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Administering Oral Medications

1. Wash hands.

2. Arrange medication tray and cups in medicine room/nurses station.

3. Prepare medications for one client at a time.

4. Check accuracy and completeness of each medication card with physician’s

5. Check client’s name, drug, dosage and route. a. oral b. buccal c. sublingual

6. Check medication three times before taking to patient.

7. To prepare tablet or capsules from bottle, pour required number into bottle cap
and transfer medications to medicine cup. Break only scored tablets if necessary to
obtain proper dosage. Extra tablets or capsules may be returned to bottle

8. To prepare liquids:
a. Remove bottle cap from container and place cap upside down.

b. Hold bottle with label against palm of hand while pouring.

c. Hold medication cup at eye level and fill desired level on scale.

d. Discard excess liquid in cup into sink. Wipe lip of bottle with paper towel

12. Take medications to client at correct time.

13. Identify client by comparing name on card, identification band, and ask client to
state his/her name.

14.Explain purpose of each medication and its action to client.

15. Assist client to sitting or side-lying position.

16. If more than one drug is to be given at one time, administer each one
17. Administer drugs properly.
a. Offer water or juice with drugs to be swallowed

18. b. For sublingual administered drugs, have client place medication under tongue
and allow it to dissolve completely.

19. Mix powdered medications with liquids at bedside and give to client to drink.

d. Caution client against chewing or swallowing lozenges.

E. Give effervescent powders and tablets immediately after dissolving.

22.If tablet or capsule falls to the floor, discard it and repeat preparation.

23. Stay with client until each medication is completely swallowed. If uncertain
whether client has swallowed medication, ask client to open mouth.

24. Assist client in returning to comfortable position

25. Dispose of soiled supplies and wash hands.

26. Record medications given, refused, or omitted. Record actual time drug was
administered. Include initials or signature

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