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Name :- Zaheer Abbas

Roll No :- 16
BS Political Science Semester 5
Assignment Submitted to :- Ma’am Kanza Farooq
University of The Punjab, Lahore
Topic :- The Effect Of Poverty On Educational Development Of The
Poverty has been a serious problem facing all society over the cycles. This paper critically analyses
the conceptual problems associated with poverty over the education of the citizens. It also
analyses the causes of poverty and the various programme put in place for poverty comfort
similar as family profitable advancement and poverty relief programme and colorful forms in
which government has intruded.
The question is, how far have these programmes served as veritable instrument of poverty relief
in the country? This paper suggests that indeed though these measures haven’t achieved
important as poverty relief instruments because of their operations droughts they’re
nevertheless good instruments that could be bettered upon. This exploration also has plant out
that the increase of the crime surge is as a result of the frustration that the poor get from their
privation of education by poverty. Workable and doable results have been proffered for the
problems on educational sector so that qualitative education of the citizens could be attained.
The effect of poverty then’s those effects that can bring ineffective growth in the educational
development of the citizens. It’s material to know that poverty in any establishment hampered
achievement of its targeted objects.
Educations of the citizens are faced with multitudinous problems which in turn affect the growth
of similar establishment. It’s the thus in the light of the abstaining that aroused my interest to
embark on this exploration study with a view to chancing out the goods, causes and suggest
possible results to the effect of poverty on educational development of the citizens with a
particular reference to Federal Polytechnic, Oko scholars, Anambra state. Nonetheless, formal
education in Nigeria has been as old as the coming of the social masters. Its actuality isn’t
mysterious. They came in with the intention of extending their superior administration, religion
and culture to West African countries and also with the intention of engaging in marketable
conditioning with the occupants of those countries. When they came to the props of these
countries Nigeria, they were unfortunately unfit to communicate with the people in their
language. They cooked to educate the people the ways of their life, their language, so some
agreed with them and it makes those that agree to be wiser than those that rejected the idea.
Since the formal preface of education, it has been linked by some heirs that education is a
librating force, librating people from the crunches of ignorance, superstition, inferiority complex
and other barbaric conduct. But in spite of all these advantages willed to us by education, it has
been overran and brazened with so numerous problems which among them include poverty.
Poverty has fully crippled the development of education in Nigeria. Right from time when
education was formally established in the country with the duty of some little quantum of
plutocrat on each pupil, numerous people who would have come the ministers and policy makers
of this our country couldn’t go to pay similar plutocrat also and it has absolutely jeopardized their
future. The education at that time was left for many who were privileged to be born into royal
family who were engaged in seedy business of slave trade or the family of fat growers who
supplies the European dealers the raw accoutrements they were looking for. Likewise, the
government latterly linked that it has a veritably big part to play about the education of its
citizens. It was observed that the uproariousness and greatness of country depend on the
qualitative and quantitative education given to the citizens. Now, the government has been
turned out to be an handicap to education by one allowing a reasonable chance of its profit to
the education of the citizens. The transnational communities have considered the plight of the
citizens of the developing countries on their educational development and the difficulties poverty
has posed on it. This can be manifestly seen through the conditioning of the UNICEF, an organ of
the world body U.N.O. This thus, examined the effect on poverty educational development of the
Nigeria citizens. Using Federal Polytechnic Oko pupil as a case study.

The mark to measure the extent of the educational development of the citizen depends on the
logic capability of the people. The geste, the approach to working problems and the physical
appearance of the citizens. It’s egregious that education is veritably essential especially now that
nearly everybody wants to be educated and enlightened. Numerous people want to be
knowledgeable so as to be suitable to be informed because he who isn’t informed is surely
misshaped and he who’s misshaped is abnormal. What motivates the experimenter to write on
this content is that, poverty as a problem doesn’t go alone. It goes with multitudinous problems
that could be fully inextricable from it. It drags some other problems along similar as
malnutrition, low standard of living, seedy and tattered dresses. Likewise, with the observation
of this problem, Baba Danjuma (2002) viewed that “ the pauper lacks the coffers to shoot his
child to academy. And indeed in communities where education is free, the pauper child still faces
an uphill task because the hunger of the body impedes the proper aliment of the mind”. From
the below explanation, it could be seen that poverty hinders the proper growth and development
of children intellectually, educationally, psychologically and else. Persons who have low per
capital income will have their educational development bloodied as they can not have access to
those effects that make life worth a living. This study excavated into how poverty affects
educational development of the Nigerian citizen with a view to finding result to it . The primary
ideal of this work is to expose the pitfalls and hindrances that poverty has posed on education
development of the citizens. To estimate whether poverty is a condition that’s desirable or
undesirable and criteria for measuring poverty. To ascertain whether the effect of poverty on
educational development is a seasonal or endless experience. Also to determine if the actuality
of poverty is caused by the citizens or the government or by both or either of them. Also, to
determine and suggest how stylish to annihilate poverty and bettered the standard of education
accession among the citizen.
Eventually, to let the citizens understand the significance of education in their lives despite the
fiscal constraints. This exploration work is significant in the sense that it has exposed the
requirements for poverty relief in the country a sit has to do with the life line of the society and
produce better mindfulness about the pitfalls poverty has posed on our education. Also, this work
will help us to study how our country’s development policy can help to reduce the effect of
poverty and latterly bettered the educational development of the citizens thereby barring the
endless or seasonal circumstance of poverty in the midst of its occupants. The knowledge gained
in this study will help us to know the extent of the damage poverty caused educational
development and ways through which the anomaly can be perfected. At the end of the findings
of this work, the government should be made to know that it has a part to play in the digest of
the income inequality between the rich and the poor so that the ultimate could go the training
charges of their wards.

Poverty remains a stubborn fact of life indeed in rich countries like Canada. In particular, the
poverty of our children has been a continuing concern. In 1989, the Canadian House of Commons
suggested unanimously to exclude poverty among Canadian children by 2000 . Still, the reality is
that, in 2003, one of every six children still lived in poverty. Not only have we been unprofitable
at eradicating child poverty, but over the once decade, the inequity of family inflows in Canada
has grown , and for some families, the depth of poverty has increased as well (3). Canadian
exploration confirms poverty’s negative influence on pupil geste, achievement and retention in
academy . Patient socioeconomic disadvantage has a negative impact on the life issues of
numerous Canadian children. Research from the Ontario Child Health Study in themid-1980s
reported noteworthy associations between low income and psychiatric diseases , social and
academic functioning , and habitual physical health problems . Since that time, Canada has
developed methodical measures that have enabled us to track the impact of a variety of child,
family and community factors on children’s well- being. The National Longitudinal Survey of
Children and Youth (NLSCY) developed by Statistics Canada, Human Coffers Development Canada
and a number of experimenters across the country was started in 1994 with the intention of
following representative samples of children to majority . Important of our current knowledge
about the development of Canadian children is deduced from the analysis of the NLSCY data by
experimenters in a variety of settings. One of the crucial areas told by family income is
educational issues. The present composition provides a brief review of the literature concerning
the goods of poverty on educational issues fastening on Canadian exploration. Canadian data are
placed in the perspective of exploration from other‘ rich’ countries. We conclude with some
suggestions about what we can do, as lawyers and interpreters, to work toward reducing the
negative impact of profitable disadvantage on the educational issues of our children.

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