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Course Syllabus

Part 1: Product & Essentials // 3 Hours

Session 1 // May 19th
Here, we’ll explore the essential & traditional marketing ‘homework’, as well as some key Product metrics
& processes. These are necessary steps to go through before any type of growth marketing takes place.
We will go over a few key topics, including Competition Analysis, Persona design, Messaging, Strategy vs
Tactics, Customer Economics (CPAs, ROI, CLV), Funnel design and Growth Tactics ideation & mentality.

You’ll be able to answer:

Why Growth Hacking? How do I go about setting up my Growth stack?
What is my USP and Value Proposition?
Who’s my ideal customer? Who are my competitors?
What does/should my initial funnel look like and what is a good mix of channels I can/should start with?
What are the KPIs I should care about and how can I best measure success?
What’s the most effective way to come up with and efficiently prioritise new ideas?

Part 2: Paid Acquisition // 12 Hours

Session 2 // May 19th
We will decide which channels will initially use to establish a conversion rate and we will explain the
concept of Rapid Experimentation (aka High Tempo Experimentation). We will build our channel-related
funnels and we will introduce you to Lead Magnets and how they can literally change the game.

Session 3 // May 19th

In this session, we will dive into Facebook ads. We will explain the nature of the channel and how to set
it up, introducing you to the ultimate way to understand what works and what doesn’t on Facebook,
through what we call a ‘3-level experimentation’. Finally, we will go through some special tools and tech-
niques that can explode our growth on Facebook along with some cool cases and best practices.

Session 4 // May 20th

AdWords will be our main topic. We’ll show you the best way to do a Keyword Research and tips on de-
ciding which keywords to use for your campaigns to stay organised & effective. We’ll also show you some
AdWords scripts that can automate your experience, and go through some cool cases and best practices.

Session 5 // May 20th

The final session in this part will be dedicated to Youtube, Twitter and Linkedin ads. We will go through
both channels, explain their nature and how should we use them for paid ads. Finally, we will go through
some cool tools that can help us bring do stuff faster and easier.

You’ll be able to answer:

Which channels should I choose for Paid Advertising?
How do I quickly and effectively run Facebook ads, Google Adwords, Twitter and Linkedin ads?
How do I experiment and optimise Ads across all these PPC/Display Ad channels?
What are the best tools I can use for PPC?
How and when should I use Remarketing?
How do I set up conversion tracking such as Facebook Pixel and create Custom Audiences?
Part 3: Organic Acquisition // 9 Hours
Session 6 // June 2nd
Now that we know how to do a keyword research, we will dive into how this research can give us the
ultimate Content calendar. We will show some awesome tools that can make our lives easier and we will
share growth hacking tips on how to produce loads of content while saving time and money.

Session 7 // June 2nd

Both organic and paid acquisition are only 50% of the job. The rest 50% is our landing pages and web-
site. In this session, we will discuss the best landing page structures to maximize the benefits from your
paid ads and content strategy.

Session 8 // June 2nd

Creating a bunch of content means nothing if we do not effectively push it and ‘activate’ it. We’ll share
the best tips and tools to activate your content and establish repetitive, low cost traffic.

You’ll be able to answer:

What topics should I write about?
How can I create loads of content with 1/10 of the normal cost?
How do I smartly ’copy and curate before I create’?
What is multiformat, repurposed content and why is it important?
How can I push, ‘activate’ and automatically distribute my content?
What are the best organic acquisition growth tools?

Part 4: Virality & Referrals // 3 Hours

Session 9 // June 3rd

Paid advertisement by itself rarely brings sustainable growth. Organic growth is also not easily predict-
able and takes time to show its effects. The element that will maximize your growth? Referrals. We will
show you the best tools to easily create and launch your own referral program within minutes.
We’ll go through the ‘’secret sauce’’ of creating an effective referral program and some ways that you can
‘kill’ a referral program. We’ll explore this through various case studies and go through best practices. Fi-
nally, we will explain how referrals should be treated in terms of our Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO).

You’ll be able to answer:

How can I set up referrals?
Which type of referral program will work for me?
How should I push and ‘activate’ my referral program?
What are the best referral/virality growth tools?
Why do some referral programs succeed and some others don’t?
Part 5: Tools & Scraping // 3 Hours

Session 10 // June 3rd

This part focuses on automations, awesome tools and scraping. In this part, we will showcase a large
amount of Growth hacking tools that few people know about and can do stuff you couldn’t ever imagine!
We will dive into how can we automate processes and use tools to do ‘’magic’’ and how can we create
shortcuts by (legally!) collecting information from other websites.

You’ll be able to answer:

What are the best growth hacking tools right now?
How do they work?
How can I adjust them to my Growth Plan?
How do I scrape and when should I do it?

Part 6: Bonus Session // 3 Hours

Session 11 // June 3rd

In this last part, we will cover topics that YOU chose during the Bootcamp. Whether you want us to dive
more in a topic or discuss an area we have not covered, this is the time we’ll make it happen!

Part 7: Tailored Growth Strategy & Planning // 3 Hours

Taking into account everything we’ve gone through in the course, each attendee of Growth Bootcamp
will take part in a personalised session with a member of the Growth Sandwich team to discuss and pre-
pare a tailored Growth Plan applicable to their business.

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