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In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree

Bachelor of Technology
Submitted by
Prakhar Kumar (2101920100204)
Prashant Sachan(2101920100207)
Rahul Singh (2101920100222)
Pragati Rai(2101920100201)

Under the supervision of

S.No. Topics Page No.
1 Abstract 1
2 Existing System 2
3 Problem Statement 2
4 Objective 3
5 Resource Requirement 4
6 Conclusion 5
7 References 6

Supervisor Sign:

Password management is defined as a system that facilitates a simple,

secure way to store passwords and access them quickly when required.
They serve as the solution for maintaining a large number of passwords
and account information.

They store the login information of the various accounts and

automatically enter them into the database. This helps in the prevention
of hacker attacks like keystroke logging and it prevents the need to
remember multiple passwords. Password managers enable the use of
strong and unique passwords for each online account and provide an
efficient way to manage all the passwords.

Password managers commonly reside on the user's personal computer or

mobile device, in the form of a locally installed software application.
These applications can be offline, wherein the password database is
stored independently and locally on the same device as the password
manager software.
Password managers are also used to counter phishing attacks, phase out
browser-based password management, remove repeated passwords and
monitor compliance to detect problems
Existing System
Today’s digitalized corporate space relies heavily on passwords for
every service, whether it’s something as simple as marking daily
attendance or as sensitive as accessing client’s unmasked financial
details and the password management is done manually. An average user
has different passwords for their email, online shopping, internet
banking, social media channels, and several other digital services.
According to a 2020 research study by NordPass, the average person has
a hundred passwords to remember. Users had to remember the list of
passwords for different accounts on the internet. The user had to
manually maintain a list of all usernames and passwords.
This task is very tedious. It’s only a matter of time before remembering
numerous passwords for various corporate portals becomes impossible.

Problem Statement
Passwords are difficult to remember, and users have many accounts that
require passwords. This causes users to choose memorable but weak
passwords and then reuse them, which creates major security problems.
We propose a method for users to only need to remember one password
that they use to access all their other passwords from any device at any

The objective of this Password Management System is to manage

passwords for different accounts on the internet. The user shall be able
to save all the username and passwords information of the accounts he
holds on the internet using this application.

These details shall be saved in the database in encrypted format. This

will help the user to remember different usernames and passwords for
accounts on the internet.

The first time user opens the app it will pop up with an interface asking
the user to enter a master password. On relaunching the app, the user has
to login to the system in order to use this tool. It takes the master
password This interface is developed using Window Tinker Module.

It will take the user to a database named password vault created with the
help of sqllite3. All the passwords present in the database are hashed
with the encryption system being managed by hashlib.

All in all, this system allows the user to have complex password for
various system without the fear of password getting compromised or the
tedious task of manually remembering them.
Resource Requirement

Hardware configuration
 8 GB Ram
 Hard Drive 1TB
 Intel Dual Core Processor

Software configuration
 Visual Studio (IDE)
 Windows 10 Operating System
 Python Programming Language
 Sqllite3
 Hashlib

Today, the cybersecurity of an organization or an individual is one of the

most difficult and vital tasks. While it is possible for everybody to
complete the task manually, it is an expensive prospect with very limited
and unreliable results.

A password manager is a software that will help us generate a new

password, save your login information, and manage them. There are
risks of both not using and using a password manager, but for most
people, the risk of not using one far outweighs the risk of using one.

It provides a turnkey solution that replaces the need for rigorous training
and strict enforcement of manual traditional password management by
automating the process.

1. GitHub
2. Coursera
3. Geek For Geek
4. Studocu

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