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Animal favorito: Wolf

Good afternoon, my name is Juan Felipe Villalobos and today we are going to talk a little bit
about my favorite animal and its main characteristics.

Physically, wolves are very similar to dogs, but they differ in many ways. The wolf's body is
very strong, so they are adapted to withstand long journeys and can reach speeds of 10 to
65 kilometers per hour when chasing their prey.

Wolves have claws which allow them to grip very slippery surfaces and another defining
characteristic is their thick and colorful fur which allows them to survive in very cold climates.

The teeth of wolves are identical to those of dogs, but the only difference is that wolves'
teeth are larger, which is an adaptation to their hunting techniques.

Wolves are also characterized by a keen sense of smell and night vision, which make them
formidable hunters.

Wolves differ from coyotes and jackals in their long, thick snouts, and from foxes in size and
shape of the ears.

A curiosity that not many people know is that these animals have been among the most
widely distributed throughout the planet, especially in the northern regions of America and
Eurasia. But much of their habitat was lost to the expansion of human communities.

There are several subspecies of wolves, i.e., types that have adapted to their environmental
surroundings over time, including the common dog. This classification responds to their
place of origin, and includes 37 subspecies.

For me, one of the most striking things about these animals is their prolonged and nocturnal
howling, which serves as a mechanism for locating packs and demarcating the borders
between their territories.

It is also known that wolves howl to communicate with their peers and rivals, thus avoiding
unwanted encounters between packs. That is why lone wolves rarely respond to howls they
hear: they lack a territory to demarcate.

and with all these characteristics said of the wolves we can differentiate very well these
spices, thanks for listening to my podcast and see you later.

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