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If I were to pick a job opportunity that is only related to entrepreneurship, I would pick

"Recruiter." Because I've noticed in my daily life that most people are unemployed, this results
in them not having enough budget to buy the things they need for their daily lives, and that is not
good. A recruiter's role is to find qualified candidates for certain positions. Some recruiters work
for recruiting organizations and try to fill openings for many businesses at the same time. These
recruiters locate candidates for a wide range of organizations. Recruiters discover people through
advertising job openings, evaluating resumes, interviewing candidates, and collaborating with
hiring managers to find the best fit. So, as I become a future "recruiter," I will look for candidates
that are interested in working and ensure them to have the skills and abilities that our
organization requires. As a result, the organization will develop until it becomes a successful
business of ours.

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