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 잘하다 = to do something well

 못하다 = to do something poorly

 수영하다 = to swim

 대우하다 = to treat somebody

 퇴직하다 = to retire

 접수하다 = to receive (an application)

 씹다 = to chew

 통역하다 = to interpret

 번역하다 = to translate

 젓다 = to stir

 늘리다 = to gain, to improve, to increase

 빠지다 = to fall into

 빠져나오다 = to escape, to come out of

 빠져나가다 = to escape, to go out of

 헷갈리다 = to be confused

Passive Verbs:
 늘다 = to be gained, improved, increased

 둥글다 = to be round, to be spherical

 어둡다 = to be dark

Adverbs and Other Words:

잘 = well

못 = poorly

님 = adds respect to person’s name or position

또는 = or

세 = a counter for years of age

꼭 = surely/definitely

물론 = of course

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