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Denisse González Gascón

Voting at the age of 16

Did you know the average age to vote is 18? But that age has been varying. For instance, in
Spain 100 years ago the voting age was 25, and it wasn’t since the ’80s when was
established at 18. So, it would be a good idea to lower the voting age to 16?

On the one hand, is known that today's youth have a greater and better understanding of
society and are much better informed than previous generations. Furthermore, a 16-year-old
can acquire rights and duties that carry great responsibility, such as becoming emancipated,
getting a job, and also ending compulsory education at this time.

On the other hand, 16 is too young to be emotionally objective, and therefore psychologically
vulnerable. Not only that: the young vote could propose dangerous initiatives. Young people
are unable to make responsible political decisions because they lack the necessary political
knowledge. Young people are very vulnerable to influence and their vote can be easily

Overall, the difference between 16 and 18 years is too small to risk the political future of a
country. So, in my opinion, if there is no demographic reason, I would leave it as is.

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