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When we boot into the installer, we land on the welcome page

On the welcome page we choose the language, time zone and the keyboard language.

The installation will proceed with these settings and default windows to these after the installation is

The user can still change the settings after windows is installed.
On this screen, the user will be asked to enter the product key (25 digit) that will e used to activate

This key can be bought from Microsoft directly.

A product key of a particular version cannot activate a different version (For example, a license for
Windows 10 pro cannot be used to install windows 10 Home and visa-versa)
Here on this page, the user will be asked to choose the version of windows 10 to install.

The version should be highlighted according to the license though, the user may choose a different
Here on this page, the user will be prompted to choose the drive partition that windows should be
installed on.

The page provides basic functionality such as formatting, deleting, and creating partitions.

The drive’s driver can be installed from this page as well. In case the drive isn’t directly detected, the
user may choose to use this function.
While this page shows the progress, the system files are being copied and later installed in background
onto the partition chosen on the previous page.

After this page indicates the completion of the installation on the drive, the system will reboot by itself,
and the system should boot from the partition selected.

The installation drive/disk can be removed at this point.

Once the system reboots, the system will boot from the partition that windows files have been copied

Here we select the region after which the system will set itself to the date, time, and the keyboard style
of the region the user selects select.

This will become the systems defaults and can later be changed in the system settings.
On this next page, the user is asked to enter the name for the new account.

This will be the first local account on the device.

This account will not have administrator privileges unless the user chooses to grant those later in the
system settings.
The user will now be asked for entering a new password.

This password will be used to authenticate the user at login.

The user may also choose to not have a password and just choose Next while keeping the Password field

The password can be checked before choosing to press Next by clicking the eye icon in the password
The user will now be asked to confirm their password.

The user shall enter the same password that they entered in the previous page.

This is used to prevent the password being entered accidentally wrong on the previous page.

If the password doesn’t match the confirm password, the whole password process begins again.

If the user didn’t choose to set a password for the user, they shall not see this screen and will directly be
taken to the privacy page.
Here on this page, the user is asked to enter 3 security questions.

The user may select questions and provide the answers.

This is a preventive measure to prevent the user from being locked out of their account in the case they
forget the password to their account.

These questions will be used to identify and authenticate the user and will allow them to change the
password of the account.

If the user didn’t choose to set a password for the user, they shall not see this screen and will directly be
taken to the next page.
On this page, the user is given the choice to change (or to not change) the privacy setting of the device.

The settings are labeled with small snippets of description to allow the user to make an informed
decision about the settings.

The user may choose to leave all settings on or off or, may also choose to only keep selected settings on.
From here, windows will start to configure the settings based on the settings chosen in the slides earlier.
After the installation is complete, windows will land the user on the desktop.

Windows will start recognizing the hardware installed and try to install the drivers for the hardware
that’s connected.

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