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Alexsander Borges Damaceno Email: alexbdamac@gmail.

Github: AlexsanderDamaceno Mobile: +55 62 91462879

• Recognized by Microsoft for finding security a bug in one of its online services. The bug was a Stored
Cross-Site Scripting in the post feature of the online system.This flaw could lead to the stealing of the private
information of Microsoft’s product users.

• Ranked 26 out 1117 students in the university’s programming questions plataform Uri Online.

• C compiler: Designed a C compiler for a subset of the C language.This project implements all compiler pipeline
construction lexical, parsing, code generation.The compiler is written using Python language.
• Linux Debugger: Architected a Linux Debugger for the x86 architecture for learn how a debugger works internally.
This project gave me a lot of knowledgement about how a person can control and manipulate a process using operating
system system calls and data structures manipulation to store process information.
• Operation System: Created an Operation System using C language for the x86 Architecture using a lot of operations
systems theory bootloader, memory management, kernel space, drivers, file system, interruptions, and exceptions. this
project gave me a good understanding of how the operations systems works under the hood.
• Chip-8 Emulator: Built an architecture emulator for a Chip-8 Emulator using C++ language. This project uses a lot
of knowledgement of how a computer processor works and how to implement emulation of hardware through software.
• Regex Engine: Built a Regex Engine using Python, Nfa and Thompson’s algorithm for regex expression match.
• Instagram App Clone: Built an Instagram App Clone in Swift. The Application uses Programmatic UI Design for
interface and firebase as back-end for real-time Database and information retrieval. The app includes features like login,
feed, photo features, file handling, tag features, user search, likes, comments.
• Netflix Like website: Created a Netflix website using HTML, PHP, CSS, Javascript, Jquery and Object-oriented
Design.The website implements front-end using Responsive design and MySQL as Database.The system includes features
like movie Search, movie by category listing, series mode display, movie streaming, movie pause and mute, user progress


Software Development Jan 2021 - Present
◦ Freelance: Analysed, Designed, Architected and Developed Desktop software solutions using C#, C++ and Java
at and Fiverr platforms.

• Member of Tap (University Study Group for Programming Contests): Weekly meetings and contests to
exercise problem solving. Mar. 2019 – Dec. 2019

Programming Skills
• Programming Languages: C, C++, Python, Java, Javascript, Swift, Rust, C#, SQL, PHP, Shell script

• Technologies/Frameworks: HTML, Flutter, Xcode, Android Studio, Unix, Git, Linux

Universidade Federal de Goiás Goiânia, Brazil

Bachelor in Computer Science Mar. 2018 – Jun. 2023

• Languages:
Portuguese: Fluent, English: Fluent.
Italian: Intermediate, German: Intermediate, Dutch: Intermediate.
Russian: Basic.

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