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The book that saved that the earth

Introduction (mythra):
Happy morning. Wishing you all most and more. We are here to
create an visual imagenary on the lesson the book that saved the
earth. The characters are :historian – janishiya, Narrator- Mythra,
Think tank – pooja, noodle – shahana, omega – sai, iota – Renita, oop
– Rakshitha, summary – Rithika. Lets begin with the story. Time 20 th
century place museum.

Narrator: Scene - 1

Historian: good afternoon. Welcome to our museum. The 20th

century was often called as era of books. The book thougt everything
for people. But the strangest thing was a book which saved the
earth. Lets see how this book have saved the earth.

Narrator: Place: Mars space control. Think

tank is a king of martians and noodle is his assistant.

Noodle: o greaty mighty think tank most powerful and intelligent

creature in the whole universe, what are your orders

Think tank: you left some part apprentice noodle. Come again.

Noodle: ofcourse sir. O great and mighty think tank, ruler of mars
and her 2moons, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole
universe. that are your orders.

Think tank: that sounds good. I wish to put that ridiculous earth
under our rulership. We martians are more handsome than the
earthlings. Now contact the space probe. I want to invade that
country before lunch.

Noodle: ok sir
Narrator: Scene – 2. Omega, iota and oop are the martians working
in space crew. (made an voice contact to them)

Noodle: Captain omega share your location.

Omega: captain omega to mars control. We have safely reached the

earth we are in a square place. Have you have any idea iota.

Iota: I think it must be a storage barn. What do you think about it


Oop: it maybe a hat.

Omega: the great mighty think tank will give us information

Think thank: the earthlings will eat often so it should be a

refreshment stand and the things were there are sandwhiches siince
it is a stable diet food for them.

Omega oop iota : a sandwich

Think tank: to cofirm it I order you to eat it.

Omega: to eat it.

Think tank: do you doubt the mighty think tank.

Omega: no sir since iota hasn’t had her breakfast she will eat it.

Iota: oop I order you to eat it

Oop: ofcourse

Omega and iota: well oop

Oop: that was not delicious sir.

Narrator: when oop ate it, that doesn’t taste good. On that time
noodle gave an idea
Noodle: sir an thing is floated in my idea about sandwiches. It has
been used by them for a sort of communication.

Think tank: yes you are correct noodle. I order you to listen to them.
Omega: it shall be done sir.

Iota: (whispering) do you hear anything?

Oop: (whispering) do you hear anything?

Omega and iota: shhhhh

Think tank: report to me what do you heared.

Omega, iota and oop: we don’t hear anything sir.

Narrator: this plan also hasn’t worked. Again noodle discovered his

Noodle: please excuse me sir an idea is twirling in my head. The

earthling hasn’t listen to the sandwiches sir instead they watched it

Think tank: yes that quite correct. I order you all to observe it.

Omega: it appears with more pictures of earthlings.

Iota: it seems to be some sort of code.

Think tank: describe that code.

Noodle: sir I have an thought in my brain. But did not the chemical
department given the vitamins to increase their intelligence?

Narrator: they cant able to read anything. Nnodle metioned to think

tank about vitamins

Think tank: right. Our chemical department given the vitamins to

increase their intelligence. Take them right now.

Omega: it shall be done sir

Narrator: they had the vitamins.

Think tank: excellent now try to observe it.

Omega: aha

Iota: oho

Oop: ha ha ha

Think tank: what does it say? Tell me

Narrator: omega and iota completed reading the books they have.
Oop was laughing continuously by hearing it. finally oop read the
humpty dumpty poem and he showed the humpty dumpty image to
think tank.

Oop: but sir why this humpty dumpty looks like you

Narrator: think tank got shocked by seeing it.

Think tank: its me. Its my greate mighty ballon brain. the earthlings
had saw me and they are after me. That means yhey planned to
capture mars central control and me. Noodle we must escape from
here without delay. Space people you must leave the place but make
sure that you remove all traces before leaving.

Narrator: omega, iota and oop rush about puuting books ba ck to


Noodle: where shall we go sir?

Think tank: 100 miles away from mars.

Narrator: finally the space people left the earth. And noodle think
tank also left the mars. Curtain closes, historian began to talk.
Historian: and now you had known that how a dusty book saved the the 25th century The earthlings resumed contact with
martians and even became friendly. By that time great and mighty
think tank also got replaced by a very clever martians. but still there
is a book that martians can never bring to read. As you guess it was
mothr goose.

Narrator: the story ends like this. Lets see a crisp summary about this

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