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Motivate! 1 Progress Test Extra Name: Result: __/100 Vocabulary 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1c contain Vitamin A — this helps us maintain our eyesight. 2 Ahealthy diet includes protein like meat or f 3. Babies drink a lot of m 4 Some people drink seven or eight glasses of w. aday. 5 Carbohydrates like pasta and p. ai 6 and yoghurt contain a lot of milk 7 and vegetables are healthy foods. 8 are fruit that contain antioxidants. 9 ken and lamb are different types of m. 10 are small, red fruit. Score _/10 2 Complete the sentences with the free-time activities. 1 The boys football every day. They're Manchester United fans. 21 to ‘on my mp3 player. My favourite band is The Killers. 3 We TV every night. The Simpsons is our favourite programme. 4 the in my free time. I've got a computer in my bedroom. 5 1 my friends in the park after school and we play basketball 6 They ‘comics. Manga is their favourite type. 7 We up at weekends — until one or two am. 8 In our free time we We love buying new clothes. 91 imy bike on Sunday mornings. | cycle 30 kilometres. 10 1 on the a lot - my mobile, not the phone in the house Score _/10 Grammar 3 Complete the sentences in the present simple. 1 She a lot of coffee - three or four cups a day! 2 He his friends every day after schoo! 3. They football in the park 4 My mum food programmes on TV. 5 She shopping for food once a week. 6 She food at the market. Score _/6 4 Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 My sister is a vegetarian. She (not eat) meat. 2 Yourbody (need) vitamin C. 3 Water____ (not contain) vitamins. 4 Strawberries (help) you to stay healthy 5 1 (not drink) coffee. | don't like it ! 6 My sister (love) ice cream. She eats it every day. Score _/6 5 Write present simple questions. Then complete the short answers. 1 you / read / newspapers and magazines / evening ? Yes, ‘Motivate! 1 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013 2 you and your friends / stay up / late /at weekends 7 Yes, . 3. you /surf the intemet /in your free time / on Saturdays and Sundays ? 2 No, 4 your mother / go shopping / at the supermarket / at weekends? 2 No, Score _/8 6 Complete the sentences with the present simple form or the verbs in brackets and the correct form of the verbs in the box. do__goshopping listento ride _ stay up 4 Mysister late. (hate) 2 Doyou Tusic with your friends? (like) 3 in London. The shops are fantastic. (love) 4 her bike on Sunday mornings. (like) 5 My friends their homework. (not like) Score_/5 7 Complete the sentences with the correct subject or object pronouns. 1 love home-made pizza. 's my favourite food 2 My friends like surfing the intemet do it every day. 3. She's got a very fast bike. | like riding my bike with 4 Angela is a new gil in our class. 's from Mexico. 5 I like watching basketball on TV but | don't play Score_/5 Reading 8 Read the texts and choose the correct answers. | love sport. | play basketball and football and | like riding my bike every day after school. | don't surf the intemet or play computer games. That's boring! In the evening | do my homework and then I go to the park with my dog, Robbie. | play football with him! He loves playing it. Adam 13 I like making cakes. My favourite cake is healthy because it isn't chocolate cake, it's carrot cake. It’s delicious! On Saturdays | like meeting my friends in the town centre. We go to a café and drink milkshakes. | love strawberry milkshakes. They're my favourite! | buy fashion magazines every week. | love looking at the clothes in them. Amy 12 My favourite thing is my phone. | love surfing the internet on it. | also play games on my phone. | like watching footballl on TV, but | don't play it. | don't like doing sports or active things! | like heavy metal and | love listening to my favourite bands. I've got their songs on my phone. John 13 Motivate! 1 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013 1 Adam a) doesn't like sport. b) loves sport. c) hates sport. 2 Adam's dog a) loves the park. __b) likes Robbie. c) loves playing football 3 Amy's favourite cake contains a) apples b) chocolate ©) carrots. 4 Amy loves a) looking at clothes. b) shopping. ) buying clothes. 5 John’s favourite thing is a) his TV, b) the internet. ©) his phone. 6 John likes a) playing football. b) watching football on TV. c) doing sports. Score _/12 9 Read the texts again and answer the questions. 1 When does Adam go to the park? 2 Whatis Amy's favourite cake? 3 What does Amy buy every week? 4 What type of music does John like listening to? Score_/8 Writing 10 You are going to write a blog for an internet website about you, your family and friends. Write about 80 words. Include information about lifestyle and free-time activities. Score _/10 Listening 11 GEMM Listen and circle the correct answers. 1 Lily would like a a) chocolate ice-cream. b) strawberry ice-cream. _ c) milk-shake. 2 Max ___apple juice a) doesn't like b) loves c) hates 3 Max wants a___ a) glass of water. b) glass of milk ) milk-shake. 4 They've got____ different types of cake. a) two b) three ) four 5 How much is it? Motivate! 1 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013 a) £6.70 b) £7.60 ©). £6.60 6 The assistant says a) Enjoy your meal!’ __b) ‘Enjoy your drinks!’ —_c) ‘Enjoy your food!” Score _/6 12 Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Where are Max and Lily? 2 What types of cake have they got at the café? 3 What would Max like to eat? 4 Who pays the assistant? Score _/4 ‘Motivate! 1 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013

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