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Media : Plateforme/channel where information is relayed. Exanple : social network, TV, paper

Press : written by journaliste

Stae life

Hoax : April fool’s joke


Bad jpurnalisme : when journaliste do a bad job

To get back to the topic : how are fake news impacting de mocracy

Democracy : peopole vote for the choice of leaders

What is democracy

Simple Do you listen to music Did you listen to music ?
Aux : do/does Yes i do alla the time Yes, i did listen
-event at a story
CONTINUS Is, she listenning to music Were you listenning to music
AUX BE+ING Yes, i was listenning to music
No i wasn’t listening to music
-at a specifiqe moment or time
Contexte of a time
-contexte of a story
I was cooking last night, and i was
watching TV, I was talking to my
brother, and I was taking out the
lasagna from the oven

Like the use of the imparfait

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