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Chapter 4

What is the purpose of chapter 4

• Chapter 3 is also known as the data presentation and
• This chapter presents all data gathered. Either
through surveys, interviews, observations and
document search.
• Each type of data should be presented accordingly
(see detailed explanation next slides)
• The data that should be presented MUST ANSWER all
the sub problems in chapter 1.
• TIP: organize the data chronologically based on how
you organize your sub problems
How to present data
• The general rule in data presentation is
1. Write the TYPE of data (title)
2. Display the data gathered (paragraph / charts / photos)
3. Explain the data and how was this acquired
Average number of Patients in South gen Hospital Naga city Cebu
0-5 yrs old

5-10 yrs old

10-20 yrs old

Figure 1: Age category of patients in South Gen Hospital

Source: DOH Cebu
Based from the data of average patients from DOH Cebu, the highest
age category is 20 years old above which has an average number of
600 patients, while the next age category with the highest population
is 0-5 years old which has an average number of 300 patients etc…
Concerns of locals for the existing south gen hospital
200 respondents

Figure 12: Common concerns of existing south gen

Source: Survey
Based from the data gathered from a survey with the patients of
South Gen Hospital, the highest concern is the view which has 600
respondents, while it is followed with the noise with 450 respondents
Existing conditions of the site

Image 1: photo showing the cracked wall of the hospital


the existing walls of the north east side of the hospital has deep
cracks caused by tremors. (see image 1)
Chapter 5
What is the purpose of chapter 5
• Chapter 5 is also known as the summary, conclusion
and recommendation
• This chapter summarizes the key data gathered and
creates a conclusion
• TIP: when summarizing the data you need to state the
highest and lowest data, or the most significant data
Contents of Chapter 5
• Summary
• Conclusion
• Recommendation
• List down all the significant data you have gathered in
your chapter 4 on a scratch paper, then collate all
those significant data and present it again in
paragraph form.
• Ex.
The South Gen Hospital is one of the key research
environment in the study to gather data for the proposed new
hospital; here are the key data that is identified to be crucial
for the study. The highest age population of the patients are
20-above years old while the lowest age population is 5-10
yrs old. The most concerning issues the patients have with the
hospital is the view and the least concerning is the odor, etc…
• After writing the summary, read it again and express
your opinion about the data gathered. When
concluding now you can use THEREFORE
• Ex.
therefore for the new hospital design, the age population to
prioritize in terms of user experience would be the 20-above
years old. The highest priority of concerns that should be
addressed would be the view etc…
• This is where the researchers write recommendations
as to how to improve or solve the main problem
• This is also where the researcher recommends future
researchers to work on areas which was not tackled
by the existing research
• Ex.
for the Proposed Biophilic hospital in Naga, the best
approach in Biophilic architecture would be to tackle on scenic
The researcher would recommend future researchers
to focus on gathering data about the psychology of the
patients to enhance user experience

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