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< Global Shopping Mall (GSM) >

Design Document

Version 1.0


Group Id: <S200247C4F (MC190202793)>

Supervisor Name :< Muhammad Summair Raza >

Revision History

Date VGSMion Description Author


07/10/2020 1.0 This is cyber world where MC190202793

presence of any business in
cyber space is mandatory.
However, this presence not only
comes with cost but also requires
administrative management.
Online Global Shopping Mall
(GSM) is such an online web-
based platform that presents
cyber space to any business free
of cost and related management
issues. It helps businesses to
freely present their products and
different offerings to
customGSM both at national and
international level.
Table of Contents

1. Introduction of Design Document

2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

3. Sequence Diagrams

4. Architecture Design Diagram

5. Class Diagram

6. Database Design

7. Interface Design

8. Test Cases
Introduction of Design Document

This phase contains following data:

Entity Relationship Diagram is a data model for describing a database in an abstract model. It contains entities
and their relationships. An entity may be defined as a thing which is recognized as being capable of an
independent existence and which can be uniquely identified. An entity is an abstraction from the complexities of a

Sequence Diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with each other.
A sequence diagram shows interaction of diagram according to the time division. It is also called event diagram.

Architecture Design Diagram used to represent data in the form of layGSM. It contains three layGSM data link
layer, application layer and business layer.

Class Diagram in this design document describes the structure of system by showing the system's classes, their
attributes, operations or methods and relationships between classes. The classes in a class diagram represent both
the main objects and interactions in the applications and the objects to be programmed.

Database Design is a process of producing a detailed data model of a database. It can be taken as the logical
design of the base data structures to store the data. In the relation model these are the tables and views.

Interface Design is a GUI view of main software. It shows how our program will look like. Interface design deals
with the process of developing a method for two (or more) modules in a system to connect and communicate.

Test cases A test case in software engineering is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will
determine whether an application or software system is working correctly or not. It is a detailed procedure that
fully tests a feature or an aspect of a feature.
1. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
2. Sequence Diagram

3. Architecture Design Diagram
5. Class Diagram
6. Database Design
7. Interface Design
8. Test Cases

Title Sign In

Abbreviated  Sign In
Use Case Id  GSM -01
Actors  User/Admin
User/Admin can login after entering correct information.
User must have access to the system.
1. System show Login Screen
2. Fill in required information
3. Enter username and password
4. System acknowledge entry
Invalid Credentials/Database exceptions.
Use Case Title Block Unblock Client

Abbreviated  Block Unblock Client

Use Case Id  GSM -02
Actors  Admin
Description: Admin have authority to block or unblock client store.
User must have to access the system.
Task Sequence
1. Clicks block client store.
2. Clicks to unblock client store.
Invalid Credentials/Database exceptions.
Use Case Title Manage Business Profile

Abbreviated  Manage Business Profile

Use Case Id  GSM -03
Actors  Store Owner
Description: owner can manage its business profile e.g. entering/editing/deleting its
business logo, business header, navigation menu, products, contact and details of these.
User must have to access the system.
Task Sequence
1. Clicks add information
2. Adds details of store
3. Clicks delete store details

Invalid Credentials/Database exceptions.
Use Case Title Manage Store Products

Abbreviated  Give Feedback

Use Case Id  GSM -04
Actors  Store Owner
Description: Store owner add, update, delete products.
User must have to access the system.
Task Sequence
1. Clicks add products
2. Adds details of products
3. Clicks delete products

Invalid Credentials/Database exceptions.
Use Case Title View and Search Products

Abbreviated  View and Search Products

Use Case Id  GSM -05
Actors  User
Description: User can view and search products with advance search filter.
User must have to access the system.
Task Sequence
1. Clicks filter products.
2. Clicks to clear filter

Invalid Credentials/Database exceptions.
Title: Log Out

Abbreviated: Log Out

Id: GSM -06
Actors: Receptionist
Receptionist can Log out by clicking the sign out button.
Pre-Conditions: Customer/Mechanic must have accessed the system.
1. System show Logout/ sign-out button
2. user clicks log out button
3. user will be signed out

Invalid Credentials/Database exceptions.

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