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Assessment criteria (rubrics) for final examination

Discipline: Critical thinking and writing

Task 1
Category Meets standards Approaching Below standards No answer given (0
(20 points) standards (7.5 points) points)
(15 points)
Providing a definition Student gives full Student gives full Student gives answer Student doesn’t give
answer using answer using showing poor answer showing the
terminology and terminology or knowledge of knowledge of
providing examples explains using own terminology terminology

Task 2
Category Meets standards Approaching Below standards No answer given
(20 points) standards (7.5 points)
(15 points)
Knowledge of the Student has a complete Student has a good Student has some Student doesn’t give
concept understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the answer showing
concept. concept. concept. understanding of the
Providing examples All of the examples are Most of the examples At least one of the Examples are NOT
specific, relevant and are specific, relevant pieces of examples is relevant AND/OR are
explanations are given and explanations are relevant and has an not explained.
that show how each given that show how explanation that shows
piece of evidence each piece of evidence how that piece of
supports the author's supports the author's evidence supports the
position. position. author's position.

Task 3
Category Meets standards Approaching Below standards No answer given
(20 points) standards (7.5 points)
(15 points)
Answer to the Student gives full Student gives answer Student gives answer Student doesn’t give
question/Identifying answer to the question/ to the question/ to the question/ answer to the question/
fallacy appeal Student identifies the Student identifies the Student identifies the Student can’t identify
fallacy appeal fallacy appeal fallacy appeal the fallacy appeal
correctly correctly with little correctly with correctly
hesitation hesitation
Providing explanation Student can fully Student can explain Student poorly Student can’t explain
explain his/her answer. his/her answer. explains his/her his/her answer. The
Explanation is detailed Explanation is clear. answer. Explanation is explanation is not
and clear. a difficult to provided
understand but
includes critical

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