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Designer: Troy Watts
Story Design: Troy Watts

Cover Illustrator: Troy Watts

Template Created by William Tian

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast
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Credits ...................................................... 2 Ending 1: Key To Freedom (Main Ending)
Table of Contents ..................................... 3 ............................................................. 19

Introduction ............................................. 2 Ending 2: The Time Titan ...................... 20

The Time Loop ........................................ 2 Ending 3: Banished ............................... 20

Prologue ................................................... 3 Ending 4: A Missing Hourglass .............. 20

Chapter 1: The Winding Worm ................. 4 Appendix A: Monsters............................ 21

Evening ................................................... 4 The Cursed Bodak ................................. 21

Night ....................................................... 7 A Drunk Jackson Wackerbarrel ............. 21

Chapter 2: The Festival ............................. 9 The Pseudo-Titan .................................. 22

Morning .................................................. 9 The Time Titan ...................................... 23

Afternoon ............................................. 10 Appendix B: Items .................................. 24

Evening ................................................. 12 Appendix C: NPCs ................................... 27

Chapter 3: Looping Around Town ........... 14 Dakota Panswatter ............................... 27

The Winding Worm ............................... 14 Connor Blishhoney ................................ 28

Apple Orchard....................................... 14 Jacob Blasttrinkle .................................. 29

The Wary Woods .................................. 15 Gary Nimbletrip .................................... 30

The Museum ......................................... 15 Trisha Spearslinger................................ 31

The Guard Tower .................................. 17 Mugrub Gamwich ................................. 32

Chapter 4: The Endings ........................... 19 Jackson Wackerbarrel ........................... 33

Scribble ................................................. 34

and Winder Half. This also means the halves
will be missing from where the once were as
This adventure is focused mainly on social they are now making up the key. It also stays
puzzles and roleplay, though there are minor elements with whatever inventory it’s stored in between
of combat. The adventure is intended for a level 3 party, loops.
though it will probably be fine if the players aren’t 5. Time Titan: If the Time Titan (See Appendix A
exactly level 3. The players should be granted a level up for details) is activated, its state and position
at the end of the adventure (assuming Milestone are preserved between loops just like the
method is used). The adventure is on the shorter side, I hourglass.
estimate it can last between 1-2 sessions. To properly 6. The Cursed Bodak: If the Cursed Bodak dies, it
run this adventure, however, you will need to stays dead. The reason for this is explained in its
understand the main gimmick of the adventure: the description in Appendix A. If a loop starts and
time loop. the Cursed Bodak is dead, its corpse will be just
outside the Wary Woods (Its inventory will be
The Time Loop with the corpse). Only its death is preserved,
In this one-shot, the party is stuck in a time anything else about it resets.
loop. This time loop is caused by an artifact called the Because it’s just the memories being transferred,
Ashwin Hourglass (see Appendix B for details). On each the physical state of the party (and Scribble) is reverted.
loop, almost everything reverts to the signified point in This means statuses, health, spell slots, etc. are all
Chapter 1. Because things are reset, it’s important to try reverted to how they were when the loop started. This
to keep events consistent between loops, that is unless also includes death.
one of the Variables would cause something else to
happen. 7th Variable: Protection against the loop

The “Variables” In terms of mechanics, the time loop is considered a 9th

level spell casted by an artifact (the Ashwin Hourglass).
The time loop here isn’t perfect. There are a few things If the party somehow manages to protect an
that are carried over between loops: object/creature from the spell, that object/creature will
have its state and position preserved between loops. The
1. The Party’s Memories: The party’s memories
object/creature will NOT have a temporal clone, so they
are preserved between the loops. This also will be missing from where they originally would be at
includes companions that were part of the party the start of the loop.
before the time loop began (Ranger’s animal
companion, for example). What is and isn’t
considered part of the party for the purposes of In normal play, this variable is not expected to really
this is up to the DM’s discretion. happen. Since this is an artifact, even antimagic fields
2. Scribble’s Memories: Scribble (See Appendix C won’t be able to defend against the spell. This is a “just
for details) also remembers what happens in in case” sort of thing.
each loop.
3. Ashwin Hourglass: The position and state of the
hourglass is preserved between loops. If the Optional Rule: Temporal Soul Tear
hourglass is in someone’s inventory it stays in Death not lasting between loops could lead to players
their inventory between loops, even if the acting very reckless. If you believe this is a concern, or
position of the inventory changes due to the you just want a more hardcore experience, you can
loop. introduce the Torn status. Every time a player dies, part
4. Phantom Key: The Phantom Key (See Appendix of their soul is sent to the Ashwin Hourglass. You
B for details) has its position and state reduce their hitpoint maximum each time they die, the
preserved once it is formed from the Prong Half amount of which is up to the DM. Though I would
recommend cutting it by a fourth, that way they can You all arrive at Rezburg, a rural town known for its
survive 3 deaths. The Torn status is healed when the produce, in the Evening. There’s a festival tomorrow
player escapes the time loop or enters the Ashwin called the “Bananya Festival.” The town is suspiciously
Hourglass. Once their maximum hits 0, their soul is quiet when you arrive. The streets are empty save for a
trapped in the hourglass and their body will become a few guards on patrol. The reason for this starts to
Cursed Bodak that appears in the Wary Woods at the become clear as you near the tavern. The light
start of each loop. emanating from the tavern windows stretch along the
cobblestone street. You can hear the activity of the
Passage of Time patrons inside. You pass by a pile of crates as you go to
Keeping track of exact times for events is read the sign above the door: “The Winding Worm.”
daunting and difficult. So instead, the day is cut up into You already have reservations for this tavern, so you
head inside. The door closes behind you as you look
4 segments: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night.
These are further cut up into 3 parts: Early, Mid, and
Late. These will help you and your players keep track of Now on to Chapter 1!
time while also not requiring you to remember the
exact second an event should occur. The time loop lasts
for approximately 24 hours, so it both starts and ends at
the same time of day.

When time passes to the next part is up to DM.

You can have it so time won’t pass until a player is done
with their activity, or you could have it so an event
interrupts what they’re doing. I would recommend
using it as a pacing tool to keep the game moving along
so you don’t have the party standing in front of a door
for 5 hours.

NPCs aren’t just sitting in a single spot forever,
they’re off doing their own things. While the actions of
important NPCs are described within the chapters,
players may go off looking for someone who isn’t
present. To help you prepare for this situation, I’ve
given each important NPC a schedule. The NPCs will
follow these schedules assuming they haven’t been
influenced by a Variable in some way. How their
schedule changes or stays the same depends on the
Variable. The schedules are located with the NPCs in
Appendix C.

The campaign starts with an opening narration

given by the DM:

The party is expected to talk to some of these patrons,
though it’s possible they’ll ignore them all and start
drinking. If that’s the case, let them have their fun and
skip to Late Evening. I’ll describe the expected
At this point it is Mid-Evening of the day before the
interaction with each NPC here with their own section.
festival. Here’s what’s before the party when they
enter: What the Patrons Know
You’re in the Winding Worm. There’s a small goblin All of the named NPCs (except Jackson) have been
running back and forth along the bar, struggling to briefed by Trisha on the general plans for the festival.
fulfill the many orders of the patrons in the tavern. You They know that the food is setup during the Morning,
can also see him occasionally hop onto tables to pass that the games are setup in the Afternoon, and that the
out tankards of ale. You also spot a lizardfolk sitting at mysterious “climax” happens in the Evening, though
a table messing with a red cylinder with a short rope only Trisha knows what the “climax” is.
coming out of it. There is a halfling at another table in
a top hat and bowtie shuffling a deck of cards. There is
All of the named NPCS also know each other’s names
finally a kobold in a red cloak reading a book by
(except for Scribble’s name, which only Dakota knows)
and occupations (jobs for the festival, though Jackson
The goblin here is Gary Nimbletrip. The doesn’t have one). The NPCs are described in more detail
lizardfolk is Jacob Blasttrinkle. The halfling is Connor in Appendix C.
Blishhoney. The kobold is Dakota Panswatter. If you
Gary Nimbletrip (Winding Worm)
want more details about them, check Appendix C.
Gary is the bartender and owner of the Winding
You’ll probably be reading this block a lot. Feel Worm. It’s a very busy evening so he’ll be very
free to skip the block after the 3rd loop, instead distracted. If for whatever reason a player is trying to
informing the players that they’re back in the tavern. sneak to behind the bar, Gary will have disadvantage on
his perception check.
If Scribble knows that the party is in a time
loop, also add this to your description: Butterfly Effect: Honest Pay

A hooded kenku arrives from upstairs and sits at an If a player helps Gary with serving the patrons at the bar,
empty table. She unrolls a piece of parchment onto the Gary will be more friendly towards them later on. He will
table and waits. allow them to take an item out of the Contraband Box
in the Early Morning (more information about behind
The party may make a DC 12 Perception check the bar is given in Chapter 2).
to spot any more peculiar patrons. If they succeed, read
out this description: In the event that Gary notices one of the party
threatening to use a dangerous magical item (Beads of
Upon looking more intently, you spot 2 more fireballs, explosives, etc.) Gary will ask the individual to
interesting patrons. There is a human wearing a
put the item away. If the perpetrator refuses, Gary will
bandana staring at his drink seated at the bar. You also
confiscate the item (or at least attempt to) and put it in
spot a Tiefling adjusting her spectacles in the corner
the Contraband Box. The party can attempt to
simply observing the other patrons, smiling.
persuade (easier option) or intimidate (harder option)
The human is Jackson Wackerbarrel and the Tiefling is Gary to let them keep their item. The difficulty of this
Trisha Spearslinger. More details about them in check will vary on how much of a threat the item is to
Appendix C. the tavern. The party may only attempt this if the item
in question has not damaged the tavern yet.
Jacob Blasttrinkle (Winding Worm)
Mid-Evening (Winding Worm)
Jacob is the Pyrotechnic for the festival. He’s in
charge of the fireworks. The red cylinder he’s messing
with is a firework he’s making, which the party can learn He does know a bit about Jackson though. If the party
if they approach him. brings him up, or accuse him of stealing Jackson’s
money, his attitude will become sour and uncooperative.
What Jacob Blasttrinkle Knows
Jacob is from out of town, so he doesn’t know a whole Dakota Panswatter (winding Worm)
lot about Rezburg. He has, however, observed Dakota
Dakota is a cook and a bard, but an unorthodox
long enough to figure out that Dakota is an unusual
one at that. Rather than music, he channels magic with
bard. If the party asks Jacob about anything magical
unrelated to pyrotechnics, he will point them towards cooking. If the party approaches Dakota they will see
the direction of Dakota. that the book he is reading is a cook book.

Dakota won’t be very talkative at first. He may

If the party does ask questions relating to pyrotechnics, give single word replies, but he’ll be mostly focused on
he will be able to answer just about any question they his book. That is unless someone brings up
have. He will also be able to tell them the properties of cooking/food. At which point he will become much
any explosive/firework that the party brings to him. more invested in the conversation and willing to talk
Connor Blishhoney (Winding Worm)
Connor appears to be a sort of magician for hire What Dakota Panswatter Knows
on the surface, but is in reality a charlatan, unknown to
Dakota knows quite a bit about magic and can also read
everyone but Jackson. Connor uses the same skills for draconic. There are a few items with draconic writing on
street magic and picking pockets. He may show the them, so if no one in the party knows draconic he can
party a magic trick if they approach him. translate for them.
Connor also has the Prong Half of the key (See Dakota can help identify magic items they bring to him,
Appendix B for details) under his hat. It’s not that except for the Prong Half, Winder Half, and Phantom
important to him, so the party can easily convince him Key. He can read the draconic on those items, though.
to hand the item over (DC 10 persuasion or If the party asks about the Ashwin Hourglass (after
intimidation check). getting him to open up) he will inform the party that
Jackson knows the most about the hourglass.
If Connor is confronted about the theft of
Jackson’s pouch, he will turn sour and deny it at first. If Jackson Wackerbarrel (Winding
the party continues to press the issue, he will simply tell Worm)
them they have no evidence. The party has a few Jackson doesn’t have a job for the festival,
options to retrieve the pouch. If they somehow get his though he is a descendant of the family who discovered
hat, they can trade it back to him for the pouch. They the Ashwin Hourglass. He is in a bad mood in the tavern
can also attempt to steal it back (DC 14 sleight of hand since Connor stole his pouch which had 45 GP and his
check). They can’t, however, persuade him to return the Wackerbarrel Amulet.
pouch. A very high intimidation roll is possible (DC 20
Jackson won’t be focused on anything besides
intimidation), but a failure will result in him calling over
drinking and trying to figure out how to get his pouch
the guards.
What Connor Blishhoney Knows Jackson won’t tell the party anything about the
Connor is also from out of town, so he’s not familiar with Ashwin Hourglass until he has his pouch back. If the
Rezburg. He doesn’t even know the significance of the party helps him get the pouch back, however, he will
strange rock he found (which is the Prong Half of the happily talk about the hourglass.
What Jackson Wackerbarrel Knows

Jackson knows a lot about the town and the Ashwin (the “demonstration” can range from accurate
Hourglass. He knows the history of the hourglass and predictions of incidents to presenting the Aged Journal
that it’s rumored to have powerful time magic (though (see Appendix A).)
he doesn’t believe the rumor). While he doesn’t know
Regardless, if the party makes it clear they intend on
the exact location of the hourglass, he knows that it’s
destroying the hourglass, Trisha will refuse to give the
somewhere underground. The rumors say that it’s
hourglass’s location.
responsible for speeding up the growth of crops, so he
will suggest looking for heavily aged plants. Scribble (winding Worm)
He will also state that the museum may have more Scribble is responsible for running the apple
information about the hourglass, but will tell the party bobbing stand for the festival.
that the curator is out of town so it’s closed.
Unless she is aware that the party is also stuck
in the time loop, or that at least something is amiss,
Remember, Jackson won’t tell the party any of this Scribble will remain in her room until the morning.
until he has his pouch back.
If she is aware of the party’s predicament, she
will come downstairs at the start of each loop and sit at
an empty table waiting for the party. While she does
Butterfly Effect: A Wasted Wackerbarrel have parchment, she doesn’t have anything to write
Upset with losing his pouch, Jackson will be drinking with. If the party sits down with her for the first time,
heavily tonight. In the Late Evening, he will also read this block:
purchase a Dragon Vasectomy to take home (see
Appendix B for details). Jackson will drink this in the The hooded kenku begins patting around herself,
Morning, which will lead to him being drunk when he searching for something. Given that she just unrolled
confronts Connor in the Afternoon. some parchment, she’s likely looking for something to
write with.
The party can convince Connor to not drink either with a
DC 15 persuasion check or by giving him a plan to get Any writing utensil the party gives will work. It’s
back his pouch. If this is done, Jackson won’t get a also permissible that Prestidigitation can create a
Dragon Vasectomy and will be sober when he confronts writing utensil. If the party does not have access to
Connor. either of these, they can ask Dakota for an ink pen.
If the party manages to get his pouch back to him, he If the party is sitting with her a subsequent
will not only stop drinking, but he won’t confront Connor time, read out this block instead:
the next day. He will also owe the party a “favor”.
The hooded kenku outstretches a hand, waiting for you
Trisha Spearslinger (winding Worm) to give her something to write with.
Trisha is the organizer of the Bananya festival, a
What she writes down depends on events
shadow monk, and the mayor of Rezville. Trisha will be
occurring the previous loop. This gathering at the table
friendly to the party as a representative of the town.
serves as a sort of meeting to discuss what the party has
What Trisha Spearslinger Knows learned the previous loop. Here’s what she will draw on
the first meeting:
Trisha knows the rumors about the Ashwin Hourglass.
Not only that, she actually knows its location. The The hooded kenku first draws a clock with 2 arrows
hourglass is located in the basement of the museum. going around it. She then draws an hourglass next to it,
Trisha will be very hesitant to give out this information to and then an equals sign between the 2 drawings. She
anyone, however. The party can convince her in a few next draws another hourglass with weapons attacking
ways. If Jackson Wackerbarrrel was assisted in getting it, and then circles that hourglass. Finally, she draws yet
his pouch back, the party can call in the favor to have another hourglass, and then a question mark next to it.
him vouch for the party. She can also be convinced if the
party demonstrates the existence of the time loop to her
Each of these drawings has a meaning. If the • Trisha Spearslinger will also leave the Winding
party can’t figure it out themselves, they can attempt a Worm.
DC 10 Insight check to understand the meaning. Should
they succeed, they will learn 3 things: Night
1. The first drawing (hourglass equals clock) is Early Night (Winding Worm)
meant to communicate that the hourglass is After a while, Early Night approaches, which is
responsible for the time loop. closing time for the Winding Worm. Gary will make
2. The second drawing (hourglass with weapons another announcement to the tavern at this time:
attacking it) is meant to communicate that
Scribble believes that it should be destroyed, “Alright, everyone. The tavern is
which she thinks will free them from the time now CLOSED! Either go home or go
loop. to your rooms.”
3. The third drawing (hourglass with question
mark) is meant to ask the party if they know At this moment, both Connor and Jacob will go
where it is, or at least anything about it. upstairs to their reserved rooms. If Scribble is
downstairs, she will also return to her room. Gary will
Scribble’s Drawings for Meetings
head to the kitchen once everyone has left the main bar
Scribble should only draw symbols and numbers, not area. The rest of the patrons will exit the tavern. The
words (unless she is copying them from something else).
party is expected to go to their rooms, too. If the party
A big reason why Scribble hasn’t found a way out of the
goes to bed and sleeps, they will get a Long Rest and
time loop is because of her difficulty in communication.
If you believe your players don’t quite understand what
wake up in the Early Morning.
Scribble is trying to get across, you can always have If the party instead decides to head out during
them make an Insight check, the DC of which depends the night, only the only people who will be awake will
on the complexity of the thought being communicated.
be the patrolling guards. There isn’t a strict curfew, so
the party is free to roam around town, though
everything will be closed.
What Scribble Knows
Attitude of the Guards at Night
Scribble is the only NPC aware of the time loop. As such,
she remembers events from previous loops. Before the Due to rumors of strange things coming out of the forest
party became aware of the time loop, she has already at night, the guards will recommend that a person head
lived the same day 50 times. During these 50 loops she home if they encounter someone. The guard they
has learned that the Ashwin Hourglass is responsible encounter will even offer to escort them home if they
for the time loop. don’t feel safe.

Late Evening (Winding Worm)

To signify that time has passed, read out this: If a guard finds danger, they will yell for backup. If the
other guards succeed a DC 13 Perception check, they
The goblin rushes over to stand on the bar, and makes will hear the guard and arrive to their aid in 1 minute.
this announcement: “Listen up everyone: This is the last
call for drinks. Closing time is coming soon.” Mid-Night
A few things change at late evening: Nothing in particular happens at Mid-Night.

• If a variable doesn’t interfere, Jackson Late Night

Wackerbarrel will purchase a Dragon Both Gary and Dakota wake up early to set up
Vasectomy and take it with him as he leaves the their stands for the festival. If the party is in front of the
Winding Worm. tavern at any point during Late Night, they will see Gary
and Dakota working together to set up the food stands.
Once they’re done, Gary will return to the tavern
kitchen and Dakota will return to his home.

Unknown to Jacob, the support he has placed under the
cannon is damaged. If he tries to fire it, the support will
The festival officially starts when the cannon is fired in snap and the cannon will go horizontal (the
Mid-Morning. However, the stands are setup by Early consequences of which are described in the Mid-
Morning section).
Morning, so the party can make their selection before
then. The party can warn Jacob about this, which will cause
him to swap the support with a good one. The party can
Morning warn him at any time before he lights the fuse.

Early Morning (Outside Winding If the party successfully warns Jacob, he will owe them a
Worm) favor. What this entails is described more in the Mid-
Morning section.
The stands are setup in the area outside the
Winding Worm. When the players exit the tavern Mid-Morning (Outside Winding
during this time, read this block: Worm)
You exit the Winding Worm Early in the morning. You Once Mid-Morning is reached, Jacob will be
spot 3 stands 30 feet away from you. From left to right done setting up the cannon and will light the fuse.
they are: A buttered corn-on-the-cob stand, a bacon
pancake stand, and a breadstick stand. There’s a sign Butterfly Effect: A Blast in the Past (Mid-Morning)
above each that says “Free food, 2 per person.” If Jacob was not warned, the support of the cannon will
Looking to your left, you witness a lizardfolk wheeling snap just before it fires. At this angle, it will be pointing
over a decorated cannon next to the crates. directly at the bacon pancake stand. If anyone is at that
If the party succeeds at a DC 16 Perception stand, they will need to make a DC 12 Dexterity saving
throw. They will take 3d6 force damage and be knocked
check and Scibble is unaware that the party is in a time
prone on a failed save. They will take half as much
loop read out this block, too:
damage if they succeed and will still be standing.
It’s hard to notice, but you see a hooded kenku lifting The bacon pancake stand will be destroyed as a result of
up a crate. She is clearly having difficultly carrying it as this blast. If anyone got hit by it, Jacob will run over to
she waddles toward the town square. make sure they’re OK. After which, Jacob will wheel the
If Scribble is aware of the party’s part in the cannon away and continue with his schedule.
time loop, and they have not made plans for her, read
out this block:
If Jacob was warned about the damaged support, it will
The hooded kenku waves to you and proceeds to lift have been swapped with a good one. The fireworks will
up a crate with much difficulty. She then begins to launch into the air without incident. Jacob will then
head towards the town square. approach whoever warned him (if they’re around) and
tell them that he owes them a favor.
The stands in the square are currently
unattended, so nothing is stopping the party from The favor can be Jacob lending some fireworks (see
taking more than 2 each. Jacob’s profile in Appendix C for what fireworks he has.
Also check Appendix B for what each firework does) or
Jacob Blasttrinkle (Outside Winding helping them out with some sort of plan (that’s legal, of
Worm) course). The plan can’t interfere with his launching of the
Jacob is setting up the cannon to officially start fireworks for the Early Evening, however.
the festival. The party can take this opportunity to talk After shooting the cannon (and dealing with the
to him as he won’t fire the cannon until Mid-Morning. problems it causes if there were any) Jacob will leave
with the cannon.
Butterfly Effect: A Blast in the Past (Early Morning)

Late Morning (Outside Winding If someone decides to play the game, they must
Worm) succeed at a DC 15 Athletics check to win a Hurl Orb. If
they fail, they will instead receive a Straw Doll (check
The only thing that really happens is Dakota’s
Appendix B for details on these items).
arrival to see how his bacon pancake stand is doing.
Balloon Breaker
Butterfly Effect: A Blast in the Past (Late Morning) The Balloon Breaker game is being attended by
If the bacon pancake is destroyed, Dakota will be very Mugrub Gamwich (As always, NPC details in Appendix
distraught. He will question anyone nearby if they know C). If one of the party approaches the stand, Mugrub
what happened. If he is informed that Jacob was will say this (in Common, if that’s not clear):
responsible, he will go off looking for him.
If the bacon pancake stand is intact, Dakota will get up “*sigh* Welcome to Balloon
behind the stand and start attending it. Breaker. Pick up dart and try pop
balloon. If you pop big balloon, win
Afternoon minor prize. Pop small balloon, win
Early Afternoon (Town Square) major prize.”

The party is expected to head toward the town

The participant must “attack” a balloon with a
square at this time. Once they arrive, read out this
dart. The AC of a big balloon is 5. The AC of a small
balloon is 15. If the participant ends up getting a critical
You arrive to the town square early in the afternoon. failure, they will hit Mugrub. If this happens, Mugrub
There are 3 games here. There’s a High Striker game will be angry with the participant, but not hostile.
attended by a halfling with a top hat and bowtie.
There’s a Balloon Breaker game attended by an orc. The minor prize is a Teddy Bear. If a participant
Finally, there’s an Apple Bobbing game with a sign next wins a major prize, read out this block:
to it.
The orc smirks and chuckles, impressed. He goes over
If either Scribble is unaware of the party’s time to a box to get the prize. As he goes to get the prize,
loop predicament or if she has not had anything to do his smile turns into a frown. He walks back over to you
for the party, also read the next sentence: and says “Sorry, prize gone. May have dropped scroll
near cabin in woods. Have these.” The orc hands you 2
A hooded kenku is leaning on the sign. Teddy Bears.
The party can participate at any of these games. Mugrub dropped the major prize outside his
They’re free, but only allow 1 try per person. There’s cabin on his way to the town square. Details of the
enough time for each member to try a game before we woods can be found in Chapter 3, if a player for some
move on to Mid-Afternoon. reason decides to immediately head there.
High Striker
What Mugrub Gamwich Knows
The High Striker stand is being attended by
Connor Blishhoney. If one of the party approaches, they Mugrub technically doesn’t live in Rezburg. He lives in a
cabin in the woods nearby. That being said, he does
will begin hearing him say this:
know the people of the town. He won’t be up for
conversation until the player has played the Balloon
“Step right up, Step right up! Test Breaker game.
your strength at High Striker! Pick
If asked about the scroll he dropped, he’ll say he doesn’t
up the mallet and swing as hard as
know what spell it had, but knows it was written in
you can at the peg. If the block
manages to ring the bell, you’ll win
a major prize!” Apple Bobbing
The Apple Bobbing stand is attended by Scribble At this point, Connor will leave his stand to go
assuming she has no reason to deviate from her take a lunch break. Connor will be heading to the
schedule. Her interaction with the party will change Winding Worm to eat lunch.
depending on the circumstances.
At this point, Jackson Wackerbarrel will arrive.
If this is before the time loop begins, read out What Jackson does depends on the situation of the
this block: Butterfly Effect “A Wasted Wackerbarrel”.

The hooded kenku seems very disinterested with the Butterfly Effect: A Wasted Wackerbarrel (Afternoon)
festival, lost in thought. As you approach, she taps the
sign she is leaning on. The sign reads “Apple Bobbing: If Jackson was able to buy a Dragon Vasectomy, he will
Pick an apple from the barrel of water with your mouth. have drunk it in the morning. In this scenario, refer to the
The prize is the apple you bite. 1 try per person.” “Wasted Wackerbarrel” section.

Scribble has been in this time loop for a while, so she If Jackson didn’t buy a Dragon Vasectomy, but still
doesn’t have his pouch back, refer to the “Wrathful
will expect whatever the party does.
Wackerbarrel” section.
If this is after the time loop begins, but a person If Jackson has his pouch back by now, he’ll just be here
of the party who didn’t approach last time approaches, to enjoy any of the games that aren’t High Striker.
read out this block:
Wrathful Wackerbarrel
The hooded kenku seems very disinterested with the Jackson will be sober, but is still going to
festival, lost in thought. As you approach, however, she confront Connor. He will peacefully ask each member of
turns her attention to you with a confused look. She the party if they have seen Connor. He will then go to
then slowly taps the sign. The sign reads “Apple
the location given to him to search for Connor.
Bobbing: Pick an apple from the barrel of water with
your mouth. The prize is the apple you bite. 1 try per Wasted Wackerbarrel
person.” Jackson will be very drunk and very angry. If this
Scribble, seeing a difference not caused by her, is going scenario is reached, read out this block:
to be looking at the participant closely.
You spot a human with a bandana walking into the
If Scribble is aware of the party’s time loop town square waving around a short sword. He’s
predicament, read out this block: wobbling around, very clearly drunk. As he reaches the
center, he shouts “WHERE IS CONNOR?!”
The hooded kenku waves to you as you approach,
If Jackson doesn’t receive an answer, he
smiling. She then tilts her head towards the barrel and
points a thumb at it. The sign she is leaning on reads
stumble over to each party member and loudly ask
“Apple Bobbing: Pick an apple from the barrel of water them where Connor is. He won’t elaborate on who
with your mouth. The prize is the apple you bite. 1 try Connor is, even if the party asks (he’ll just ask where
per person.” Connor is again). If he still doesn’t get a location by the
time he gets through the hole party, he will attack. See
If Scribble is not there for whatever reason, just
“A Wasted War” for encounter details.
tell the player what the sign says.
A Wasted War
Regardless of the situation, the participant can
play the Apple Bobbing game. They must succeed a DC Jackson’s stats while drunk are different than
15 Sleight of Hand check to pick out the Delicious when he’s sober. As such, you’ll need to refer to
Apple (Details in Appendix B). If they fail, they’ll just get Appendix A for his drunk stats.
a normal apple. If Scribble is not present, nothing is Jackson will only be hostile to the person he
stopping the participant from playing over and over. targeted and those targeting him (an exception is
Connor, who he will always prioritize if he shows up for
Mid-Afternoon (Town Square) some reason).
After 1 minute of Jackson’s hostility (10 rounds), museum. After a bit, the announcement will begin at
2 guards will show up. If Jackson isn’t incapacitated at Mid-Evening.
this point, the guards will help take Jackson down
(holding back their attacks as to only render Jackson Mid-Evening (Outside The
unconscious). Museum)
If the party is present for the announcement,
If Jackson is reduced to 0 HP, he will not die
read out this block:
instantly. Instead, he’ll start making death saving
throws just like a PC. A Tiefling wearing spectacles walks onto the platform
outside the museum. She walks on stage and begins
If Jackson ends up dead at the hands of a
making an announcement. You can hear that her voice
player, the guards will half-heartedly try to peacefully is being amplified.
arrest them. They can get out of being arrested if they
succeed a DC 8 Persuasion check or a DC 13 “Thank you all for coming to the
Intimidation check. If they fail the intimidation check, festival. I hope you’ve enjoyed
the guards will draw their weapons and attempt a your time hear so far. But now it’s
peaceful arrest again. If the player still refuses, combat time for the CLIMAX!”
will begin.

If Jackson ends up unconscious or As Trisha Spearsligner is yelling the word

incapacitated, the guards will drag him away to the “climax”, the party will find themselves back in the
Guard Tower (More on this location in Chapter 3) for Winding Worm as the next loop began. Go back to
disturbing the peace. Chapter 1 to describe the scene again. Chapter 3 will
describe areas players are expected to explore
Getting Arrested throughout the loops.
Anyone who gets arrested will be put in the jail cell of
Expecting The Unexpected
the Guard Tower. If Jackson Wackerbarrel is arrested,
…What are you still doing here? The party got
he’ll just be in the jail cell and will be sober by Early
transported back to the Winding Worm, right? Well, a
few things can happen to the Ashwin Hourglass that
Late Afternoon (Town Square) can lead to the time loop being delayed. I can think of 2
Nothing important happens in Late Afternoon at the things off the top of my head:
town square. The players should have more time for 1. A player has somehow (temporarily) suppressed
games the magic of the hourglass using some sort of
Evening 2. The hourglass has left the Material Plane,
Early Evening (Town Square) temporarily.
When Early Evening starts in the town square, If either of these is the case, then it should be noted
read out this block: that the time loop will continue the moment the
Ashwin Hourglass is capable of it. So if it returns to the
You hear fireworks going off overhead as everyone
Material Plane, it instantly starts another loop. If the
begins heading towards the museum. Passing by you
is a goblin who gives you a confused look and says suppression ends, it instantly starts another loop.
“What are you all still doing here? The climax is about If the players have found a way to permanently end
to start in front of the museum!”
the time loop, refer to Chapter 4 for possible endings.
The party is then expected to head towards the
museum. They’ll arrive to a crowd in front of the The Climax

So the Ashwin Hourglass’s loop has somehow
been delayed. For the sake of assisting improvisation,
I’ll tell you what happens.

After the announcement, Trisha will unlock the

front door of the museum and head inside, having the
crowd follow. She will then open the stone trapdoors
and head to the chamber. She will unlock the door to
the chamber and show the crowd the Ashwin
Hourglass. She’ll then try to woo the crowd with rumors
of the artifact, along with a bit of history. Once time
moves onto Late Evening, she will have the crowd exit
the museum, and the Bananya Festival will end.

Obviously, Trisha will panic if the hourglass isn’t

there anymore. She would probably have the guards
search for it immediately.

get a reward from this box. The box contains 3 items
(details of these items are in Appendix B):

• A Chaos Coin
In the previous chapters I’ve divided sections • A Mold Earth Glove
with time. This chapter is divided by location. The party • A Knock Scroll
is expected to investigate ways out of the time loop,
which may involve exploring the town. It’s technically If Gary is gifting an item to a player, he will inform
possible for the party to be exploring these areas on them of what the magic item is and what it can do. If
their first day, so you may need to jump between you feel like it, or the party asks how these items got
chapters to keep track of all this. confiscated, you can tell the stories described or make
up your own.
The Winding Worm
Contraband Stories
The exact layout of the winding worm is up to
There are stories behind each of these items and how
the DM, but there are a few general factors they need
they were confiscated.
to know:
The Chaos Coin was obtained from an awakened
• There are 8 tables and a bar in the common monkey with an arm of an alligator. They were tossing
area. around these coins creating mayhem in the tavern.
• There is a kitchen behind the bar for staff only. The Mold Earth Glove was obtained from a drunk
• The rooms are upstairs, of which there are 8 of gnome, presumably a construction worker. She got
them. angry at someone and tried to bury them in dirt using
the glove.
If you find any of these details to be inconvenient,
you can always use the “DM’s Veto” to override the The Knock Scroll was obtained by a human thief known
layout (DM’s Veto is basically saying “I acknowledge the as Tayhota Crift who was trying to break into the tavern.
rules say something else, but I’m the DM, so it’s this He dropped the scroll while trying to run away. He hasn’t
been back since.

Kitchen Apple Orchard

The kitchen contains various cooking utensils The Apple Orchard is located a bit east of town.
and lots of liquor. The exact types of liquor is up to the This is where Scribble got her apples for the Apple
DM. If you don’t know your alcohol (I don’t blame you) Bobbing game. There are roughly 20 apple trees here.
or can’t quite improvise that on the fly, here’s what the One of which is far from normal.
cupboards contain: The Dead Tree
• 10 bottles of wine. There is a tree here that looks very old and
• 5 bottles of whiskey. dead. This is the tree that the Delicious Apple came
• 7 bottles of rum. from. There’s nothing magical about the tree, but it’s
• 3 Dragon Vasectomies located directly above the Ashwin Chamber. The top of
the chamber is roughly 20ft. below the surface. If
This inventory does not limit what Gary Nimbletrip
anyone casts Detect Magic near the dead tree, read out
can serve to the patrons as he does mix up a lot of
this block:
ingredients on the fly (for a “fresh” drink).
You sense nothing magical about this tree, but that
Contraband Box may be because it’s masked by the terrifying power
There is also the Contraband Box. This is a simple you sense elsewhere. There is very powerful time
box with “DO NOT OPEN!” written on it. There’s no lock magic some ways down below you.
on it. Back in Chapter 1, I mentioned that a player could
The time magic they sense is the Ashwin Appendix B for details on the items). These items will
Hourglass. show up with the corpse on subsequent loops when it
shows up just outside the Wary Woods.
Disclaimer about Detect Magic
It should be noted that no NPCs will pass by the corpse
If you’re familiar with the spell Detect Magic, you’ll know on their normal schedules.
that the players shouldn’t be able to detect the
hourglass from here for 2 reasons: It’s more than 30ft. The Cabin
away and it’s blocked by more than 3ft. of dirt. In the middle of the woods lies a cabin owned
If you really need an excuse, you can just say that the by Mugrub Gamwich. A player looking to find this cabin
time magic is very powerful, so it’s much easier to sense must succeed a DC 8 Survival check to locate it. If
with Detect Magic. they’ve found it previously, they never have to make
this check again.
If they have the means, the players can dig
down to the chamber. There will be 15ft. of dirt The cabin is surrounded by 4 special lit torches.
followed by 5ft. of stone. The Mold Earth Glove These torches are at the end of 5ft. long rods. They emit
mentioned earlier can easily get this job done. bright light in a 30ft. radius each. If a player arrives here
while being chased by the Cursed Bodak, it will run
The Wary Woods away at the sight of the cabin.
There are rumors that a deadly creature roams
If Mugrub leaves the cabin in Mid-Morning. If
the Wary Woods. These rumors are true, as a Cursed
it’s past that time, the party will find a Detect Magic
Bodak roams these woods at Night.
Scroll sitting in front of the cabin (see Appendix B for
The Cursed Bodak details).
If anyone wanders the woods at night, they will The Museum
encounter the Cursed Bodak. The details of the
creature can be found in Appendix A. This creature is a The museum is closed, but when has legality
bit different than a normal Bodak. Its sensitivity to stopped a party? This place has an important clue for
sunlight applies for all bright light. Not only that, but it getting out of the time loop.
will do anything to get out of said bright light. The Exterior
If an NPC is roaming the woods at night that Of course, the party needs to figure out a way
isn’t Mugrub Gamwich they will be killed by the Cursed inside first. The building has no windows. But it does
Bodak by morning unless either the party or Mugrub have a front door and a back door. Both of these are
tries to rescue them. locked with padlocks. These padlocks can be picked
with a DC 13 Sleight of Hand check with a set of
Role of The Cursed Bodak
Thieves’ Tools.
The Cursed Bodak is not meant to be an enemy for the
party to rush in to pick a fight with; it’s meant to be Alternatively, the party can try to break the
avoided. door down. Each door has 5 Hitpoints. If they smash
down a door, a guard will arrive in 1 minute to
That being said, it’s not as if the creature is invincible. If
investigate the noise.
the party really wants to focus on how to bring down the
Cursed Bodak, they certainly can. There will also be a platform in front of the
museum if it’s after Late Afternoon.

What happens if the Cursed Bodak is defeated?

The Interior
If the Cursed Bodak is killed, the party will find the Aged
Journal and a Plane Shift Scroll on it’s person (see
The inside the museum is dark, so either The stone doors open to lead to the Ashwin
darkvision or a light source is needed to see. If the party Chamber.
has either of these, read out this block:
The Ashwin Chamber
The inside the museum is… a bit how you’d expect a
When the party arrives here, read out this
museum to be. There are quite a few exhibits around,
most of which are of no particular interest.

You do spot a draconic poem on a wall with an The first thing you see when you enter the chamber is
hourglass symbol next to it. an hourglass on a pedestal. The hourglass has a blue
frame with draconic writing on it. The hourglass
If one of the party knows draconic, they can
doesn’t have sand, but rather 2 orbs. The upper half
read the poem: has a white orb with a yellow glow. The lower half has a
black orb with a purple glow.
“Those who wish to escape time’s
You also spot a deactivated mechanical construct
grasp, must grasp it themselves.” opposite of the double stone doors.

“One half lies near a charlatan’s The construct is a dormant Time Titan. More
dark mind.” info on that creature is in Appendix A.

“The other within fruit, born from

The Ashwin Hourglass
something long dead.” If Scribble is with the party, she will
immediately run to the hourglass, grab it, and attempt
to smash it against the pedestal. Here’s the block to
The second line is a hint for the location of the
describe this:
Prong Half. The third line is a hint for the location of the
Winder Half. As the hooded kenku enters, she beams at the
hourglass and rushes to it. She grabs the hourglass, in
The Basement awe of it for a moment, before slamming it against the
The party can make a DC 5 Investigation check pedestal over and over again. The hourglass holds firm
to locate a stone trapdoor. If they succeed and decide as she tries to smash it again and again, crying with
to open it, read this block: fury. She eventually stops trying, simply curling up with
the hourglass and sobbing.
The trapdoor opens to reveal a set of stone stairs,
descending into parts unknown. From this point on, Scribble will not let the
hourglass out of her possession. This is her one ticket
If the party makes the decision to go down the
out of this time loop, so she won’t let anyone else have
stairs, read out this next block:
it. That being said, Scribble will happily let the party
The steps take you to a series of stone corridors, 15 inspect the hourglass and suggest ideas. As long as the
feet wide and 15 feet tall. They eventually lead to a set hourglass stays in her possession, she will go along any
of stone double doors with a very large lock on it. It’s ideas to get them out of the time loop.
big enough to fit your hands in.
If Scribble is not with the party, anyone can just
The lock doesn’t have a key to it. There are
take the hourglass. There aren’t any traps.
buttons inside the lock that must be pressed in a
specific order. That being said, it can still be picked by Regardless of who has the hourglass, the party
succeeding a DC 15 Sleight of Hand check. This can also can make a DC 5 Investigation or Arcana check on the
be unlocked with a Knock spell, though the guards will hourglass. On a success, read out this block.
hear the spell and investigate. It will take the guards 5
On closer inspection, you notice there are 4 indentions
minutes to arrive.
on the top of the hourglass. It looks like something
could be inserted into them.

Time Titan The first floor has a jail cell, a desk, a chair
If the party decides to inspect the Time Titan, behind the desk, and stairs going along the wall heading
read out this block: up to the second floor.

The mechanical construct lays motionless as you If the party are visiting for the first time, read
approach. Looking inside it, you see a slot for a power out this block:
source. The hourglass looks like it could fit, but it
would be a very bad idea to put it in the construct. The first floor of the tower is not terribly impressive.
There’s a desk with a guard seated behind it, clearly
If the party is insane enough to insert the bored. To the left is a rickety wooden staircase that
Ashwin Hourglass into the Time Titan, it will reactivate. spirals along the wall to the higher floors. Just ahead,
If they manage to defeat the Time Titan, refer to you spot a poor excuse for a jail cell. It looks more like
Chapter 4 for its ending. a cage for a bear with a bed sloppily placed inside.

Stone Doors The Jail Cell

The stone doors can’t be picked from the inside. The person in the jail cell heavily depends on
prior events of the day. Most likely, either a player or
Jackson Wackerbarrel will be in here.

The Guard Tower Prisoners are first stripped of their equipment

before being put in the cell. The equipment is stored in
In a time loop, crime is inevitable. Someone is
the Evidence Chest (see the second floor section for
going to something illegal. Not only that, but they’ll
eventually be caught. In such a case, the perpetrator
will be dragged off to the Guard Tower and put in jail. The cell has a lock, but it’s not even a built in
lock; it uses a padlock. The padlock can be picked with
If the party is visiting this place for the first
Thieves’ Tools by succeeding in a DC 6 Sleight of Hand
time, read out this block:
North of the museum is a 60 foot tall tower. The tower
has an observation area near the top and a guard Jailbreak
posted near the door into the tower. It’s at the edge of Picking the lock isn’t the only option for escape. There
town between the rest of Rezburg and the woods. could be weaknesses spotted with an investigation
The tower serves 3 purposes: A watchtower, a check, a possible item lying around to destroy the
barracks for the guards, and a jail for criminals. padlock with, or even trying to convince the bored guard
to open the cell. Let the players get creative on getting
The Exterior the cell open.

There are windows on the first and second The Staircase

floors. The third floor is the observation area. There’s If anyone tries to climb the staircase, they will
always a guard posted at the entrance, though they be stopped by the bored guard, saying that visitors are
may not always be alert. not allowed upstairs. If the visitors can give a good
enough reason (and passing the related check, if
Technically only one visitor is allowed at a time
applicable), they may be allowed upstairs under the
if there’s someone locked in the cell, but a DC 2
guard’s supervision.
Persuasion check is enough to convince the guard to
allow more. The guard will warn the visitors that they Butterfly Effect: A Blast in the Past (Guard Tower)
are only allowed on the first floor.
If the party successfully warned Jacob Blasttrinkle
The First Floor about the cannon, he will notice the commotion when
the party tries to go up the stairs if he’s in the Guard
Tower. He will come down and let the bored guard know

that the party is with him, allowing them access to the
rest of the tower.

The Second Floor

The second floor contains some beds,
equipment for guards, and the Evidence Chest. If this is
the first time the party is here, read out this block:

The second floor of the tower is a bit better than the

first, but not by a lot. There are 4 bunk beds hugging
the walls. You spot a few stands for setting up armor.
At the far end is a large chest with a lock. The
staircase continues up towards the observation area.
The Evidence Chest contains all the equipment
of anyone arrested. It can be unlocked with Thieves’
Tolls by succeeding in a DC 14 Sleight of Hand check.
The bored guard of this tower also has the keys to the

The amount of guards sleeping in the barracks

when the party shows up is up to you. Just make sure
it’s consistent between loops. If you’re really indecisive,
roll 1d8 for the amount of guards sleeping.

The Third Floor (Observation

The third floor doesn’t have walls. You can see a
lot of Rezburg from here. If it’s the party’s first time
here, read out this block:

The top of the tower overlooks the entire town. You

can see the patrols of some of the guards from here.
Turning around, you can also spot the woods just
outside Rezburg.
If it’s between Late Morning and Early Evening,
also read this block:

There are fireworks set up pointing over the town. They

have been carefully placed and have had their fuses
If it’s Late Morning, Late Afternoon, or the
Evening of the festival the pyrotechnics expert Jacob
Blasttrinkle will also be up here. If it’s Early Evening, he
will be setting off the fireworks.

You exit the tavern to an unfamiliar sight. The town is
gone. The world is gone. There’s only a dark void, a
This chapter goes over the endings I’ve made path lit by floating yellow orbs, and a lone door at the
for the module, but players are unpredictable. You may end of the path.
need to make up a new ending if things get strange. But If Scribble entered the hourglass before the
for now, let’s get to the planned out stuff. party, read this:

Ending 1: Key To Freedom The door is wide open, with the trail of black feathers
leading to it.
(Main Ending)
If only some of the party enters through the
If the party manages to connect the Phantom
door, there will only be magical darkness. If a player can
Key with the Ashwin Hourglass, they can wind up the
see through magical darkness, it will just be an empty
key. If they do this, read out this block:
You wind the key up and release it. The key begins to
If the entire party goes through, read out this
turn slowly, playing a jingle. As the key turns, the glass
of the hourglass folds away towards the ends, exposing
the orbs inside. You enter the door of darkness. At first, nothing
If Scribble is with the party at this point, she will happens. After a few moments, the door behind you
slowly touch the purple orb. Once she does, she will get slams shut and vanishes. The darkness of the room
sucked into the orb. begins to lift as the wall opposite of where the door
once was beings to open, revealing a hostile huge
The Ashwin Winding Worm mechanical construct. The construct has a glass dome
on its chest.
Anyone who touches the black orb will be
sucked into it. Once the whole party has been sucked in, If Scribble entered the hourglass before the
read out this box: party, she will be trapped in the glass dome:

You’re in the Winding Worm. There’s no one else here. Inside the glass dome is a hooded kenku, struggling as
much as she can against the machine.
If Scribble managed to enter before the party,
add this to the description: The construct is the Pseudo-Titan, and it will
attack the party. The room they are in is 60ft wide,
The entrance to the tavern is opened, you can see a 120ft long, and 60ft. tall.
trail of black feathers leading outside.
The party is now inside the hourglass. This
means that they are no longer in the time loop. There If the Pseudo-Titan has its hitpoints reduced to
are only 2 locations: The Winding Worm and the Arena. 0, you may read out the ending monologue:
This Winding Worm is a bit different than the normal
The construct begins to rumble violently. The limbs
one. Instead of liquor, the cupboards have health begin to fall off one by one. Once it’s completely
potions in them. disassembled, the glass dome shatters. The room is
covered in a blinding light.
The party (which may include Scribble) and the
Pseudo-Titan are the only ones in the Aswin Hourglass. You’re in the Winding Worm. It’s not very busy tonight.
No one else is here. It’s just you and a goblin sitting at the bar, visibly
confused. You have escaped the time loop.
The Arena If Scribble was with the party in the hourglass,
When the players exit the tavern, read out this also read out this part:

A hooded kenku rushes down the stairs, relieved to see This ending is triggered if the party manages to
you. With tears of joy, she runs over to you and hugs either destroy the Ashwin Hourglass or send it to
you. another Plane of existence, permanently:
If you’re going by the milestone system, give
With the artifact gone, there’s nothing to continue the
the party a level up. torment. Sure, the town no longer has its magical
hourglass. But at least you have escaped the time loop.
Ending 2: The Time Titan
This ending is triggered if the party decides to
insert the Ashwin Hourglass into the deactivated Time
Titan, it will be reactivated. The Time Titan’s position
and state are preserved between loops. It will be hostile
toward the party and Scribble, believing them to be
“anomalies” that must be eradicated.

The Time Titan isn’t invisible to anyone, so NPCs

will absolutely notice it. Will the guards run in fear and
hide, or will they stand and fight? This is up to the DM,
but one thing’s for certain: Trisha Spearslinger will fight
the Time Titan to protect her citizens.

If the Time Titan’s hitpoints are reduced to 0,
the hourglass will shatter and one last loop will begin.
Read out this block:

You’re in the Winding Worm. There’s a small goblin

running back and forth along the bar, struggling to
fulfill the many orders of the patrons in the tavern. You
don’t pay much attention to this, however, as you’re
distracted by the shattered hourglass laying on the
floor. You have escaped the time loop.
If you’re going by the milestone system, give
the party a level up.

Ending 3: Banished
This ending is triggered if the party manages to
reach a different Plane and decides to stay.

You tense up expecting for another loop at any

moment, but that moment never comes. You are in a
strange, unfamiliar world. You’ll have to adjust to this
new place. You may never be able to return to the
Material Plane, risking being trapped in the time loop
again. But for now, you have escaped the time loop.

Ending 4: A Missing

Death Gaze When a creature that can see the
bodak’s eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of the
bodak, the bodak can force it to make a DC 13
The Cursed Bodak Constitution saving throw if the bodak isn’t
The Cursed Bodak has an unusual origin for a incapacitated and can see the creature. If the saving
Bodak. About 100 years ago, the Wackerbarrel family throw fails by 5 or more, the creatures is reduced to
discovered the Ashwin Hourglass. The Wackerbarrels 0 hit points, unless it is immune to the frightened
believed it to be a wonderful artifact that helped the condition. Otherwise, a creature takes 16 (3d10)
crops grow. That is, except for one. Peter Wackerbarrel psychic damage on a failed save.
Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to
was wary of the hourglass, and tried to identify exactly
avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If the
what it was. That was until he became the first victim of
creature does so, it has disadvantage on attack rolls
the time loop. Peter spent days, weeks, years in this against the bodak until the start of its next turn. If
loop, searching for a way out. He looked toward the the creature looks at the bodak in the meantime, it
arcane for answers, and nearly found a solution. Sadly, must immediately make the saving throw.
he didn’t have the resources to carry it out. Doomed to Light Hypersensitivity. The bodak takes 5 radiant
his fate, Peter went into the Wary Woods. With the last damage when it starts its turn in bright light. While
of his soul eroded, he left behind the husk that is the in bright light, it has disadvantage on attack rolls
Cursed Bodak. and ability checks.
Light Aversion. If the bodak starts its turn in bright
The Cursed Bodak is a custom variation of the light, it will move (and Dash if necessary) to get out
Bodak from Volo’s Guide to Monsters. of the bright light, or as best it can.

Cursed Bodak Actions

Medium undead, chaotic evil Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 9
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) (2d8) necrotic damage.
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Withering Gaze. One creature that the bodak can
Speed 30 ft. see within 60 feet of it must make a DC 13
Constitution saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) necrotic
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
(+2) on a successful one.

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6

Damage Resistances cold, fire, necrotic; A Drunk Jackson
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from Wackerbarrel
nonmagical attacks
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant damage
Jackson Wackerbarrel made the mistake of
Damage Immunities lightning, poison drinking a Dragon Vasectomy and is now completely
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, wasted, and looking for revenge. Connor stole what was
poisoned his, and he’ll limply slash at whoever to get it back.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages none
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Aura of Annihilation. The bodak has an aura that

deals 5 necrotic damage to any creature that ends
its turn within 30 feet of the bodak. Undead and
fiends ignore this effect.

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Jackson Wackerbarrel Hit Points 72 (2d12 + 60)
(Drunk) Speed 40 ft.
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral
Armor Class 12 20 (+5) 8 (-1) 20 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 1 (-5)
Hit Points 15
Speed 30 ft.
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
15 (+2) 10 (0) 10 11 9 (-1) 12 (+1) frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
(+0) (+0) Senses passive Perception 10
Languages None
Languages Common Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Senses passive Perception 9
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Siege Monster. The Pseudo-Titan deals double
damage to objects and structures.
Wasted. Jackson had too much to drink. He has Glass Chamber. There is a spherical glass chamber
disadvantage on all attacks. If Lesser Restoration is in the chest of the Pseudo-Titan. A medium creature
casted on him, he will no longer be drunk and turn can squeeze into this space, but can’t enter it unless
into a non-hostile normal Jackson Wackerbarrel, it’s opened. Only one creature can occupy this at a
who will surrender immediately if they were time.
previously in combat. The chamber can be picked open with a DC 12
Sleight of Hand check on the outside using Thieve’s
Actions Tools, releasing the creature inside.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach Endless Pursuit. The Pseudo-Titan will only willingly
5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage. target “anomalies” (the party and Scribble). It will
Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., ignore all other creatures.
one target. Hit: 3 bludgeoning damage.
Heavy fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
The Pseudo-Titan 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d12 + 6) bludgeoning
damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed
Our adventurers have entered the Ashwin
on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked
Hourglass and found what was waiting inside. This
mechanical monstrosity will mercilessly make minced Axehand. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10
meat out of the party unless they do something about ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d12 + 6) slashing damage,
it. A reminder: The time loop is not in effect for this plus 6 (1d10) slashing damage if the target is prone.
fight. If they die, they die. Kidnap. The Pseudo-Titan opens the glass chamber
in its chest and attempts to shove a creature into it.
If Scribble is in the Pseudo-Titan, she will always
The creature must succeed a DC 12 Dexterity saving
struggle on her turn, giving the foe disadvantage on throw or get trapped in the glass chamber. The
each of its attacks. Pseudo-Titan cannot do this if there is already a
creature inside it.
This creature is a modified version of the
A creature inside the glass chamber is considered
Warforged Titan from Eberron: Rising from the Last
grappled and has disadvantage on attacks against
War. the Pseudo-Titan. However, the creature can use its
action to struggle in order to give the Pseudo-Titan
Pseudo-Titan disadvantage on its next attack.
Huge construct, lawful neutral

The Time Titan
If you need this stat block, then your players
have made very poor choices. The Time Titan is a once
deactivated Warforge Titan now wielding the power of
the Ashwin Hourglass. On the bright side, the time loop
is still going on for this fight.

Time Titan
Huge construct, lawful neutral

Armor Class 20 (natural armor)

Hit Points 125 (10d12 + 60)
Speed 40 ft.


23 (+6) 8 (-1) 22 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 1 (-5)

Damage Immunities poison, psychic

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages None
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Siege Monster. The Time Titan deals double

damage to objects and structures.
Time Immunity. If Time Stop is cast, the Time Titan
will be immune to it.
Endless Pursuit. The Time Titan will only willingly
target “anomalies” (the party and Scribble). It will
ignore all other creatures.

Hammerfist. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning
damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed
on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked
Axehand. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10
ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) slashing damage,
plus 11 (2d10) slashing damage if the target is
Ashwin Roar (Can only be done once per loop).
The Time Titan releases a burst of time magic from
the Ashwin Hourglass. This can target up to 4
creatures. The target must make a DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw or get hit by a beam that stuns them.
The stun lasts until the start of the Time Titan’s next
This artifact is responsible for the time loop. This time
loop occurs every festival, but normally people’s
Aged Journal memories don’t transfer, so no one notices anything.
Book But sometimes there are the “anomalies”. These people
A journal once owned by Peter Wackerbarrel. The book are aware of the time loop and will meet a terrible fate
has a cracked seal with an hourglass on it. It’s written in if they don’t escape. The loop isn’t endless; it’s just a
common. Most of the pages are illegible due to age, but LOT of loops. Exactly how long is up to the DM.
the very last page contains a message:
The range of the time loop is limited to the plane the
I write this for the next artifact is located at. If it leaves the Material Plane, the
unfortunate soul who is cursed by plane it lands will be the next victim of its time loop.
the Ashwin Hourglass as I was. If A DC 8 Investigation check can be made on the
you understand what I’m talking hourglass to reveal 4 indentions in the top (white orb
about, then I’m afraid you’re an side) of the hourglass. The Phantom Key can be
“anomaly”. Those who remain inserted and wound up to open the hourglass.
aware to the time loop are
doomed to have their souls eroded There is draconic on the hourglass. The draconic reads
by it. It happens very slowly, but “Those who wish to escape time’s grasp, must grasp it
with each day that passes your themselves.”
soul grows a little weaker, until
nothing but a hollow shell remains.
Bottle Rocket
Firework, common
There is hope, however! The A firework that flies forward when lit. Once lit, it will
hourglass only has power in the travel 60ft in the direction it was pointed at. It will reach
plane it’s on. If either you leave the this distance after 6 seconds (or start of the turn of the
Material Plane, or it leaves the creature who lit it) and explode. The explosion is a 15 ft.
Material Plane, you can escape this cube. Creatures within that cube take 2d6 force damage
hell. I’ve made a scroll to do just or half as much if they succeed a DC 15 Dexterity saving
that which should be close to throw.
where you found this book, but the
Chaos Coin
material component requires a
Magic Coin, rare
magical orb.
A coin infused with wild magic. It looks like a gold coin,
My last request is that my family but minted with a yin-yang symbol.
learns the fate of Peter It’s used by throwing it at the ground (or at the creature
Wackerbarrel, the man who failed they’re targeting, if no ground exists). The one who
to escape time’s grasp. threw it then rolls a d20. The exact type of attack is up
to the DM, but a higher roll means a more damaging
attack on the target. The effect usually only lasts for the
attack, but the DM can rule if it lasts more.
Ashwin Hourglass
Magic Object, artifact The coin vanishes on use.
An object of great power, the Ashwin Hourglass has
command over time itself. Shame no one can control it.
This object is capable of speeding up the life cycles of
nearby crops (creatures are unaffected for some
back of the hand. When worn, it allows the person
wearing it to cast the Mold Earth cantrip.
Optional Function: Wild Coin
Yes, the description is vague for a reason. The chaos coin
Knock Scroll
is a more silly magic item made so weird jokes can take Magic Scroll, uncommon
the form of attacks. A single-use scroll written in common that casts knock
when used.
If you don’t have the creativity for this (or too focused on
other things, I get it) just treat the use of the coin as a Phantom Key
Wild Surge. Magic Object, artifact
Delicious Apple Formed when the Prong Half and Winder Half are put
An apple. together. This is the key that goes to the Ashwin
A really good apple. If a bite is taken out of it, the Hourglass.
Winder Half will be revealed inside the core. It has draconic written on it. The draconic reads “One
This can be obtained by winning the Apple Bobbing half lies near a charlatan’s dark mind. The other within
game. You could also look for it in one of the crates fruit, born from something long dead.”
near the Winding Worm before Scribble takes it. Plane Shift Scroll
Detect Magic Scroll Magic Scroll, uncommon
Magic Scroll, uncommon A single-use scroll written in common that casts plane
A single-use scroll written in draconic that casts detect shift when used. If the reader doesn’t have an arcane
magic when used. focus, they can use a Hurl Orb (or any magical orb) to
substitute for the material component.
Dragon Vasectomy
Liquor, Rare Prong Half
A very hard liquor and the special at the Winding Magic Object, artifact
Worm. The reason for the name, as Gary Nimbletrip Part of the Phantom Key. It can be found under Connor
would put it: “It’s called a Dragon Vasectomy because it Blishhoney’s hat. It has the same shape of a d8.
has enough alcohol to give one.” It has draconic on it. The draconic reads “One half lies
If a creature drinks it, they must succeed a DC 20 near a charlatan’s dark mind.”
Constitution saving throw or instantly become drunk. If
Straw Doll
they are already drunk, they fall unconscious. Doll
Hurl Orb A crudely made straw-filled doll with a smiling face and
Magic Orb, uncommon a top hat. It’s roughly 6 inches tall.
A shiny blue orb, roughly the size of a basketball. The Super Banger
orb can be used by chucking it at a Huge creature or Firework, common
smaller. If it hits the creature, it shatters on impact and
A powerful firecracker. Once lit, it will explode after 6
pushes the creature 300ft. back. If the creature collides seconds (so the start of turn of the creature who lit it).
with a wall made of wood or weaker material, it will
The explosion is a 15ft. cube. Creatures within that cube
crash through the wall. If the creature collides with a take 4d6 force damage or half as much if they succeed a
wall tougher than wood, they will take 6d6 bludgeoning DC 15 Dexterity saving throw.
damage and stop.

Mold Earth Glove

Magic Glove, uncommon
A worker’s glove with a green gem embedded on the
Teddy Bear
Plushie, common
A non-sentient plushie of a cuddly bear. Roughly a foot

Winder Half
Magic Object, artifact
Part of the Phantom Key. It can be found in the
Delicious Apple. It will be a small cylinder when first
found, but has a button on the end that makes it unfold
into the shape of a windup toy key when pressed.

The draconic is illegible when it’s a cylinder, but when

it’s in the windup key form the draconic reads “The
other within fruit, born from something long dead.”

10 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 12 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
(+1) (+1)
Dakota Panswatter
Skills Arcana +8, Performance +9
Schedule Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Time Event Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Orc
Mid-Evening Reading in the Winding Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Late Evening Reading in the Winding Spellcasting. Dakota isn’t your normal bard. Rather
Worm. than musical instruments, he uses the power of
Early Night Heads home and sleeps. cooking to conentrate his power. This means his
Mid-Night Sleeping Arcane Focus is a frying pan.
Late Night Wakes up early to set up
food stands with Gary Cantrips: Mending, Mage Hand, Firebolt.
Nimbletrip. Level 1 (4 slots): Unseen Servant, Detect Magic
Early Morning Heads home to get a few Level 2 (3 slots): Heat Metal, Hold Person
things (equipment). Level 3 (2 slots): Dispel Magic, Counterspell
Mid-Morning Done getting things at
home and begins Actions
heading back. Spell. Spell: Dakota casts a spell. Spellcasting
Late Morning Arrives to the front of the modifier is +6 and DC is 14.
Winding Worm and Frying Pan. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, 5ft.
finds his stand destroyed. reach. Hit: deals 4 (1d6) bludgeoning damage. This
Early Afternoon Wandering around town attack is just Dakota wacking someone with a frying
looking for Trisha pan.
Mid-Afternoon In front of the museum Details
talking to Trisha
A somewhat rude cook. He’s rude to strangers,
Spearslinger about the
but much kinder to friends and those who catch his
broken stand.
interests. Unlike most bards, he doesn’t use music to
Late Afternoon Helping set up the
platform in front of the concentrate his magic. He uses the art of cooking.
museum. He’s a very experienced cook and loves his job.
Early Evening In the crowd in front of
He tries making experimental, new dishes. Many are
the platform.
flops, but there are a few that make for amazing
Mid-Evening In the crowd in front of
the platform.
combinations. The bacon pancakes being his latest

He’s the only one who learned Scribble’s name

Stat Block
and has a small friendship with her. Despite this Dakota
has as much trouble as anyone else in understanding
what Scribble is trying to communicate, though he’s
much more patient with her.
Dakota Panswatter
Small humanoid (kobold), neutral good

Armor Class 13 (red hooded cloak)

Hit Points 33
Speed 30 ft.

Cunning Action. Connor is quick to get out of a bad
Connor Blishhoney situation when violence is involved. He can Dash,
Disengage, and Hide using a bonus action instead
Schedule of an action.
Time Event
Mid-Evening In the Winding Worm. Actions
Late Evening In the Winding Worm. Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 5ft. reach.
Early Night In his room in the Hit: deals 6 (1d4+4) Piercing damage.
Winding Worm,
Mid-Night Sleeping in his room. Details
Late Night Sleeping in his room.
A well known street magician and a lesser
Early Morning Wakes up and heads to
the Town Square to set known con-artist. Connor is well accomplished in his
up High Striker. expertise of “street magic”. He knows plenty of magic
Mid-Morning Setting up High Striker. tricks, though no actual magic.
Late Morning Setting up High Striker.
He not only shuffles cards, but he also shuffles
Early Afternoon Attending High Striker.
Mid-Afternoon Going to the Winding
people’s pockets. His tricks make for great distractions
Worm to have lunch. while he pilfers coins from unsuspecting victims. His
Late Afternoon Having lunch at the cheerful demeanor has kept people from guessing what
Winding Worm. dastardly schemes he cooks up in his mind. Very few
Early Evening Leaves the Winding know that he’s even a charlatan, but there are those
Worm and heads to the who figure it out.
museum to hear the
announcement. Connor came to the festival to help attend one
Mid-Evening In the crowd in front of of the stands. At least, that’s what he claims. In reality,
the platform near the he’s hoping that the tourism of the festival means more
museum. pouches to poach. Unfortunately for him, the schedule
of the festival doesn’t really give him time to actually
con anyone.

During the day before the festival, Connor

Stat Block found an odd looking rock and decided to put it under
his hat, suspecting it may be value as it had weird
Connor Blishhoney writing on it. How could he possibly understand the
Small humanoid (halfling), neutral evil significance of the Prong Half (see Appendix B)?

Armor Class 14 (suit)

Hit Points 30
Speed 25 ft.


10 (+0) 18 (+4) 10 (0) 15 14 (+2) 12 (+1)

Skills Sleight of Hand +10, Deception +7

Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Languages Common, Halfling
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Skills Perception +7, Stealth +7
Jacob Blasttrinkle Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Languages Common
Schedule Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Time Event
Mid-Evening In the Winding Worm.
Late Evening In the Winding Worm. Actions
Early Night In his room in the Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, 5ft. reach.
Winding Worm, Hit: deals 2 (1d4) Piercing damage.
Mid-Night Sleeping in his room.
Late Night Sleeping in his room.
Early Morning Wakes up and goes
Outside the Winding Details
Worm to set up the Jacob Blasttrinkle is a very unusual lizardfolk.
cannon. He’s probably the most emotional lizardfolk you’ll ever
Mid-Morning Accidently destroys the
see. He’s always been an unusual one at home,
bacon pancake stand with
especially his fascination with fire. He eventually left his
the cannon. He heads to
the front of the museum
home to learn more about fire and the ways to harness
to do some checks on his it. Hence, he became a pyrotechnics expert.
The best way to describe Jacob is that he’s a
Late Morning Heads to the Guard
nerd. A pyrotechnics nerd. He’s very enthusiastic about
Tower and starts setting
his craft and would love to share his hobby with
up the fireworks there.
Early Afternoon Heads to the Winding others… but no one ever asks about it.
Worm for lunch. He’s been hired to manage the fireworks for the
Mid-Afternoon Having lunch.
festival. He’s brought plenty of supplies for the displays
Late Afternoon Returns to the Guard
and came very prepared. Surely nothing can go wrong
Tower to finish setting up
the fireworks.
when you’ve prepared this much… right?
Early Evening Sets off the fireworks in
the Guard Tower.
Mid-Evening Watches the
announcement from the
Guard Tower.

Stat Block

Jacob Blasttrinkle
Medium humanoid (lizardfolk), neutral good

Armor Class 10 (common clothes)

Hit Points 45
Speed 30 ft.


12 (+1) 11 (+0) 18 10 13 (+1) 9 (-1)
(+4) (+0)
Gary Nimbletrip
Skills Acrobatics +9, History +7
Schedule Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Languages Common, Goblin
Time Event
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Mid-Evening Working in the Winding
Late Evening Working in the Winding
Worm. Actions
Early Night Closing up the Winding Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, 5ft. reach.
Worm, then heading to Hit: deals 3 (1d4+1) Piercing damage.
the kitchen to sleep.
Mid-Night Sleeping in the kitchen.
Late Night Wakes up early to help Details
set up the stands outside Gary Nimbletrip is the bartender and owner of
the Winding Worm with the Winding Worm. He’s been in Rezburg for a while,
Dakota Panswatter.
and knows a lot of the townsfolk. He worked hard to
Early Morning Heads back to the
make this tavern and he’s going to work harder to keep
Winding Worm and gets
back to work.
Mid-Morning Working in the Winding The Winding Worm is known as the birthplace
of Gary’s famous Dragon Vasectomy drink. He he’s
Late Morning Working in the Winding
made a few exports of the drink (labeled as “Gary
Nimbletrip’s Dragon Vasectomy) and runs a successful
Early Afternoon Working in the Winding
Worm. business. He hopes that this will increase traffic for the
Mid-Afternoon Working in the Winding town and lead to Rezburg growing.
He’s also good friends with Trisha Spearslinger,
Late Afternoon Working in the Winding
sharing her goal of wanting to help the town.
Early Evening Closing the Winding
Worm and heading
towards the museum,
passing by the Town
Square on the way.
Mid-Evening In the crowd in front of
the museum.

Stat Block

Gary Nimbletrip
Small humanoid (goblin), lawful good

Armor Class 11 (common clothes)

Hit Points 30
Speed 30 ft.


9 (-1) 13 (+1) 10 15 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
(+0) (+2)

Trisha Spearslinger Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Schedule Shadow Step (Bonus Action). When Trisha is in dim

light or darkness, as a bonus action she can teleport
Time Event
up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space she can see
Mid-Evening In the Winding Worm.
that is also in dim light or darkness. She then has
Late Evening Returning home to sleep.
advantage on the first melee attack she makes
Early Night Sleeping.
before the end of her turn.
Mid-Night Sleeping.
Late Night Sleeping.
Early Morning Wakes up and goes to Actions
the Town Square to Multiattack. Trisha makes 3 unarmed strikes.
check on the game Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
stands. 5ft. reach. Hit: deals 11 (1d10+5) Bludgeoning
Mid-Morning Continues to supervise damage.
the Town Square.
Late Morning Heads for outside of the
museum to practice her Details
speech. The mayor of Rezburg and the only Tiefling who
Early Afternoon Double checking her list, lives there. She’s also the first outsider to become
making sure everything is
mayor. A random Tiefling showing up to a town and
in order.
becoming mayor sounds very unlikely, but there is a
Mid-Afternoon Is approached by Dakota
Panswatter, being
story behind it, one that I’m not going to tell. Let’s just
informed that the bacon say she was pretty convincing given the alternative
pancake stand is mayor.
That’s not to imply she’s a bad mayor. In fact,
Late Afternoon Assisting in setting up the
ever since she was elected Rezburg has changed for the
Early Evening Psyching herself up for better. The previously skeptical townsfolk were quickly
the speech. won over by the amount of work she put into the town.
Mid-Evening Giving a speech from the A big reason for this was the partnership with the
platform to the crowd. town’s tavern, the Winding Worm, in order to boost

Stat Block Trisha is friendly with tourists and townsfolk

alike and is highly regarded by the locals. The
partnership with the tavern has also lead to a close
Trisha Spearslinger friendship with the tavern’s owner, Gary Nimbletrip.
Medium humanoid (Tiefling), lawful good
Trisha has put in a lot of planning for this year’s
Armor Class 20 (unarmored defense)
festival to have something new and fresh. Hopefully
Hit Points 100
nothing goes wrong…
Speed 40 ft.


15 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 15 20 (+5) 20 (+5)
(+3) (+2)

Skills Acrobatics +10, Perception +10

Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Languages Common, Infernal

Mugrub Gamwich Actions
Handaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 5ft.
Schedule reach. Hit: deals 7 (1d6+4) Slashing damage.
Time Event Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 5ft. reach.
Mid-Evening In his cabin in the Wary Hit: deals 10 (2d6+4) Bludgeoning damage.
Late Evening In his cabin in the Wary
Woods. Details
Early Night Sleeping in his cabin in Mugrub Gamwich wasn’t planning on staying in
the Wary Woods. Rezburg for long. He just came to visit as he heard that
Mid-Night Sleeping.
it was the birthplace of the Dragon Vasectomy. He got
Late Night Sleeping.
drunk on them, wandered into the forest at night, and
Early Morning Sleeping
Mid-Morning Wakes up and head for
nearly fell victim to the Cursed Bodak. He barely
the Town Square to set survived, but survived he did.
up his stand.
That creature was dangerous. How many had
Late Morning Setting up his stand.
fallen victim to this thing in the past? How many more
Early Afternoon Attending the Balloon
will wind up dead in the forest? Mugrub didn’t have
Burst stand.
Mid-Afternoon Attending the Balloon answers, but he did have a mission: He was going to end
Burst stand. that Bodak. He set up a cabin in the middle of the
Late Afternoon Attending the Balloon woods, got some radiant torches, and started the hunt.
Burst stand.
After a few weeks, his searches lessened and he
Early Evening Heading for the front of
the museum to join the
visited the town more often. He made sure to warn
crowd people not to wander into the forest at night or else
Mid-Evening In the crowd listening to meet a terrible fate.
the announcement.
For the first time, Mugrub decided to help with
running the festival. The museum curator was out of
town this time, so they needed someone to fill in for
Balloon Burst.
Stat Block
Despite what his dialogue may imply, Mugrub is
perfectly capable of proper grammar. He just doesn’t
Mugrub Gamwich think it’s worth the effort.
Medium humanoid (Orc), Lawful neutral

Armor Class 11 (common clothes)

Hit Points 70
Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4) 9 (-1) 17 10 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
(+3) (+0)

Skills Athletics +9, Survival +8

Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Jackson Armor Class 12
Wackerbarrel/Guards Hit Points 25
Speed 30 ft.
Mid-Evening In the Winding Worm, 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 11 15 (+2) 12 (+1)
(+0) (+0)
Late Evening Orders a Dragon
Languages Common
Vasectomy to go, and
Senses passive Perception 12
heads home to sleep.
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Early Night Sleeping.
Mid-Night Sleeping.
Late Night Sleeping.
Early Morning Wakes up and tends to Actions
his farm. Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
Mid-Morning Thinking up ways to get 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage.
his pouch back from Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Connor Blishhoney. one target. Hit: 3 bludgeoning damage.
Late Morning Decides to chug his
Dragon Vasectomy and
gets wasted. Details
Early Afternoon Stumbling toward town, A descendant of the people who founded the
tripping over all sorts of town, Jackson Wackerbarrel is proud to call this place
his home. He runs the farm by himself, but takes
Mid-Afternoon Arrives to the Town
pleasure in his work.
Square looking for
Connor. One day, he played a card game with Connor
Late Afternoon Doesn’t get any answers Blishhoney. They were gambling. At first, Jackson was
and wanders off toward winning 15 gold pieces from Connor. But Jackson kept
the outside of the
going and lost both the winnings and 5 gold pieces of
his own money. Connor insisted the game keep going,
Early Evening Sobers up. Now sober, he
heads to the nearby
but Jackson declined, accepting defeat. Later that night,
Guard Tower hoping to he lost his pouch. The next day (the day before the
convince one of the Bananya Festival) he spotted Connor with his pouch.
guards of his Knowing Connor’s reputation, Jackson figured no one
predicament. would believe him if he reported it, so he went into the
Mid-Evening He’s getting frustrated Winding Worm to drink and think.
trying to get the guards
to listen. Surely, if he just Guard Stat Block
explains it again they’ll
If you don’t have a stat block for the guards, you can use
listen. He still has time,
Jackson Wackerbarrel’s stat block for them. Just make
sure to adjust the AC to 15 or 18.

Stat Block
Jackson Wackerbarrel
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral

Scribble announcement. Scribble
was completely alone.
Schedule She had been alone the
whole day. She may be
Time Event
doomed to suffer alone
Mid-Evening She’s back in her room at
for all eternity.
the Winding Worm.
Late Evening She just lays in bed,
thinking of ways out.
Stat Block
Hoping for a way out.
Early Night She falls asleep. At least
the dreams are different. Scribble
Mid-Night What dream will it be this Medium humanoid (Kenku), neutral good
time? Hopefully
something pleasant. Armor Class 13 (Hooded clothes)
Late Night Can it last a little longer? Hit Points 28
Must she leave the dream Speed 30 ft.
and return to the
5 (-3) 16 (+3) 11 11 14 (+2) 20 (+5)
Early Morning It’s morning again. At
(+0) (+0)
least she gets the one
thing that keeps her Skills Stealth +8, Deception +10
somewhat sane: her job. Senses darkvision 60 ft.
She heads outside the Languages Can read and understand Common and
Winding Worm to get
Auran, but can only speak through Mimicry. She also
the apple crate and head
has terrible handwriting, so writing words to paper
toward the Town Square.
isn’t much of an option.
Mid-Morning She’s setting up the Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Apple Bobbing stand
again. Mimicry. Scribble can mimic sounds she has heard,
Late Morning She’s finished, now to just
including voices. A creature that hears the sounds
lean on the sign and
she made can tell they are imitations with a
successful Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by her
Early Afternoon There has to be a way Charisma (Deception) check.
out, right? This can’t go
on forever.
Mid-Afternoon Where is it? Where is that
hourglass? It has to be Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5ft. reach.
destroyed, that’s the only Hit: deals 5 (1d4+3) Piercing damage.
way out!
Late Afternoon WHERE? WHERE IS IT?
MUST THIS PAIN BE Scribble arrived a few weeks before the festival,
ENDURED? curious. She saw that it still needed some more help, so
Early Evening Scribble, as always, is she volunteered. She got to know some of the others
snapped back to reality who would be working with her at the festival,
by the fireworks going off especially Dakota Panswatter. Communication as a
Kenku had always been annoying, but she managed to
Mid-Evening Scribble barely glances
get by the weeks. She was tasked with setting up the
around. Of course
everyone went to the Apple Bobbing stand and attending it. Simple.

On the day of the festival, she carried out her
duties. She got it set up, watched the citizens have their
fun, and also witnessed a few hiccups in the festival, but
it was still good. She came to see the announcement
and was ready to see the climax…

Then she was suddenly back in her room.

She went downstairs to see the same scene as

last evening. With difficulty, she managed to ask Dakota
what day it was. She was shocked to find it was the day
before the festival.

The first few loops she was panicked. She was

running around, trying to get help from anyone and
everyone. But the curse that was the Kenku’s Mimicry
prevented her from clearly asking her questions. She
failed to convince anyone.

On loop 8 she calmed herself down by drinking

a Dragon Vasectomy in the tavern and dealing with the
consequences. Loop 9 she was trying her best to form a

It was on loop 24 that she learned of the

existence of a magical artifact somewhere in the town.
It took till loop 39 for her to learn the artifact’s name:
The Ashwin Hourglass. After failing to find any more
leads, she got wasted again on loop 46. After that, she
started to become depressed and just kept thinking to
herself for the next loops. Lost deep in thought.

Scribble will do anything to escape this time

loop. She fears that she will never escape. All thanks to
her communication issue. She vows that if she ever
escapes, she will find herself a voice no matter the cost.


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