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Daniela: Good afternoon, you must be Heidy Poma. I am Daniela Torres and I will be the interviewer on this

Heidy: Good afternoon. I’m Heidy Poma and it’s a pleasure for me to be here.

Daniela: I have here a copy of your résumé. Let's start with the questions. Heidy, tell me a little bit about yourself.

Heidy: I studied Translation e interpretation because I really like to learn other languages and I would like to
teach everything I have learned to my students.

Daniela: It is very interesting to hear. Ok… As you know

in this educational center we have a vacancy for the position of an English teacher. I would like to know what your
strengths or skills are that could help you succeed in this job.

Heidy: I´m honest, I have patience and a very positive attitude. I like to explore alternative solutions to problems. I
know how to use digital teaching tools like quizzes and kahoots. As a teacher I seek for students to relate their
mother tongue to other languages and I believe that when teaching this can have a very positive impact on my

Daniela: That's amazing, and now, what about your weaknesses?

Heidy: It could be not having enough time to do all my activities. This is something I’m working on at the moment.

Daniela: I appreciate your honesty, and Heidy what can you tell me about your goals for the next few years?

Heidy: I see myself as a teacher in several countries. I would also like to teach people who don’t have
opportunities. And of course, traveling and knowing countries.

Daniela: Ok, I see… Well, our working hours are from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. What do you think of these working hours?

Heidy: That’s great. I have no problem.

Daniela: Fantastic! and to conclude. Why do you think we should give you this job?

Heydi: Because I’m the most suitable person for the job and I love teaching. It’s my passion.

Daniela: Thank you very much, those are all the questions I have for you. Do you have any questions for me?

Heydi: If I were hired for this role, what would you want to me achieve in my first two months?

Daniela: We will call you in about a week and let you know if you got the job.

Heydi: Thank you for the great conversation.

Daniela: It was a pleasure to meet you. Thank you

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