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Kotebe University of Education

Department of English and Literature

Course Title: Short Story

Course Code: EnLa 305

Credits: 3

Course Description:

Students interact with various short stories and practice on all elements of short story: On top of
that, they get opportunities for learning different elements of English from the contexts of the Short
stories and they get experience of employing grammar for communication purposes following the
authentic models in which the short stories have been written.

Course objectives:

Upon completing the course, students will be able to:

 employ the techniques of exploring literary texts;
 read, adapt and use literary texts for language skills development;
 criticize short stories applying appropriate tools

Course contents
Unit One - The Nature and Historical Development of Short Story
1.1 Definition and characteristics
1.2 origin and Historical Development
1.2.1. Classification (genres)
1.2.2. Major School of Thoughts & Isms
1.2.3. Interpretative strategies

Unit Two - Element of Short Story

Unit Three - Techniques of Short Story

Evaluation Procedure
 Writing term paper 25%
 Presentation 25%
 Final Examination 50%

Short Stories to Be Studied
The Gift of the Magi, O. Henry
The Highway, Ray Bradbury
The Last Leaf, O. Henry
The Bet, Anton Chekhov
The Chameleon, Anton Chekhov
The Necklace, Guy de Maupassant
he Overcoat, Nikolai Gogol


Abrams, M.H. 2011. A Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston.

Collins V.H. 1965 A Book of English Proverbs. London: Longman .

Cuddon, JA. 1979. A Dictionary of literary terms. London. Penguin Books. Ltd

Forster, E.M 1974. Aspect of the Novel

Kershner ‘ S. 1997, The Twentieth – Century Novel: An Introduction

Watt, I. 1960. The Rise of the Novel

Melakneh, M. 2006. Fundamentals of Literature. Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University press

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