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It was a dark and stormy night.

The only light in the room was emanating from the fireplace, illuminating the
world in front of me. The fire was crackling and dancing. I looked on in awe as flames, danced and jumped and
jumped again. The dancing flames almost seemed to be singing a lullaby to me. It was all beautiful, but it was
also terrifying. I felt as though I was gazing at the fire's eternal flames. And then I felt a strong urge to move. I
twitched and squirmed. At first it felt strange. Then exciting. I was still conscious and I knew that something
very odd was happening in this room. I felt as though I was breaking free from my own body. I felt as though I
was observing from an entirely different perspective. I couldn't hear my own voice, I couldn't hear anything that
was happening except for the sound of the flames and the crackling of the fire. I couldn't feel my limbs and I
couldn't feel the floor beneath me. I felt as though I was somehow suspended in mid air, hovering above the fire
and the chair in which I was seated, looking at the flames and listening to the sounds of the crackling fire. I was
also able to listen to my own heartbeat, as well as the beating of my heart. It was strange. I wanted to move. I
wanted escape this feeling. I squirmed and wiggled my body out of my clothes and right out of my body. I
landed with a thud, except it was more like a landing on a cloud rather than on the floor. It was the most
peculiar feeling, like rolling down a bed of feathers and then plunging into a pool of water. A feeling of both
softness and splashing coldness. And then the sensation of knowing how to fly, how to swim and how to touch
the fire. I remember what it is like to be inside my body. It was amazing. And then it was over. I emerged
from the fireplace, back into my body, still sitting in that chair, looking at that fire and bathing in the light. The
sunlight was streaming through my window, through the glass pane and illuminating the room. I could hear the
sounds of the outdoors, whispering gently to me. I could smell the cold air and I could feel the brisk breeze
tickle the hairs on my face and blow them gently this way and that. Then I felt the seat cushion beneath me. I
felt the discomfort of not being able to move my limbs. The discomfort of being attached to a weight that I
didn't want to lift.

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