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Campus Tuxtepec

Ingles lll
“El uso de WISH”

Roberto Yeudiel Reyes Mora

Hernández Parras Diego
García Pablo Erick

Ingeniería civil

San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec, Oax

25 de marzo del 2022
Conversación con 5 deseos de ambos

Erick: Hi Diego, long time no see

Diego: I saw you about a year ago, how are you?
Erick: fine, ¿and how are you?
Diego: fine, thanks
Diego: tell me five wishes you have
Erick: my wishes are
1- my wish is to be an engineer
2- my wish that mexico win the world cup
3- my wish is to go to a world cup
4- my wish is to go to a champions league final
5- my wish is to pass english
Erick: and what wishes do you have?
Diego: good, my wishes are
1- my wish is to be a good engineer
2- my wish is to have a good salary in the future
3- my wish is to have my own house
4- my wish is that my mom is proud of my
5- my wish is to be an example to follow
Erick: Excellent.
Conversación entre Erick y su hermano (Adrián)
Erick: hello brother, i saw diego at school
Adrián: seriously what did they talk about?
Erick: he told me his wishes
Adrián: which are?
1- Diego wish were to be a good engineer
2- he wish were to have a good salary in the future
3- he wish were to have his own house
4- he wish were that his mom is proud of he
5- he wish were is to be an example to follow
Adrián: those are good wishes

Conversación entre Diego y su mama (Rosy)

Diego: mom at school erick told me his wishes
Rosy: Seriously, and which ones did he tell you?
1- he wish were is to be an engineer
2- he wish were that mexico win the world cup
3- he wish were to go to a world cup
4- he wish were is to a champions league final
5- he wish were is pass english

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