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Essay nr 1 (first I want to say im sorry, I did the first essay

while I was at the mountains and I didn’t have the structure
with me, I only knew the main idea, sorry, really sorry, I can
redo it)

Essay 2 Outline (traffic problems)

P1: traffic jams-a big problem for society

-it has an effect on our everyday life

P2: Statement: build more bike lanes

Explain: -healthy impact on life

-people travel more
-the situation can become worse if not done correctly

P3: Statement: banning cars can help reduce traffic

Explain: banning cars isn’t the right solution-nobody will be

able to adapt to this

P4: Statement: having wider roads and using public transport

Explain: -cars will have more space

-adults will get to work on time
-traffic will reduce
P5: Conclusion: -we need to take traffic seriously- it is a major
problem to society

Essay 3 Outline (teenagers and technology today)

P1: - technology-it’s everywhere

-why is it attracting kids?

P2: Statement: MP3-apeals to teenagers

Explain: -has a lot of storage
-phones developed overtime
-mp3s aren’t used anymore

P3: Statement: mobiles are the most used

-comes with many helpful services
-offers education/ quality time with friends
-teens lose control with it, if not used with right purposes--

P4: Statement: Laptops

Explain: -can easily access sites and apps (Netflix, Instagram,
-good for school
-usually more useful to adults
-creates a bad position and our backs/necks start hurting

Conclusion: Teens prefer phones, for education and


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