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Semana: 4

Nombre del estudiante:

Affy Jesus Flores Lopez

Número de cuenta:

Sede de estudio:
Ceutec SPS



Fecha de entrega:

Activity details:
Consider the following criteria to complete your assignments.
Read and check the rubric.
Study the week’s resources and reflect about them.
Cite information from academic or scientific reference. (CRAI, Google Académico, Scielo,
Redalyc, for example).
Plagiarism is not allowed. SaffeAssign can detect it on Blackboard.
1. Did you enjoy your pre-school days?
Yes, I enjoy all my pre-school, I remember it like it was yesterday
2. Have you traveled outside of Honduras?
Yes, I have! I have made different trips in Central America
3. Did you do something fun last weekend?
I went out with my friends and my girlfriend, we stayed awake a lot.
4. What country have you always wanted to visit?
I have always wanted to visit Costa Rica and soon I will be visiting it.
5. what university career to study
I study bussines administration, is my last year.
6. What has been your most difficult subject?
My most difficult is matematica financiera, is very hard!

1. Where did you go on your last vacation?

On my last vacation I went to visit my uncles in Florida de Copan

2. How long were you there?

I was 3 days

3. Who did you go with?

I went with my parents, sister, and grandmother

4. What did you like most about San Pedro Sula?

I like about San Pedro Sula are its restaurants and its wide streets.

5. Did you like the food in San Pedro Sula?

I love San Pedro Sula food like baleadas, fried chicken, I like everything

6. What is your favorite food in San Pedro Sula?

my favorite food is chuco chicken

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