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andrew ryan ordered kitchen flatware, dinnerware, and cutlery total is $ 9.

748 and appliances and

cookware total is $ 17.645, give a discount 20/10/10.

a. Total is = 9.748+17.645 = 27.393 - 20% = 21.914,4

21.914,4 -10% = 19,722,96 last discount is $ 17.750,66.
Andrew needs to pay $17.750,66 excluding shipping
b. The final discount date is 18 September
c. The net payment date is 31 October.
d. The amount Andrewew needs to pay is $ 18.499,04.
e. When Andrew only pays 10.000, he still needs to be paid again for $ 8.499,04 including shipping.

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