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LISTENING and WRITING: Watch the video “10 weirdest Japanese inventions” and answer
the questions.

o What are the 10 inventions they mention?

-The metro sleep accessories
-The daddy nurser
-The chopstick fan
-Shoe umbrellas
-Audio enhancer
-The cuddle pillow
-Noodle eater hair guard
-Silent karaoke
-Toilet paper to-go
-The never-ending bubble wrap

o Which do you think is the most useful?

I think the most useful would be the hugging pillow would be useful for young
children when they cannot sleep, so that they feel protected

o And the least useful?

I think that for me it would be the plastic bubble wrap without end I do not find
the meaning of the product

2. SPEAKING. Record a 2- 3 minute video where you talk about the three inventions of the
video that you would like to buy and why. Use relative pronouns.

3. READING and WRITING. Search the internet for information about another “weird” or
“unusual” invention. Write a paragraph (at least 8 sentences) describing it. Use relative
clauses, past and present tenses. Include the source where you got the information.
The Multipurpose Cane
What a brilliant idea! This multifunctional cane allows its users to “take a seat” by
converting from a cane to a stool that they can sit on. This versatile accessory is useful for
anyone who has limited mobility or needs to take a moment to sit down and rest. This
cane makes a great addition if the area also has few options where to sit.

4. SPEAKING 2: Record another 2- 3 minute video where you answer the following question:
If you were an inventor, what thing would you like to invent? Be creative and use relative

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