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ire sea Fredo of iti Ae (FOIA) fae a ed ace inves Over 2.2378, Ie Oath Oe tee Snes Spee Ca see et Aaah Ti space cu Sell of ie Oe sel Pley dnl sry reas Hemiberequronesval ie FOLA tr SSC S382 GOL Sig. V 17) Tie ope ina thse oes Ut bj toe equtemens BeFOIA. Tininasartatdstfcan a zoey eal soya on le nthe then ts needs cade cand oe oats YYoumay cnt ou FOIA Din, Dah snduoahsa an sap ort ie toes Ply, Ustad Se Aton. sor cos he Oc of Gone aration So in IS) sine Natal ard nd Ress Ades tosnqte date TOA ase ene hey fer The crt net rls ls, hice Gover ‘erat i ing 0), ea owe appa! by were tthe Dirse, Oice of Taforaticn Poli, Cit Sakn Deri She on mes ough OW FORA tl acai aia Py ee 000521 Supreme Court of the United States vigor Term, 208 I. Bren Mt Ka soeraly 3 Consinton of the Uri nal all enemies, forcign aid domes; that wl bear Lue fh end alleiane tothe same: thet Fake dis obligation fhely, without ny renal reservation oF purpose of evssinn; and thet F wil wel end ‘ify discharge he etios ofthe olfice wn whi Im about tee Sulseribeé and stom tn dete ie fist day oF October 2018 Chie tie ofthe Let States 00522 Supreme Court of the United States October Term, 2618 1, Bre: M. Kavancugh, do solemnly swssr that 1 wil aminist whoa sp and 60 equal ih to the oor ast the rich, an that ais all the dies incumbent upon se Jutive ofthe Sepreme Coun of the United States under the Constitution and laws of te United States, So help me Goa. Subscribed und sworn to before me vo tober, 2018 os of thé Supreme Court Assovate 000523, ® U.S. Department of Justice fice of Information and Privacy Telephones (202) $14-8682 Hestngon OC 20880 pec 17 208 Mr. Paul A. Mitchell Forwarding Agent UPS eM #332 501 W. Broadway, Suite Re OLPiDs-Ro2I9 San Diego, CA 92101 MAP-CLM SBT Dear Me. Mitchel This is to acknowledge receipt of your nine Freedom of Information Act requests dated [Novernber 21,2003, which were received inthis fice on Deceniber 3, 2003, ia which you requested copies ofthe presidential comnisions for United States Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, (Clarence Thomas, David Souter, Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, Sandra Day O'Comer, ok Paul Stevens, Willam Rehnquist, and Stephen Breyer. Please be advised tht for fee purposes, your nine separate requests ar heing agerepated ito one request. See 28 CER. § 16 11(h) (2003), Tas response is made on behalf of the Office of Legal Policy (OLP) Because the records you seek are not maiarained ia this Office, our atlas not yet been able ‘o complet its search for these documents. Accordingly, we willbe unable to comply withthe twenty ‘working day tne lint inthis case 8 Wel a the en atonal days provided bythe statute Ix an effort to speed up our records search, you may wish to narrow the scope of yous request t limit the numberof potentially responsive records ar agree 10 an akerative ime fare for processing, should cords be losate, or you may wi 1o await the completion of our records search to discuss either of ‘hese options ‘We have not yet made a decision on your request for fee waiver. We will do so ater we determine whether fee wil be asested for this quest regres she necessity ofthis delay, but L assure you that your request wil be processed as soon ss possible. Ifyou have any questions or wish co discuss reformation ar an alternative time Game foe the processing of your request, you may contact me at (202) 514-3642 Sincerely, Cr rmunstn Melanie Ann Pasty Depaty Director 000524

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