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When Life Begins

As flamboyant birds unceasingly sing sweet tweets in the midst of the towering heights of the sky,
angler fishes roam the deepest and darkest point of the wide ocean. As a firm cheetah tracks the vast
plains of the land with brisk four limbs, a man who seeks the essence of life, travels the great cycle of
human lifetime, the birth and the death. “When there is a beginning, there will always be an ending,” that
is the very principle of every existing matter. Even though a bird can fly into the skies, it still cannot defy
the latter flight of its life. Despite the capability of the anglerfish to plunge in the immeasurable depths of
the ocean, it still cannot swim towards the pressure of immortality. Regardless of the swift running ability
of a cheetah in fields, it still cannot surpass the ground of death. In other words, all the living creatures are
born and eventually will die. Everyone will experience beginning and ending as all are enveloped in the
limited access of life. On the other hand, the said life’s principle does not mean that life itself is merely a
matter of emergence and cessation. The true essence of life is how a person signifies the beginning, how
he would leave a virtuous legacies and how he would commemorate the bequests of the departed one.
Amidst the vintage era of time, 1600s nourished the minds of great poets and writers. William
Shakespeare, the England’s National Poet enlightened the whole world through his symbolic poem, ‘The
Seven Ages of Man’ which denotes that a man’s life starts in being a helpless infant and concludes in
unescapable oblivion. This poem reminds the whole civilization throughout the world and past periods
that man is limited to its nature. Significantly, that is the fact that the world cannot deny; the fact that man
is a finite matter hence, he should manifest the striving character of being alive.
The beginning. In the context of science, a systematic branch of knowledge, life begins in a single
drop of chemical and biological processes. A woman, who has only the ability to give birth to a child,
needs to wait, endure and bear the child for at least nine-long months. During this time, the mother would
be totally careful in all the aspects of her lifestyle. During these months, the mother with the help of her
husband prepares for the birth of the child. Nine months full of unpredictable behaviors. Nine months of
carefulness. Nine months of love and care. Nine months of pain and not a comfortable ambiance. Nine
months of sacrifice and nine months of preparation for a lifelong blessing in the form of a baby.
As the child comes out, it is not the end of the process but it is the beginning of a longer period
towards adulthood. A child starts to talk, crawl and do basic things in his young tender age. Making
through it, the support and assistance of the family is needed, certainly the parents. As many believes that
home molds every child, it is necessary for the parents to instill moral and virtues practices to their
children. It would help the child to become a good person for him to attain the realm of being human; to
love God and to love his neighbors unceasingly. Moreover, the parents should translate the language of
kindness to their children as it is the highest form of love.
Apparently, the child would study in varied institutions; leaning in the wall of knowledge and
wisdom as his foundation towards the building of his dreams. He would meet different people contained
in diverse sexes, social statuses and social background. These people could only do two things to this
growing child, either they could help or they could wreck the child’s instinct in life. Then, as time passes,
the child would obtain achievements and commit failures. These two things are vital in shaping his
emotional and mental stamina throughout his life. He would also meet God, the source of all the things in
this world whom he must honor and acknowledge in every pinnacle and pit of his life.
Consequently, the diaphanous image of life would be clearer to him as he gets older. He would
start his career and would begin to make his own family. He would encounter the greatest gift of God;
love. With love, he would be fueled with passion and perseverance. With love, he would make sacrifices
for others especially for his family. He would create a mark to his children through his legacy. He would
be the middle aged tree that would give and support other people as he was nourished during his sampling
days. He would be the role model for the younger as he was shaped with progress and declines. He would
be the anchor of other people as he would inculcate to their minds the importance of God. He was once an
instrument and needed to be kept. As Shakespeare's poems says: ‘sans teeth, sans eyes,’ he is now facing
the denouement of his story.
The ending. When his story ends, a new one would sprout. When he lies on the bed of eternity, a
new one would start and pursue his legacy. When he faces the truth of death, a new one would be born; as
in his infancy, his mother and father became the old tree and he became the seedling. A seedling looking
up his former one and a fresh sampling waiting to be a tall tree.
With death, no one could escape; no one could be safe. With death, no one is rich or poor; no one
is male or female. With death everyone is equal. However, life itself does not revolve to death only, life is
a precious gift from God that we could use as an entrance ticket to God’s everlasting life by doing good in
this world and living holy for Him and for all the people.

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