad, I love you. Ate,
kuya, brother, sister, friend, uncle, you’re just gonna express your…you’re gonna be more expressive in
your life, why? Because you know that you’ve got few more hours left. This actually happened to
someone I know. I prayed for somebody who the doctor told him three months to live and he just
basically changed his life. During the last month, by the way, he lasted for a year and a half, about three
months but it is the quality of the last year and a half of his life was so different than the 60 years that
he lived on planet Earth. He was more loving. He was more compassionate. He was more kind. He was
more honest. The level of joy and happiness and gratitude of the last year and a half was so different
because he knew his time was last, was over. I want you to make that decision right now. To think about
your life as ending because it will end one day.
The reading I’m gonna on reflect on is Matthew 24 and it talks about Jesus saying that you do not know
the day when the Lord will come (“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your
Lord will come.” – Matthew 24:42-51). And that’s true. You don’t know when tomorrow, two weeks
from now, one month from now, one year from now, 10 years from now; we don’t know so might as
well get ready every single day and you’re gonna live a very different life. Can I pray for you?

“Lord I pray for my friend here who’s watching this video, I know You love him and I ask You Lord Jesus
to give him that spirit of being awake, of being aware that life is precious and I ask You lord right now to
guide his thoughts so that he will live his life for You.” Starting today, can you say this prayer with me?
“Lord Jesus, from this day on, You will be my King, I will follow You all the days of my life, whatever
remains of my life. And Jesus, I will serve You forever, my Yes, I give to You right now. In Jesus name.
Amen. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” I pray for God’s blessings
and miracles for your life every day. Thank you so much.

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