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These are the last 5 books that I read:

1. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

2. Rich for Life by Dennis Sy

3. The BFG by Roald Dahl

4. The Summer Solstice by Nick Joaquin

5. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

Before, my concept of literature is any written work under the category of prose and poetry because
that is what I learned when I was in high school. But after reading the materials and watching the videos,
my perception of what is considered as a literary work significantly changed. Though there is still no
clear criteria or definition of what literature is, what I learned is that literature is subjective in the sense
that it is like “art,” how the person perceives or regards a text is what considers it as literature.

In my list, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, The BFG, The Summer Solstice, and Harry Potter and the
Prisoner of Azkaban are what I consider as literary works. It’s hard to think up of a reason why I consider
these as part of literature. Some may argue that I may consider The BFG and The Summer Solstice as
literary works because the authors are iconic and highly regarded in the world of literature but how I
regard something as a literary work is not because of who wrote it, but mostly about the text itself, and
in this case, the similar feeling I felt while reading these texts. While reading these works, I felt like I was
brought to another time and world where the story took place, in short, I felt like experiencing the story
first-hand even though most of them are fiction. These works also served for me as an escape from
reality as I got very immersed while reading them. You may say that my concept of literature is a work
that is “entertaining,” but I believe it is more than that. These works made me feel emotions completely
different from just reading comics, mangas, or memes. On the other hand, I do not consider Rich for Life
as a literary work but as something like a manual or instructions, because even though the author was
narrating stories from his experiences and turning them into life lessons, I regarded it as a textbook or
life wisdom.

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