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Classroom Management Plan Criteria

Beliefs About Classroom Environment

My thoughts on general classroom management are many. I feel the best way to manage

your classroom, in general, is by positive reinforcement and keeping students actively engaged

with hands on lessons. Albert Bandura’s theory of social learning by which students learn by

watching others is one of the best ways to involve my students in innovative, hands-on activities

that will keep them engaged and reduce behavioral issues.

One way I use David Kolb’s theory of experiential learning is by separating my students

into five smaller groups. By creating work stations where students have the opportunity to work

on their projects with minimal distraction while more advanced learners can support the others if

help is needed. When the projects are complete, students will share them with the rest of the

class so we can discuss their process for completing, whether or not they are happy with the

results, and what, if anything, they would do differently for a better outcome.

I also use positive reinforcement in my classroom by putting artworks on display when I

know the student has worked diligently to accomplish their completely task. All of the students

seem to enjoy seeing their work on display so my hope is that this reward will encourage them as

well as the others to keep working hard and to be happy to be in class and to keep a positive

attitude and outlook.


Letter of Introduction to Students


Letter of Introduction to Families


Arrival /Dismissal Procedures

 Students are to pick up their art folders from the bin and go to their assigned seats when
entering the classroom.
 When it is time to leave, students are to put their assignments in their art folders and lay
them in the basket as they leave the classroom.

Tardy/Absence Procedure
 Students arrive expected to arrive on time and should they come in late, students must
report to the office and bring me a tardy slip.
 When students return to school after an absence, they are to bring in a doctor’s excuse or
a written note from the parent. I turn these into the counselor along with the attendance
sheet for the day.
Homework Procedure
 Worksheets and assignments are given to students.
 Students are responsible for turning work in on time.
 Students will be given class time to complete all assignments.
 Homework is used in my class as a last resort only. Most of what we do is hands-on
learning in class. If the student needs to take a worksheet home that is not a hands on
project, they are given the opportunity to do so, but I encourage them to use their in class
time to complete all assignments.
 Currently, homework is not assigned unless the student needs to take their work home to
complete it.
 I refrain from assigning homework because the papers get lost, and there are still a lot of
absences due to Covid. Several of my students have already been out for a week at a time
due to illness. If their assignments are not turned in, they do not get credit for it.
Procedures for Getting Students’ Attention/Getting Teacher’s Attention
 When students get distracted, I walk around the room and observe student’s work and
behavior. Sometimes I move to the back of the room to teach a lesson and to lead a
guided discussion to keep the students focused on the task at hand. Sometimes I pull up a
seat at a table and sit down with my students and ask them questions and have them show
me their progress.
 When my students want to get my attention while I am teaching or helping another
student, they raise their hands and wait patiently. I make a conscious effort to pay
attention to all of my students; but, if for some reason, I do not see a student’s hand, a
student at the table I am helping tells me another student has their hand up.

Lining Up /Hallway / Restroom Procedures

 My students are in 6th, 7th and 8th grade. I usually dismiss by table according to good
behavior. They form a line for exiting the classroom.
 Students are not allowed to run in the hallways. They are to stay on the right side of the
steps and hallways. They are to wait lined up against the wall in the hallway until the
teachers let them into the classroom.
 Our school has a shared bathroom. Students are allowed to go between classes and during
mentorship time. Students are allowed to go to the restroom during class when necessary.
They must sign out with the date and time. They must take a hall pass with them.
Bullying Procedures for Student as Victim and as Bystander
 Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly
causes another person injury or discomfort. There is a ZERO TOLERANCE for bullying.
 I will instruct students to tell a teacher ASAP if they experience bullying.
 I will instruct students to tell a teacher if they witness someone else being bullied.
Classroom Rules/Discipline
My classroom rules are as follows:
 Always be mindful of others.
 Always be on time for class.
 Always clean up after yourself to keep the classroom neat.
 Help take care of classroom supplies and tools.
 No throwing of anything.
 No writing or drawing on tables.
 No obscenity or profanity of any kind will be tolerated
 No gum, food, or drinks are permitted in the art room
Most of my classroom rules were inherited from the previous teacher who had taught there

for several years. I added additional rules and expectations based on my experience in the

classroom. The rules were approved by school administration after I submitted them for

proofreading and possible additions. My rules are enforced by what my syllabus states. I also

remind students of the rules and have them repeat them back to me as an entire class to reinforce

them in their memories.


Students are rewarded for positive behavior as follows:

 Good Behavior: Class gets to listen to music.
 Great Behavior: Tables get to request songs.
 Excellent Behavior: The entire class gets a fun activity day such as drawing with chalk
on the sidewalk outside, free draw day, etc.
The consequences for breaking a rule are as follows:
 First Offense: Verbal reprimand
 Second Offense: Seat moved closer to teacher
 Third Offense: Call home
 Fourth Offense: Detention issued
 Fifth Offense: Administrative referral (sent to office)
Students are held accountable for their actions by enforcing the consequences for their

undesirable behavior.

Philosophy of Education Infographic Image


Detailed List of Specific Items to be Accomplished Before the First Day of School
 Decorate the three bulletin boards in my classroom.
 Have a seating chart prepared by alphabetical order.
 Clean out storage cabinets and take an inventory of the art supplies I have on hand.
 Clean the tables in my classroom and cover with clean paper.
 Make sure the Behavior Chart posted
 Write my name clearly on the whiteboard so students and parents will know how to spell
and say my name.
 Have an icebreaker activity ready for students.
 Have my student and family welcome letters ready to be given out.
 Have my syllabus ready to give to students.
 Create a positive classroom environment by providing students with a clean and
welcoming space to learn and to create.
 Have rules, routines, and procedures ready to be explained to students.
 Be familiar with the fire drill procedures at my school.
 Have the bell schedule. I hang several around the room so students know to look at it
instead of ask me all of the time.
 Make sure the classroom clock works.
 Have sharpened pencils ready.
 Know what art supplies I have on hand.
 Prepare a sub folder with the rules, routines, and procedures as well as worksheets and
assignments when I need to miss a day of work for an emergency.

First Day of School

Sample Day 1 Bellwork

Each student will be given a T-shirt About Me worksheet to work on. There will be a tray

with the worksheets, crayons, colored pencils, and markers on their tables.

Details on How the Teacher will Greet Students

Teacher and student introductions made by playing a game called Two Truths and a Lie

and an icebreaker. We will introduce ourselves to the class and tell two true things about

ourselves and one lie. The class must guess what the lie is. I will start the game by writing three

things on the whiteboard—two interesting true things and one lie. The students will guess which

one the lie is. After they figure it out, I will let them ask questions about me, and I will answer.

Then students will take turns telling us all their two truths and one lie so we can guess what the

lie is.

Description of How Procedures will be Taught

I will hand out the class syllabus and read it as a class and answer any questions my

students may have. Procedures will be taught by demonstration such as “this is how we walk

down the hall to the lunchroom” and “this is how we are dismissed from class.” For example, my

restroom procedure is as follows: I will explain to the students that I have a red solo cup on the

table by the pencil sharpener. When a student needs to be excused to go to the restroom, they are

to get up, walk over to the red solo cup, pick it up and put it on their table at their seat. Then they

must sign out on the sign out sheet at the door with their time and location. Then they are to take

the hall pass with them. No one will be allowed to go to the restroom until that student gets back.

As I am explaining the restroom procedure to the class, I will rehearse the action steps myself.

Then I will call on a student to rehearse the action steps for the class. This will help reinforce the

restroom procedure and help the student to remember.


Agenda of Events for the First Day

Homeroom/Breakfast 7:05-7:25 20
1st Period 7:25-7:35 10
2nd Period 8:21-9:04 43
3rd Period 9:07-9:50 43
4th Period 9:53-10:36 43
5th Period 10:39-11:22 43
Lunch 11:22-11:52 30
Mentorship 11:57-12:27 30
6th Period 12:30-1:13 43
7th Period 1:16-1:59 43
8th Period 2:02-2:45 43

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