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Name : Baso Fadhil

Nim : 46122082

Class : 1D-D4

Homework !!!

Type your daily activities!!!

My daily activities today, starting when I wake up at 04.30 am. The first thing I did
was take a shower and then waiting for the morning prayer. After prayer, I then
went to wake up my two nephews to get ready go to school and I also got ready to
go to college. At 06.30 am, aftwe we finished, I then took my two nephews to
school and I continued to campus. After I arrived at campus and met my friends,
iwent to the room that will be occupied for the first study. Until it was break time
at 11.00 am, my friends and I headed to canteen to eat . there I eat batagor together.
After the break is over, at 12.00 we go to the mosque to pray.after we praying, we
went to second study room. Until 05.00 pm, it was time to go back home. At 06.00
pm, I arrived home and then prayed. After the evening prayed at 08.00 pm, I then
help my cousin to make a school symbol while doing homework until 11.00 pm,
after that, I went to bed.

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