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Health Threat
Hypertension is considered as Health threat because High blood pressure can quietly damage
your body for years before symptoms develop. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to
disability, a poor quality of life, or even a fatal heart attack or stroke.

Treatment and lifestyle changes can help control your high blood pressure to reduce your risk
of life-threatening complications.

2. Modifiable
Proper health teaching such as excess dietary salt, low dietary potassium, overweight and
obesity, physical inactivity, excess alcohol, smoking, socioeconomic status, psychosocial
stressors, and diabetes are considered as modifiable risk factors for hypertension.

3. Prevent
Hypertension can prevent by simply having a good lifestyle like eating nutritious foods, drinking
plenty of water, having enough sleep and taking exercise every day.

4. Salience
Hypertension can lead to serious condition when you didn't give an immediate action. It can
lead to DAMAGED AND NARROWED ARTERIES. High blood pressure can damage the cells of
your arteries' inner lining. When fats from your diet enter your bloodstream, they can collect in
the damaged arteries. Eventually, your artery walls become less elastic, limiting blood flow
throughout your body.

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