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Good Morning sir and good morning to all of you who are present here. I am Dr.

Kumar assistant professor in the department of English, Kisan PG College Simbhaoli
hapur today i would like to present a presentation on the Topic

Difficulties in teaching English to Western Uttar Pradesh

This is the most common problem in this area
There are some reasons behind this

 Lost in Translation - A significant problem that English speakers face in western part of
the Uttar Pradesh. They translate phrases directly from the Hindi language. This makes
pronouns, article learning a big struggle. For example, A common phrase you might have
heard is, "my health is bad." However, the proper use would be, I feel sick. ok Another
example : A teacher asks in his class write down 6 lines on your teacher. the very first
sentence of a student was " My teacher name is beauty red.....just because the name of his
teacher was sundar lal. this is the biggest problem in this area. So we should start learning
English from scratch, then trying to translate.
 English speaking environment - There is a lack of awareness and role models in our
environment. Let's be honest, not everyone's parents are fluent in English speaking. Kids
learn through interaction, and this becomes a significant issue.
 Limited vocabulary - India is a language-driven country. Even with the wide range of
regional languages. There is no similarity between the two. This is the root cause of the
limited vocabulary.
 Grammar issue - The education system is designed in a way that provides grades to the
muggers. We have been taught to learn the rules of grammar rather than making us
understand. We learn grammar by hearing people talk. What appears to sound good is
grammatically correct for us.
 Peer pressure - We are made to learn the English language to go through the cut-throat
competition. We don't love the language. We have spoon-fed the terminology, definition.
Learning cannot be fun if the purpose is not slated.
 Mother tongue impact - One оf the mоst frequently enсоuntered рrоblems fоr English
leаrners in western part of uttar pradesh or in India is the mоther tоngue influenсe. The
рrоnunсiаtiоn is heаvily influenсed by their nаtive lаnguаges.

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