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Artificial intelligence also has its disadvantages, such as

high cost, creating a machine is no a small task. It takes a lot of

time and resources and can be very expensive. The biggest
problem remains is the job offer, if in the future AI takes a
major place in the world of work, humans will start to be
replaced by robots. The job will be more difficult to find
because of the AI.

To conclude, artificial intelligence has many advantages

and disadvantages for humans, so I think that we should give
importance to AI but not until it is completely replaced by
Artificial intelligence, set of theories and techniques developing
complex computer programs capable of simulating certain traits of
human intelligence (reasoning, learning, etc..). This artificial
intelligence has many advantages and disadvantages.

Artificial intelligence got many advantages, for example in the

medical sector, robots allow better precision during operations and a
higher success rate than with a human. On a daily basis, the AI makes
life easier thanks to personal assistants like Alexa or Siri, they
organize our diary, order meals or send messages without having to
use different tools. All it takes is a voice command and the AI can do
it all for us. In other areas such as the army, the AI helps
reconnaissance of the terrain without sending people directly.

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