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Microsoft Graph API install @nicrosoft/microsoft: roy Install the SDK library eg. rr Import client. Eg. You just provide the API endpoint Microsoft Graph connectors Practice Exams and Flash cards if Microsoft Graph connectors offer a simple way to Bi SSSI ES and enhance Microsoft 365 intelligent experiences. Cheat she $F You might want to build a custom connector to integrate with services that aren't available as connectors built by Microsoft using the Microsoft Graph connector REST APIs. You can use the Microsoft Graph connectors API to: + Create and manage external data connections. + Define and register the schema of the external data type(s). ‘+ Ingest external data items into Microsoft Graph. + sync external groups. Microsoft Search indexes all your Microsoft 365 data to make it searchable for users. With Microsoft Graph connectors, your organization can index third-party data so it appears in Microsoft Search results Microsoft Graph Connectors Gallery Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards i> Microsoft has a gallery website containing 100+ connectors connector Connectors are implemented by Microsoft or Third-Party Partners Example connectors ‘AmazonS3 — by BA Insight Azure Blob Storage — by Accenture Google Cloud SQL — by BA Insight IBM Connections — by Raytion Google Drive — by BA Insight Azure DevOps — by Microsoft Connectors might not be free, and their structions greatly vary based on the implementor Microsoft Graph Data Connect Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a> Microsoft Graph Data Connect augments Microsoft Graph’s transactional model with an intelligent way to access rich data at scale. Microsoft Graph Data Connect Seca entice 65 nae ig ata sod intone chine ong |B comm 1 ricroson 365] AL rue Ba > Gar > 4 Microsoft Graph Data Connect uses ABUFe/DataFatOFY to copy Microsoft 365 data to your application's storage at configurable intervals. Microsoft Graph Data Connect Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a> Microsoft Graph Data Connect needs to be turned on in the M365 Admin Center under Atte _ > Settings -> Org Settings -> Services W gcune . ‘Once turned on you can access M365 Data.” i in Azure Data Factory by adding it as a 2 os bs e owe Dataset and using it in a pipeline \ eles . ee » erat gh Ot Com ~ Introduction to Microsoft Graph Cheat sheet Microsoft Graph is + Microsoft 365 + Windows 10, + Enterprise Mobility + Security GS Extend Microsoft 365 experiences Ea ae i a] ‘era at — Microsoft identity 2. Connectors (get external data in) Microsoft Graph , Practice Exams and Flashcards > Microsoft Graph is composed of thre =o! 20nents: 1. Microsoft Graph API 2. Microsoft Graph Connectors 3. Microsoft Graph Data Connect Cle Build your experience mee § 1, Graph API: (Programmatically access Various Microsoft services) 3, Graph Data Connect (store data) Azure Front Door Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards Azure Front Door is a Traffic Manager, Traffic Accelerator, Global Load Balancer and Content Distribution Network (CDN). ‘Azure Front Door i 2 HGRtAISSBIESSHaaIEPPIREESREBIGESHRproviding a secure, scalable CDN, dynamic site acceleration, and global HTTP(s) load balancing for your global web applications. Azure Front Door features: + Caching, like CONs with rules and expiring policies. * Resiliency, by distributing incoming traffic across multiple or different Azure Regions. + Cookie-based session affinity, for restful applications when traffic needs to be redirected back to the same back-end. * Health probe, to determine the healthiest and closest back-end to the client request. + Web Application Firewall (WAF), protecting your back-ends from malicious attacks and vulnerabilities. + URL redirect, redirecting traffic based on: + Protocol, HTTP or HTTPS. + Hostname + Path. + Querystring, + URLrewrite, with a powerful engine for rewriting income requests to a different back-end request. Azure Front Door Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards An Azure Front Door is made that are connected to Backend Pools where up of Frontends/Domains. those connections are filtered by routing rules eastus Tesla KS} — = & Os e— = Azure Front Door — Core Components Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards df Profile — containers all Front Door components Endpoint — The pathway from frontend to backend Op me reer rm ee —— em == - S onan Name War Policy | Are hop Sanco dge Location Cronus | [FR ul Ena Origin Groups — a grouping of origins Origin — defining the route to backend Azure Front Door — Tiers Cheat sh Practice Exams and Flash cards df Azure offers two tiers for Azure Front Door Standard (Delivery Optimized) + Content delivery optimized + Offering both static and dynamic content acceleration + Global load balancing + SSL offload + Domain and certificate management + Enhanced traffic analytics * Basic security capabilities Premium (Security Optimized) + Everything in Standard + Extensive security capabilities across WAF + BOT protection + Private Link support + Integration with Microsoft Threat intelligence and security analytics. Azure Front Door — Rovting Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a> Routing it the path an HTTP request from | HTTP Request from User the user will take to reach a Backend service configured in Azure Front Door ‘9 | Send to closest Edge Location Go] match to Azure Front Door Profile ‘There are four traffic routing methods available: v d. tateney Evaluate WAF Rules + requests are sent to the lowest latency backends acceptable within a sensitivity range 2. Priority evaluate ‘engine rules ‘+ requests are sent based on a user-defined number 3. Weighted 4 Return cached content + requests are distributed to backends according to the Lisacconmeo | weight coefficients lect Origin Group 4, Session Affinity ‘Si setect origin + requests from the same end user gets sent to the same backend (for stateful backends) GS cena Request to Origins Backend Up atch to Azure Front Door Route Azure Front Door — Origin Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a> The origin is what Azure Front Door will point at (serve up) to the end user Origin is the endpoint that points to your backend Supported Orig for Azure Frong Door nae Bb Senge See 3 + Azure Storage (static website hosting) | 9" E + Cloud service Honma + Appservices + Static Web App Priority determines who to send traffic to first. + Anumber between 1-5, + lower number is higher priority + Backends can have the same priority number Oignton hte [apap hacen + API Management (APIN weer ep taad vspons (Ze Weights allow you to determine the split of + Application Gateway traffic distribution between origins of the same + Public iP Address vor i priority. + Azure Traffic Manager _ = + Anumber between 1-1000 + Azure Spring Cloud «en own + The default value is 50 + Azure Container Instances (ACI) + Custom (provide a host name) OF hot me suas only wight Azure Front Door — Origin Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a> The origin is what Azure Front Door will point at (serve up) to the end user Origin is the endpoint that points to your backend Supported Orig for Azure Frong Door nae Bb Senge See 3 + Azure Storage (static website hosting) | 9" E + Cloud service Honma + Appservices + Static Web App Priority determines who to send traffic to first. + Anumber between 1-5, + lower number is higher priority + Backends can have the same priority number Oignton hte [apap hacen + API Management (APIN weer ep taad vspons (Ze Weights allow you to determine the split of + Application Gateway traffic distribution between origins of the same + Public iP Address vor i priority. + Azure Traffic Manager _ = + Anumber between 1-1000 + Azure Spring Cloud «en own + The default value is 50 + Azure Container Instances (ACI) + Custom (provide a host name) OF hot me suas only wight Azure Front Door — Origin Groups Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a Origin groups are collection of origins. * Origins must belong to an Origin group. + Azure FrontDoor Profile have by default a origin group called default-origin-group te wipe Rm ex Tana =aaee Origins Groups allow you to apply: + Health Probes — the health of your origins * Load Balancing Settings ~ the balancing of your origins © In order for inbound traffic to reach an Origin Group a Endpoint Paaneewonedem © needs to be associated to the Origin Group via a Route [_& Assocation rot | ~_— Azure Front Door — Health Checks Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a> — Origin Group Health Probes allow you to ping a backend to saws GB Erste eats probes, determine if a healthy response is returned. . A healthy response is determined by Status 200 (OK). Owns When a backend is considered unhealthy traffic will not be nieve a = routed but instead routed to other health backend (if there are other origin’s configured ) ter do econes)* © [100 What is a HTTP Response Code? When a user sends an HTTP request, a HTTP response is return. ‘An HTTP responses will have a response code to communicate how a backend/server interpreted the request: A Response Code is number that coordinates to what happened: + 200 —OK + 403 — Forbidden + 404 — Not Found + 500 — Internal Server Error Azure Front Door — Load Balancing Settings Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards toad balancing Origin Group Load Balancing Settings Allows you to define what sample set is needed to be Sample size * a used to call the backend as healthy or unhealthy. Successful sample requires * 3 The latency sensitivity with value zero (0) means always send it to the fastest SL available backend, else Front Door will round robin traffic between the fastest and the next fastest backends within the configured latency sensitivity. Azure Front Door — Custom Domain Names Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards > You can associate multiple Custom domain names with an Azure Front Door Profile Azure Front Door — Endpoint Manager Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards i Endpoint Manager provides an overview of endpoints you've configured for your Azure Front Door. Azure Front Door Endpoint manager has no relation to Microsoft Endpoint Manager A. mprondone wtsoraneetiet ed 2 tdtendpcnt [| Dae andpit = oman © ots grows © poutes @ su myrontdoc s4:0 nue tao group ented eto rote yt Endpoint Manager list how many instances of each element are created within an endpoint The association status for each element will also be displayed. Azure Front Door — Routes Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards > A route maps your domains and [IEEIIUEURIUEEIEUIS: 0 a specific origin eroup. Routes can have caching and compression applied oes {i wenccane att ey sting xing behav * ¥ amprsion 1B Ene comprsion Rules from Rule Sets can be associated to Routes to apply intelligent routing Selec rue ses py oth route Rule sets rence in thon shown, move resets Moe toto ¥ B baie : Domains Domains * Accepted protcois* [ITP and HTTPS v Redirect (Gy ecirec at wat to use HTTPS Fin group rein group Y Orin pat Forwacing protect © HTTP ony —— Ons onl © ser inconing rquet Azure Front Door — Traffic acceleration Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards Azure Front Door is capable of traffic acceleration, Without requiring to make any modifications to your application code, Azure Front Door can speed up global delivery of your application ‘Azure achieves this traffic 2 acceleration by directing trafficto | “8 the nearest edge location to = ‘onramp into the Azure Network. a oe “3s sees + co & Azure Front Door Rules Engine allows you to customize how HTTP requests gets handled at the edge and provides a more controlled behavior to your web application c= 2) (ees 9) 7 ee + hata Conditions: + Device Type + HTTP Version + Request Cookies + Post ares + Query string + Remote address + | Request body +| Request file name *+| Request file extension *+| Request header + | Request method + | Request path + | Request protocol Request URL U Azure Front Door — Rule Sets Cheat sh Operators: + Equal + Contains + Less Than + Greater Than + Less Than or Equal + Greater Than or Equal + Begins with + Ends With + Regex + (all previous operators have a NOT variant) Practice Exams and Flash cards if Action: + Cache expiration + Cache Behaviour: Bypass, Override, Set if Missing + Cache key query string * Behaviour: Include, Cache every unique URL, Exlude, Ignore query string + Modify request header / Modify response header * Operator: Append, Overwrite, Delete + URL redirect + Redirect type: Found (302), Moved (301), Temporary redirect (307), Permanent redirect (308) + Redirect protocol: Match request, HTTP, HTTPS: + URL rewrite + Source pattern + Destination + Origin group override ® Adplication Insights Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards i n Insights is an Application Performance Management (APM) service It is a sub-service of Azure Monitor. Applic: What is an APM? Monitoring and management of performance and availability of software apps. APM strives to detect and diagnose complex application performance problems to maintain an expected level of service. why use Application Insights? * automatically detect performance anomalies * includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users do with your app + designed to help you continuously improve performance and usability * works for apps on a for .NET, Node.js, Java, and Python hosted on-premises, hybrid, or any public cloud, «Integrates with your DevOps process * can monitor and analyze telemetry from mobile apps by integrating with Visual Studio App Center @ Application Insights Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards > To use Application Insights you need to instrument your application. * To instrument you need to install the instrument package (SDK) * Orenable Application insights using the Application Insights Agents when supported a ie Frontend a. Ghent ae [@ Avent a ° i é [@ Avent Eye Ie Workers, Sener ‘Apps can be instrumented from anywhere ‘There are many ways to view your telemetry data = Application init When you set up Application Insights monitoring for your web app, you create an Application Insights resource in Microsoft Azure. You open this resource in the Azure portal in order to see and analyze the telemetry collected from your app. The resource is identified by an instrumentation key (ikey) @ Application Insights Cheat she What does Application Insights Monitor? + Request rates, response times, and failure rates + Dependency rates, response times, and failure rates + Exceptions + Page views and load performance + AUAX calls + User and session counts + Performance counters + Host diagnostics + Diagnostic trace logs + Custom events and metrics Practice Exams and Flash cards i> Where do | see my telemetry? * Smart detection and manual alerts * Application map * Profiler + Usage Analysis, * Diagnostic search for instance data + Metrics Explorer for aggerated data + Dashboards * Live Metrics Stream + Analytics * Visual Studio + Snapshot debugger + Power BI + REST API * Continuous Export Open Telemetry Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards > & Open Telemetry (OTEL) is a é Opentelemetry so instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data Open Telemetry is standardizes the way telemetry data (metrics, logs and traces) are generated and collected. Wire protocol wire protocol refers to a way of getting — an data from point to point. Eg. SOAP, AMOP @ Application Insights supports OTEL as an alternative 4 to the Azure Analytics SDK for instrumentation a ° Application Insights — Instrumentation You Instrument your application by adding the Azure Azure supports the following languages: Application Insights SDK and implementing traces. + .NET, Java, Python, Node js, Javascript Poot 9 Application Insights — Auto Instrumentation Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards > Auto-instrumentation allows you to enable application monitoring with Application Insights without changing your code. OnBD = On By Default —> Environmant/Resouree Provider NET INET Cora Java Node je, Python [Azure App Service on Windows — [GAVOnBD™ [GA, optin Public Preview, Container [Pubic Preview [and Custom Containers are lca [Azure App Service on Linux Ina Public Preview GA Ion [Azure Funetions Basie [GA, OnBo* [GA, On8o* [ca, oneo* [ca, OnB0* [Azure Functions - dependencies [Azure Spring-Cloud [Azure Kubernetes Service Ina [Azure Vis Windows [Public Preview Public Preview [Through agent [OnPremises Vis Windows |GA optin Public Preview [Through agent [standalone agent any env Introduction to Azure Monitor Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a Azure Monitor comprehensive solution foteolleeting, atalyzing, and acting on telem..F) from your cloud and on-premises environments * Create Visual Dashboards + Smart Alerts “con inne + Automated Actions + Log Monitoring Many Azure services by default are already “ e O | sending telemetry data to Azure Monitor oa The Pillars of Observobility Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards > What is Observability? ‘The ability to measure and understand how internal systems Looks like they should have called work in order to to answer questions regarding performance, tolerance, it the Triforce of Observability security and faults with a system / application. ‘To obtain observability you need to use Mates, L6g3 and TAGES. it You have to use them together, using them in isolate does not gain you observability Metrics Anumber that is measured over period of time eg. If we measured the CPU usage and aggerated it over an a period of time we could have an Average CPU metric Logs A text file where each line contains event data about what happened at a certain time. Traces Ahistory of request that is travels through multiple ‘Apps/services so we can pinpoint performance or failure. Anatomy of Azure Monitor Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards > The sources of common monitoring data to populate datastores der by (Highest to Lowest) -@Baraurementor Application “ Operating System ‘Azure Resources 0 pee -—> ‘Azure Subscription were Azure Tenant Custom Sources ‘The functions that Azure monitor can perform se nome O & a viewaice Dd fn) Dastooncs ewe Power Bt Woibocks S i The two fundamental data stores are Metrics and Logs Azure Monitor — Sources Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards Application Code: performance and functionality of application and code. Performance traces, application logs, and user telemetry. You need to install Instrumentation Package to collect data for Application Insights Metrics describing the performance and operation and custom metrics for your application Application ce [metrics J > itl Metrics Explorer a C —= | —+(@ replcaton nage) — __! Toa ns Availabilty ests esponsvenessof sawn Loe ae seme your application from different | ; caning > — 14s store operational data about your application == including page views, application requests, exceptions, and traces. + Send application data to Azure Storage for archiving. * Details of availability test stored * Debug snapshot data that is captured for a subset of exceptions is stored in Azure Storage. A Azure Monitor — Sources Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards + Log Analyties Agent is installed for for comprehensive monitoring Dependency Agent collects discovered data about processes running on the virtual machine and external process dependencies ‘Agents can be installed on the OS for VMs running in Azure, On-premise or other cloud provider Diagnostics Extension collect, performance counters store in Metrics Application Insights Logs colectogs and performance Lewis | (Gill Metics Explorer counters from the compute cme | Giese) Neues apporing yer application to be analyzed ==. Ss (Dresmoapes——) with other application data «are dagpoctics xtenson shay rite to an Azure Storage acount TES: ere Moritortor vite ues the Log Anais agentto store heath state ‘Azure Storage _information in a custom location. — L_, ——+ (Non-azure destination) ‘Azure Event Hu Diagnostics Extension to stream the data to other locations using Event Hubs Azure Monitor — Sources Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards Platform metrics will write to the Azure Monitor metrics database with no configuration. ‘Access platform metrics from Metries Explorer. — Litre | > (idl Metics Explorer ey > £~ Tending and other analysis ‘Azure Resources. |? = i Log Analytics using Log Analytics Copy platform metrics to Logs —= || > es, Send resource logs to Azure Storage for archiving. ‘Azure Storage Non-Azure destination ‘Azure Event Hub Stream metrics to other locations using Event Hubs Ar + Resource logs provide insights into the internal operation of an Azure resource. + Resource logs are created automatically + you must create a diagnostic setting to specify a destination for them to collected for each resource Azure Monitor — Sources Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards Azure subscription: Telemetry related to the health and operation of your Azure subscriptio Azure Service Health provides [Metrics J» Metrics Explorer Information about the health of the Azure services in your subscription that yur application and resources rely on. ae your application and ly [tous J-> (BD cea anaiytics ”) (BD cea anaiytics ”) Analytics Azure Subscription — = haus Sore .— = ——»(_ Non-Azure destination LU, ou ‘Azure Event Hub Azure Monitor — Sources Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards i> Telemetry related to your Azure tenant is collected from tenant-wide services such as Azure Active Directory. Cc —s [ Metrics] —+( gD Log Anaiytics Cc =I - = Azure Active Directory reporting contains the history of sign-in activity and audit trail of changes made within a particular tenant. Azure Storage N "+ Conran Azure Monitor — Sources Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards i> You may need to monitor other resources that have telemetry that can't be collected with the other data sources. For these resources, write this data to either Metrics or Logs using an Cc 7 [Metrics | » (_ ill Metrics Explorer Cc > |_| = + ( 2 Log Analytics Collect log data from any REST client and store in Log Analytics and Azure Monitor metrics database Azure Monitor — Data Stores Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a> Azure Monitor collects two fundamental types of data from sources: Logs and Metrics Azure Monitor Logs *+ collects and organizes log and performance data from monitored resources + data logs are consolidated from different sources into workspaces + platform logs from Azure services, + log and performance data from virtual machines agents, + usage and performance data from applications can be consolidated + Ina workspace so they can be analyzed together using a sophisticated query language capable of analyzing millions of records. * Work with ig queries and their results interactively using Log Analytics —> Azure Monitor Metrics * collects numeric data from monitored resources into a tfilSeHeSWatabase. + Metrics are numerical values collected at regular intervals and describe some aspect of a system at a particular time + lightweight and capable of supporting near real-time scenarios, useful for alerting and fast detection of issues * You can analyze them interactively with Metrics Explorer ~~ © Log Analytics Workspaces Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a> Log Analytics workspace is a unique environment for Azure Monitor log data Each workspace has its own data repository and configuration, and data sources and solutions are configured to store their data in a particular workspace ® examprologanalaytics | Vitual machines a we 2 on 2 sis © te oe ® Log Analytics Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards af Log Analytics is a tool in the Azure portal used f8|6ditand FuRIlOg qUEHES with data in Azure Monitor Logs. oun? Log Analytics uses a query language called KL Kusto and Kusto Query Language (KSL) xams and Flash cards i> Azure Monitor Logs is based on Azure Data Explorer, and log queries are written using the same Rill lanigURES (REL) racy eT Perea Sano KL can be used in Kusto is based on relational database management systems, and + Log Analytics supports entities such as databases, tables, and columns. * Logalert rules * Workbooks ‘Some query operators include * Azure Dashboards * calculated columns + Logic Apps + searching and filtering on rows * PowerShell * group by-aggregates + Azure Monitor Logs API join functions Kusto queries execute in the context of some Kusto database that is attached to a Kusto cluster. Kusto Entities Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards Kusto is generally composed of the following entities: Clusters, Databases, Tables, Columns, Fun io + Clusters are entities that hold databases Databases are named entities that hold tables and stored functions Stored functions are named entities that allow reuse of Cluster . Kusto queries or query parts. Database Stored Function — External tables are entities that reference data stored, outside Kusto database. External tables are used for exporting data from Kusto to external storage as well as for querying external data without ingesting it into Kusto. Table Stored Function External Table ‘Stored Function Tables are named entities that hold data. Columns are named entities that have a scalar data type. A table has an ordered set of columns, and zero or Columns are referenced in the query relative to the tabular data more rows of data, each row holding one data value _ stream that is in context of the specific operator referencing them for each of the columns of the table Kusto Scalar Data Types Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards What ae Scalars? In Kusto, datatypes are used for various things: Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a + columns can have defined data type, magnitude (or numerical value) alone + Function parameters expect specific data types and there are ‘What are Data Types? ‘A data type defines how a piece of data is interpreted eg. An Integer number could be a datatype + bool, Boolean represents a true or false value + datetime, date represents a date and/or time eg. 2015-12-31 23:59:59.9 Time is always stored in UTC timezone + decimal represents a 128-bit wide, decimal number eg. 12.88 + Int represents a signed, 32-bit wide, integer eg. 5 + long represents a signed, 64-bit wide, integer + guid, wuid, uniqueid represents a 128-bit globally-unique value eg. 74be27de-Le4e-49d9-b579-fe0b331d3642 + real represents a 64-bit wide, double-precision, floating-point number + string represents a Unicode string. Kusto strings are encoded in UTF-8 and by default are limited to 1MB eg. “hello world” + Timespan represents a time interval eg. 2d = 2 days, 30m = 30 minutes, Itick = 100 nano seconds + Dynamic A special datatype that can be: + Accept primitive scalar data type eg. bool, datetime, guid, int, long, real, string, timespan + Be an array of data types eg. [1,2,3,"hello”] + Bea property bag of data types {"a":1, "b":{"a":2}} + Null is special value that represents a missing value. Any Datatype can hold a value of null _Kosto Control Commands c xams and Flash cards a Control commands can modify data and metadata and has it own syntax different from KUL The following control command creates a new Kusto table : with two columns eda ena rear Cre ccte tats) Sattecn ‘S create-or-atter Ssetcor-sppend ‘Avery common control command is “show” for basteutn example this will count all tables capacity eloster © coneands-and-querses © datapases Results | siagnostics Kusto Functions Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a> Functions are reusable queries or query parts. Kusto supports several kinds of functions: SHSRREREHIONS, wich are user-defined functions that are stored and managed a one kind ofa database's schema entities User-defined function belongs to one of two categories: * Scalar functions (input scalar datatypes, and outputs scalar datatypes) * Tabular functions (in tabular data, and outputs tabular data) (CRSEPEARTIRSEURENERS, which are user-defined functions that are defined and used within the scope of a single query [BGUEITGRERERE, which are hard-coded (defined by Kusto and cannot be modified by users + Special functions selects Kusto entities eg. cluster) + Aggregation functions performs a calculation on a set of values, and returns a single value eg. count() ——\y + Windows functions operate on multiple rows (records) in a row set at a time. eg. row_number() Kusto Scalar Operators Cheat she , Practice Exams and Flash cards a These perform comparisons against Scalar Datatypes Bitwise (binary) operators _Datetime /timespan arithmetic + binary_and + add or subtract datetime eg. datetime(1997-06-25) - datetime(1910-06-11) * binary_not + add, subtract, divide or multiple timespan eg. 1d + 2d + binary_or + binary_shift_left + binary_shift_right Numerical operators (works on int, long and real) + Add #, Subtract £, Multiply #, Divide / + Modulo % + binary_xor eal {eicars) agmenioen Less , Greater Equal, Not Equa El, Lessor Equal BE, Greater or Equal SE D Equals to one of the elements ff aes Not equal f the el ii a eons lot equals to any of the elements fi + Logical and afid String operators + Logical or 6 . =~, I~, has, has, hasprefixhasprefix, hassuffix,, contains, startswith, endswith, matches, in, has_any (many more...) between operator Matches the input that is inside the inclusive range. + Table | where Numi between (1... 10) + Table | where Time between (datetime(2017-01-01) .. datetime(2017-01-01)) _Kusto Tabular Operators n cards df These perform comparisons against a bunch of rows. There are a lot of tabular operators count — Returns the count of rows in the table. sort — Sort the rows of the input table into order by one or more columns. take — returns up to the specified number of rows of data Pees Sea Ce om Srs project — returns a specific set of columns. ‘where — Filters a table to the subset of rows that satisfy a predicate. ems Er een Cr me een erro Se eee Cec Kusto Tabular Operators top — returns the first NV records sorted by the specified columns eae ies crayemiacrr) ea ane Petes aac eee ma extend — creates a new column by computing a value carro ee ae as ae cee i Pies ia iS cas cee aT pasa sumarize — Aggregates groups of row render — Renders results as a graphical output Romane i Cera F a ONS M Ce aR e DD rere Metrics Explorer Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards i Metrics Explorer is a sub-service of Azure Monitor that allows you to plot charts, visualize correlating trends, and investigate spikes and dips in i Charting options 4a Metrics Explorer Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards > To visualize a metric you need to define: ‘Scope: You can select *resource(s) Eg. VM, StorageaAccount Metric: The actual value you are interested in visualizing Neti Narespece ete : ‘Aagraation jose Aresource such as an Azure VM is designated as the Target Resource and it omits a signal The Alert Rule defines who should we monitor and when should we react The Signal is a data payload emitted from the resource that could be the following types: + Metric + Log + Activity log + Application insights ‘The signal is evaluated against a criteria or logical test to determine if the alert has been triggered eg. Percentage CPU > 70% The current state of your alert . ‘Monitor Condition is set by the system ens € Alert state is set by the user ‘An action could be a: ‘Automation runbook, Azure Function, ITSM, Logic App, Webhooks or Secure Webhooks ‘An action group contains actions to be that will be performed when alert is triggered {4 Azore Dashboards Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards qf Dashboards are a virtual workspaces to IIe Sa day S56 atoh id MORROFEFGUREES Build custom dashboards based on projects, tasks, or user roles Tie Galery snow Prana 6 Azure Workbooks Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards f= ‘Workbooks provide a flexible canvas for data analysis and the creation of rich visual reports within the Azure pc al They allow you to tap into multiple data sources from across Azure and combine them into unified interactive experiences. It tells a story about the performance and availability about your applications and services. Workbooks are temporary workspaces to define a document-like format with visualization intertwined to help investigate and discuss performance, Azure Monitor CheatSheet Exam Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a> Azure Monitor comprehensive solution FSRIGERRGISSN SFA SERRATE from your cloud and on-premises em ont nts + Create Visual Dashboards + Smart Alerts + Automated Actions + Log Monitoring Toot itt you need to use HS, ana TER fou haa 1 use Dm together, using tein wolate doesnot gain you observabilty ber that is measured over period of time where each ne contains event data about what happened ata certain time. ory of request thats travels through multiple Apps/services so we can pinpoint performance or flue. ‘Azure Monitor collects two fundamental types of data fom sources: Logs and Metres ‘Altra Monitor Lops collects nT RTS: lg ard perforranes data from moritored resources + data logs are consolidated from diferent sources into workspaces platform logs frm Azure services + og and performance data fom virtual machines agents, + usage and performance data from applications canbe consolidated + Ina workspace so they can be analyzed together using a sophisticated query language capable of analyzing milion of records. '* Work with log queries and their results interactively using Log Analytics ‘Azure Monitor Metres collects numeric data from monitored resources into 2 SESE. + Metrics are numerical values collected at regular intervals and describe some aspect of a system ata particular time + lightweight and capable of supporting near realtime scenarios, useful for alerting and fst detection of sues & Youcan analyz them interactively with Metres Explorer Azure Monitor CheatSheet Exam o Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards i Log Analytics sa tol in the Azure portal used HIGHEST RIRISEUGHE with data in Azure Monitor Logs. + Log Analytics uses a query language called KL eter slaps 3k un arernemnent tr earaGritor egies SBS essere ets var te epoatory and tonlewton dane oar ad soko rice ts ta tale ata Hs waripate ‘ture Monitor Logs's based on Azure Dota Explorer and log queries ae writen using the same kisi géeVlagtnge GU) > Ma an ace Lt Analy, og lt ay trl, cura shoud age Ap tyme, ore Mae as AP 3 ae tba ioe cae nae en ek tenon oh ng ain 2 lh * Some query operators include + eakulatd columns, searching and tering on rows, group by-aggregtes, on functions + asto queries execute in the context of some Kst database tha attached to eKusto cluster + lett geerly espa ofthe follow antec: Sy lla ly Coane Re = Chasers re anne ht hal detahaes —E—E—_—=—_ —_—_—_—svvT * Duthaner aes neue entdertec hc tabbecard ed treaon, = ‘Sai Sasi ents oe ht Sr a eT AC + Tables are named entities that hold dat. {CSRs ae raed UR i ae asa de * External tables are entities that reference data stored outside Kusto database. “+ Metrics Explorer isa sub-service of Azure Monitor that allows you to plot charts, visualize correlating trends, and investigate spikes and dips in IBRRIL. To visualize a metric you need to defines + Scope: You can select *resource(s) Ramanan pee gap of mks wan + Metri'The actual value you are interested in vsuaizing apogee hn you sr go thavaluas Yo last Azure Monitor CheatSheet Exam od Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards Alerts notify you when issues are found with your infrastructure or application ‘+ They allow you to identify and address issues before the users of your system notice them. + Azure has 3 kinds of Alerts 1. Metric Alerts 2. Log Alerts 3. Activity Log Alerts ‘Azure Dashboards are a virtual workspaces to ‘Azure Workbooks provide a fexible canvas for data analysis and the creation of rich visual reports within the Azure portal, + Ittellsa story about the performance and availability about your applications and services. ‘Application insights is an service It is a sub-service of Azure Monitor. ‘+ automatically detect performance anomalies + includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users do with your app ‘+ designed to help you continuously improve performance and usability + works for apps on a for .NET, Node,js, Java, and Python hosted on-premises, hybrid, or any public cloud, + Integrates with your DevOps process ‘+ can monitor and analyze telemetry from mobile apps by integrating with Visual Studio App Center ‘To use Application insights you need to instrument your application. ‘+ To instrument you need to install the instrument package (SDX) + Orenable Application Insights using the Application Insights Agents when supported ‘+ Apps can be instrumented from anywhere ‘+ When you set up Application Insights monitoring for your web app, you create an Application Insights resource in Microsoft Azure. ‘+ You open this resource in the Azure portal in order to see and analyze the telemetry collected from your app. ‘+The resource is identified by an instrumentation key (key) Azure API Management Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a integrates existing back-end services into modern API gateways. S It follows the API-first approach, decoupling —_ front-end and back-end teams with the help = of API mocking. a a— Ge b>. Azure API Management handles the full management of your APIs. ‘Ar Management uncon Apps Azure Cosmos 08 ‘Serwoee It centralizes the securing, versioning, documentation, and compliance from your back-end services in a single point. xj Visual Studio Azure API Management — Key Concepts Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a API represents a set of operations. + API Operation connects an API endpoint to its backend. Product: A logical grouping of APIs A single or a group of APIs make up a product, which is how your APIs are presented to developers. It can be either public or private. HBB represents back-end services in your API. Group, used to manage the visibility of products to developers: + Administrators have full access to the AP! Management. + Developers, users with access to the developer's portal with permissions to build applications. + Guests, users without access to the developer's portal but with reading permissions in some services. Developer, belongs to one or more Product groups, and each developer has a primary and secondary key to call the product's APIs. Policies, configurations and validations that are applied in progress to incoming requests and outcome responses. Named Values, key-value pairs used with policies. Values can be a result of an expression. Gateway, is where your API calls are received, and policies are applied to incoming requests Developer Portal, where developers can access all APIs and products listed by your APIM alongside its API's operations and documentations. Developers can also request access to your APIs from the developer's portal. APIM — Echo API Service Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards i> When you create an APIM Gateway by default it will create an API called Echo API Echo API is a non-production azure service = mee Hs that is used to test Azure API Management APIM — Feature Comparison Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a Feature Consumption, Developer, Basic Standard. Premium _— ‘Azure AD integration Yer Yer Yer Virtual Network (VNet) support BG ‘Mult-region deployment ‘vallability ones ‘Multiple custorn domain names Developer Portal Builtin cache Builtin analytes Self-hosted gateway TUS setings| ‘External cache Client certificate authentication Policies Yes Yes Yes Yer ‘Backup and restore [eZ | €| F) F) F| #) f) f] F] FF] F #| | f) f| # Feature APIM — Feature Comparison Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a Consumption Developer Premium ‘Management over Git 7 i" Direct management APL ‘Azure Monitor logs and metrics Static IP ‘WebSocket APIs fl) ele) a) 8) eg #| ff) f) #) #/ 8 f\ f/f) F/ Ff (GraphOlL APIs €| €| #) f| | # APIM — API Authentication Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards > In order to authenticate with our APIS, we configure those settings under the subscription section. Subscription ‘Subscription a If the subscription is required, only developers with a ‘eopted valid access key can use it. Header name Ocp-Apim-Subseription-Key (query poameter[subsciplonkey is not checked, anonymous requests are allowed ame Here we can configure where the API will receive the Security access keys, which can be sent as a header or query string. User authorization @ None ©) OAuth 2.0. © OpentD comect APIM — Groups Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a Groups are used to manage the visibility of products to developers. Administrators Manage AP! Management service instances and create the APIs, operations, and products that are used by developers Developers Authenticated developer portal users that build applications using your APIs. Developers are granted access to the developer portal and build applications that call the operations of an API. Guests Unauthenticated developer portal users, such as prospective customers visiting the developer portal. ‘They can be granted certain read-only access, such as the ability to view APIs but not call them. Administrators can also create custom groups or use external groups in an associated, Azure Active Directory tenant to give developers visibility and access to API products. ‘Auser can belong to more than one group. APIM — Frontends Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards > Frontends defines the route/endpoint and the documentation and configuration around that endpoint. API does not host APIs, it creates facades for your APIs. APIM — Backends Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a> For Backends you can set the following types: + Custom URL — point to server where your service is running + Azure Resource — Integrate directly to an Azure resource eg. + Azure Functions + App Service * Container App + Logic Ap_ + Aaure Service Fabric Authorization credentials present authorize requests’ credentials to the backend service. ‘+ Headers — HTTP headers + You can fetch from Named values + Query — query string + You can fetch from Named Values + Client certificates — x.509 certificates * Certificates stored in Azure Key Vault Type * (CERI etre resource sevice Fabric) Service Fabric) Runtime URL* © For example, https/ Validate certificate chain a Validate cerifcate name Wenders Quary, let cetfiates = ey Sect aed vale APIM — Policies Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards f+ API Management Policies allow you to change the behaviour at multiple stages of an endpoint’s request lifecycle You can update any part of the request and response messages eg. headers, body, URLs, ete. ‘There are four areas where polices can be applied —3> + Inbound —for incoming requests. + Backend before requests reach your backend. + Outbound _=before sending response back to client. + Error —when @ request encounters an error Frontend Inbound Processing Policies Outbound Processing Policies if other policies were in effect prior to the error, they will not be removed. ‘Advanced Policies + Authentication Policies + Caching Policies ‘Azure has a collection of policy groups + Cross-Domain Policies which contain many policies you can apply * Transformation Policies + Dapr integration Policies —> + Validation Policies Product-level Poll ly to all API a roduct-level Policies apply to all API operations within a product © Srp alien Poles Saas + Access esvion Poles APIM Authentication Policies Example Cheat sheets, Practice Exams and Flash cards a> > ExamProAPIM | APIs Using an BEBBRREIBBTIY to cache the response in a Gl operation inside the EBRBIABI. ExamProAPIM | APs APIM Authentication Policies Example ds i> APIM — - Access Restriction Policies xams and Flash cards af ‘Check HTTP header + Enforces existence and/or value of an HTTP Header. Limit call rate by subse + Prevents API usage spikes by limiting call rate, on a per subscription basis. Limit call rate by key + Prevents API usage spikes by limiting call rate, on a per key basis. Restrict caller IPs ‘+ Filters (allows/denies) calls from specific IP addresses and/or address ranges. Set usage quota by subscription + Allows you to enforce a renewable or lifetime call volume and/or bandwidth quota, on a per subscription basis. Set usage quota by key + Allows you to enforce a renewable or lifetime call volume and/or bandwidth quota, on a per key basis Validate JWT + Enforces existence and validity of a JWT extracted from either a specified HTTP Header or a specified query parameter. Validate client certificate + Enforces that a certificate presented by a client to an AP! Management instance matches specified validation rules and claims.

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