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A Post Graduate Programme student is expected to

select a topic for his/her Project Work - Long Paper

with the approval of SODE office. It may be desk
research requiring collecting, collation and analysis
of statistical data, another could be a live problem
on the projects or sites where a student is working;
still another could be a computer model building such
as designing a computer model of quality control/
safety management/material and stores management
system or it may be a case study of an organisation,
a project or a phenomenon. The topic should be
researchable in the given time and have bearing on
the performance of the construction industry. It
should involve scientific design of a study, collection
and analysis of data and writing a report in an
acceptable academic style. The Project Work - Long
Paper may be of around 12500 words, about 50
typed pages of A-4 size. It should be bound in an
academic style and 2 copies submitted to the SODE
office. The Project Work - Long Paper will be
prepared as a part of the Independent Study module.

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