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Hi Client,

I am Jho-marie Vidal, 21 years old and I am from the Philippines. Due to the current
pandemic that mostly affect my country, leads a problem in my family, financially, that is
why I was not able to continue my studies in college. So, to make use of my time and to
also help my family I am now looking for a job and the job that you have posted fits my
qualifications and interests.

With the job description that you have posted, I know that I can work, I can learn more and I
fit to be one of your employees. I can assure you that I will be flexible in terms of my time
and on the tasks that you will be given to me. I may be an undergraduate but I want to
prove you my skills and my capabilities. I will also follow your free schedule if you want to
have an interview with me or to ask me anything. Thank you and More power to your
company !


Jho-marie Vidal

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