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31. Gerund or infinitive? o (bevorzugen) (g0) by myself. Pd like (go) sailing this summer. Do you like (cook)? You can only live for a few days without (drink). He (bestehen auf) (play) cards. Aren't you used (walk) this far? Janet used (have) very long hair when she was a child Susan's used (deal) with difficult kids. Took forward (receive) your comments. Ti never get used hope You can't help We decided We expect . don’t feel like I've given up Imagine I managed ). Would you mind She pretended Don’t put off . He spends ages - Do you enjoy The car needs My shoes need 1 still remember Remember . Pil never forget forgot I help you. regret (sleep) on the floor. (hear) from you. (like) him. (tay) at home. (heat) from Ann soon, (cook). (smoke). (be) married to her! (ind) a taxi (pass) the bread? (be) il. (see) the doctor. (talk) on the phone. (watch) football? (wash). (mend), (buy) my first bicycle, (lock) the garage door tonight, (meet) the President. (buy) the soap. (bedauern) (Say) that we are unable to (leave) school at fourteen: it was a big mistake. 32. She went on (talk) about her illness for hours, 33. Then she went on (talk) about her other problems. 34, We don’t allow (smoke). 35. We don’t allow people (smoke). 36. I stopped for a few minutes (rest), 37. I've stopped (smoke). 38. [don’t get up on Sundays. 1 (bevorzugen) (stay) in bed. 39, ‘Can I give you a lift?” “No, thanks. I'd prefer (walk) 40. He tried (Send) her flowers and (write) her letters, but it had no effect. Al. Titried (change) the wheel, but my hands were too cold. 42, Bob suggested (go) to the cinema, 43, Have you ever (in Betracht zichen) (ive) in another country? 44. Lused (live) alone, 45. Shall we (verschieben) (go) to the cinema? 46. Would you mind (tum) the radio down? 47. Yesterday he (leugnen) (steal) the money, but today he (zugeben) (do 48. Try to (vermeiden) (walk) alone late at night. 49. L waved to Karen but failed (attract) her attention, 50. 1 promised (not / be) late. 51. Lwouldn’t (empfehlen) (tay) in that hotel 52. I wouldn't recommend anybody (stay) in that hotel. 53. Sally told us that the customs officer (lassen) her (open) her case. 54, Her parents wouldn't (lassen) her (go) out alone. 55. Everybody helped (clean) up after the party. ‘56, She tried to be serious but she couldn't help (laugh),

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