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ASSESS: ( Module 1 – Task 3- C )

Answer the following questions. Write your answers in the space

provided after each item.

1. Is it true that OBE education response to achieving quality learning? Why?

Yes, because Outcome-based education tackles about the Outcome learnings of the students,
this means not only cognitive knowledge that is being enhance but the skills of the students
too. This can be measure by means of a performance. With that, you cannot only measure the
inputs of the student, but also the quality skills of them. And that makes the OBE achieve the
quality type of learning.

2. Do you internalize your learning journey in Field Study 1? How?

Yes, by reading articles and books that is relating to the Field Study 1 and consulting other
professionals that can help me understand more about this topic. I also tend to visualize myself
in an actual field study that is conducting an observation, so that somehow I can foresee or
imagine the actual setup.

3. How are you to apply the experiential landscape of Field Study 1?

By having a table that consists of Learning Experience and Intended Learning Outcome. Under
that, you must put the appropriate statements alongside with the activities under the 5 levels of
Experiential Taxonomy.

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