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11, 2022
BSMA 1-1 PSYC 001 - HBO

Career Opportunities in the Post-Pandemic: The Truth and Consequences

We are all familiar with the state of the world during a pandemic. It was a time of
uncertainty, where it feels like the whole world is on edge. And we all have our own ways
of coping with that sense of fear and uncertainty.

The Philippines is a country that has been hit by the pandemic, and the industries
are in disarray. The country has become one of the most vulnerable countries in the world,
especially because it is an island nation. The Philippines has been experiencing a lot of
problems with its health and education systems due to the presence of the pandemic. To
make matters worse, there are also many people who have lost their jobs and homes due
to this crisis. Indeed, COVID-19 had a significant negative impact on the general public,
but have you considered the positive impact of the pandemic on those persons who took
advantage of the opportunity to reset their careers?

People in the Philippines have benefited much from the post-pandemic period.
Many people who lose their jobs shift careers, moving from hairdressers to online sellers,
from crew to bakers, in other words, employees to CEOs. According to Ben, a reporter
for the Philippine Daily Inquirer, as a result of the pandemic, millions of Filipinos have
turned to be their own bosses in business ventures. There have been new employment
openings, and more are being generated as we speak. For those Filipinos who have
"diskarter," the opportunities are endless. However, these opportunities come with
consequences. The truth is that there is no such thing as an easy job after the pandemic.
It will take time to get used to your newfound duties and responsibilities, but if you work
hard enough at it, you will be able to succeed. The question is: how long does it take?

Entrepreneurship offers people to show their creativity and business attitude while
also controlling their own destinies. Your entrepreneurial journey may take multiple ways,
each with its own set of difficulties, twists, and turns before reaching your destination.
Your decision to start a business should not be taken lightly. Entrepreneurship requires a
great deal of energy, decision-making abilities, skills, perseverance, resourcefulness, and
flexibility. When considering entrepreneurship as a career, you should do some self-
reflection to determine how, why, and when entrepreneurship may be the best
professional option for you.

After all, the Filipino people have banded together in the face of the crisis to
demonstrate that they will not be conquered by this pandemic. Despite the fact that
medical workers have been infected, education has been disrupted, and the economy
has collapsed, Filipinos see these new job prospects as a way to improve their life. Trials
are simply a means for us to grow stronger. So, instead of being discouraged, let us be
more daring and think of different ways to survive. "God will never give us a situation that
we cannot overcome," as the old saying goes. Even in the most terrible of circumstances,
we have no choice but to be optimistic. Be a "Madiskarteng Pinoy" Whatever the situation,
the right "Strategy" is the "Key."

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