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For Section 25, it is all about the tenant leaving the landlord at any time.

Without a valid reason,

the tenant cannot leave the landlord; otherwise, the former will be responsible for losses and damages
up to 85% of the portion of the farm's output that belongs to the former.

These following situations are the considered and reasonable causes that may apply to the
tenant for leaving the service before the expiration of the contract:

- If the landlord or its representative is giving injustice and inhuman treatment towards the
- Failure on the part of the landlord to fulfill any duties placed upon him by this Act's rules or
the contract.
- Forcing the tenant to perform any task against his will that has no connection to his farm
labor and is not required by the contract.
- If the landlord is committing a crime against the tenant's person or any member of the
tenant's family.

For Part V, Extinguishing of Contract. In Section 26, it will tackle about ending a contract of the
farm tenancy.

There are six situations or rules that may apply to extinguish a contract:

- The contract will be extinguished at the end of each agricultural year unless both parties agreed
to renew the contract.
- If both parties agreed to end the contract.
- Upon the tenant's or farmer's death, if there are any heirs of the deceased, shall be granted a
proportionate share in the products in line with the service done by the deceased.
- The contract will extinguish if the sale or alienation of the land subject to the contract, in which
case the purchaser assumes the previous landlord's rights and obligations in connection to the
tenant or farmer.
- The contract will end when the land is no longer suitable for farming or turns into public land.
- By merger in the same person of the personality of landlord and tenant and tenant or landlord
and farmer.

For Part VI, Penal and Final Provisions. In Section 27, it will tackle about the violations that can
be done in the contract.

- All violations of the provisions of this Act, that will be done by both parties shall be punished
according to article three hundred and eighteen of the Revised Penal Code. These violations
include deceit, malice, fraud, and falsification or alteration of private documents.
In Section 28 and 29, the Repealing and Final provisions will be explained.

For Repealing Provisions

- All laws or parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed.

For the Final Provisions

- In the beginning of May first, nineteen hundred and thirty-three, this Act shall take effect and be
applied to the agreement between the landlords and the tenants of the estate.
- This Act only applies in provinces where the Governor-General shall, by proclamation,
determine the date on which this legislation shall take effect in those provinces where most of
the municipal councils shall, by resolution, have petitioned for it.
- It will also be translated into the different dialects to which localities of the said provisions may
apply and will be handed a free printed document to the persons who are asking for them.

For the Flaws of Rice Share Tenancy Act, the reporter will be Ms. Mindaña

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