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Chapter 1

As a bell ring, students started to pack their things to return to their destination. “Aye Chan
shouldn’t you be leaving now?” a girl about an age of 13 asked. But she kept ignoring her no matter
how many times she repeated her words. Celia throat got dried due to her repetition. “Let her be,
let’s go” another girl interrupted as the same age of the other two. “Stella and you! Can’t you two
leave me alone? ”a loud yell echo in the room as the girls flinched. Stella suddenly dragged Celia out
of the room. Aye Chan left behind being frustrated without any reasons. “I think I should get going
now” she murmured under her breath. She stepped out of the campus but it is already night time.
‘mom has told me before there are some non-human being creatures roaming around the street at
night’ a realization had hit her. ‘nah, I must not believe in those non sense words’ she spoke to
herself. Now she is being stubborn and walking alone on the street. ‘What if there is a
a kidnapper, striper or a rapist here?’ several questions were popping out of nowhere. Her thought
got interrupted by something gleaming under the moonlight but a little far away from where she is
standing. She took a few steps forward to her target. When she reached there she saw a large
untouched thing also there are silver lines on both sight which made it more glossy. It was a tomb.
How could there be a tomb in the alley? Her eyes widened she knows that this is not a normal tomb
but there is a mystery symbol on there. But the symbol is gleaming. “No this can’t be true” she
hitched under her breath. Now she is curious and terrified at the same time. She had heard about
mythical stories from her grandmother before but she never knew she could face this in reality. She
twitched her feet ready to run away but suddenly a manic screamed echo through the alley. The
reality had hit her again, she was now in the alley which is scratchy and dark. Now there is
something standing right on top of tomb but it looks lik the shadow is ready to attack her. She
screamed her lung out. But this time with hesitating she started to run not turning her head back
until she reached her home safety. Her reality night was just like a nightmare but no this is real. That
night ended like that. The next day started by her fearing mind. A fearless girl has now turned into
fearful girl. She seems insecure and her friends noticed it. “Is there something that you are hiding
from us” Celia questioned. “Oh girl come on we know about your condition already just by looking at
u” Stella sigh. “Well I have a mystery situation and u guys to help me” “If you agree than I will tell u”.
Aye Chan suddenly took out her gun and trigger. “If that so tell us, we don’t have all day long and
you are being over dramatic gezze girl”. Two of them both agree. “We will help you”. As the school
over, noises from everyone started to faded away. The whole building start to be as quite as a
graveyard. No noises after all. Immensely cold. They can even hear the clock ticking sound. Only
three fearless girl were there. If a normal person were in this situation they would leave
immediately. How fearless are they? But when it comes to tomb they expression will immediately
change. They wait till the sun went down as the moon came up hanging above the cloudy night sky.

They stepped out of the campus swiftly went near the tomb. As usual it is elegant and gleaming. All
of them started to tremble. “Let’s go back, we don’t want to die alive” Stella shuffle her foot ready
to leave. “No we need to be adventurous we can’t, we need to get rid of this before we get under
controlled” Celia blocked her way and dragged her toward the tomb. It has a thick layer of dust.
When she blew the dust we saw the tomb is not really like a tomb. It was like a door, it even have a
sky Aye Chan held the door knob ‘it felt kinda scratchy and cold on my finger’. ‘should I open it?’
‘what am I getting myself into?’. She pulled a knob ready to open but then ‘it won’t budge right?’
She glanced through the keyhole. A faint stream of blush light was visible. ‘Is this a portal? A secret
room? Another world?’ Many question entered her head. “Do it Aye Chan” two of her friend
suddenly shouted making her flinch. She took a deep breath, exhale and inhale forcefully. She held
the knob brushed the door open. They all widen their eyes after opening the door.
But then they immediately closed their eyes due to the brightness. A source of golden light zoon out
of the room, we could feel that somehow our body got sucked into the light. The dizziness had called
them right away and they fainted. Aye Chan blinked a few times and opened her eyes. ‘Where am I?
A forest? Where are my friends?’ Somehow, I couldn’t help myself. I had to follow the path into the
Hesitantly, I crept through the deserted forest. I thought I could feel people behind me, but when I
looked back, not a soul was there. As the path reached deeper into the mysterious woods, my torch
flickered and eventually turned off. Everything went dark, pitch black but I stumbled, I tripped over a
stone under my feet, I somehow managed to stand up with my limping leg. I had wounds and bruises
over my body feeling my way around, finding new paths that would hopefully lead me out, in my
desperate attempt to escape this nightmare that I feared would never end. But this is not nightmare.
It is a reality AGAIN!

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