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Reflection for Lesson 7: Affective Assessment

NAME: Ma. Angela Kristine T. Valencia SCORE________


During your elementary and high school years, do you think most of your teachers
performed the Affective Assessment? How did they do it?

Affective assessment is based on a student's attitudes, interests, and values. I recall

some of my high school teachers conducting affective assessments in some of our classes.
Although they are rarely used, I recall some instances where they assess their students'
You must be able to interact with people and assist them in understanding a new
perspective on the world. This is not a simple task! Although there are numerous
approaches to effective teaching, good teachers share several characteristics. They are
prepared, set clear and fair expectations, maintain a positive attitude, are patient with
students, and regularly assess their teaching. They can adapt their teaching strategies to
fit both the students and the material, acknowledging that different students learn in
different ways.
You are a role model who sets the tone for the class as a teacher. Your students
are more likely to respond if you demonstrate enthusiasm and commitment. Conversely,
if you are negative, unprepared, or impatient, your students will reflect these
One of these memories is from my ninth-grade English teacher. She's a great
observer, particularly of the kids' attitudes in class. She asks us to write anything about
ourselves that we wish to share with her on the first day of class. My English teacher
prefers that we write it instead of saying hello in front of the class because there are
instances when we are fearful of being judged because of our English skills, which can
lead to low self-esteem. During class discussions, she always invites us to engage in
many ways, such as acting, reciting, and reporting. It's all about what we're good at.
Affective assessment in learning is critical in determining how educators will assist
students in meeting their learning goals.

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