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1. Please analyze the meaning of the title.

We can overcome any obstacle if we don't give up.

2. What is the name of each of the 6 main characters?
John, Hanna, Tomas, Barbara, Amy, Olivia.
3. Where did the movie take place?
4. How did the movie start?
With a game of basketball
5. Why was the coach disappointed, what did he expect from the basketball players?
He was disappointed because they did not achieve the objective and in the last seconds
they lost.
6. What happened to his son and why was he crying?
Why he didn't manage to insert in time and missed.
7. What was the bad news that the coach received after the game?
That they were going to move their family to another place and many of the parents who
were leaving had their children in basketball
8. What did the company offer its employees when they moved? From that place?
Let them move with the factory.
9. How did Coach react? Why?
He reacted without concern, because he believed that the closing of the factory would not
affect the basketball team.
10. What were you thinking would happen next year with the team?
I think that would be the best year for the team.
11. How many players left town and what happened when Did he decide to go?
There were 12 and 11 left
12. While the team was still practicing in the park what happened With the girl what
The girl stole the headphones while they were playing.
13. Why did you do that? Was there a problem? It is a disease? What is it called, how
could we know if it was a disease or a disease? Habit, was her grandmother (Barbara)
aware of her actions?
It was a kleptomania disease, the grandmother if she knew why she found one of the
things that she had stolen and she did it because of inattention.
14. Summarize in 5 lines everything that happened with the Coach's family After the vast
majority of parents and their children began Moving abroad and your salary, why was it
Jonhx ethan's son was sad as was his father and their salary was cut due to the lack of
15. What is cross country, why was the coach put off by it? Sport, how many students
signed up?
Cross country is a distance running sport and the coach got discouraged because he
wasn't a coach for that sport and he didn't like running and only one girl Hanna signed up.
16. Why did the pastor and coach visit the hospital?
They visited one of the church members.
17. What happened in the hospital, who was the man who did I accidentally meet?
In the hospital the coach entered a four by accident and was taking a man with diabetes.
18. What is the meaning of having been trying to prevent “diabetes Getting too greedy”?
He meant that everything diabetes did to him is being done to him since it took away his
sight and was taking away his legs.
19. How was his health, why was he there?
He was in poor health and was there because the drugs made them ill and he was diabetic
and blind without walking
20. Explain everything the school principal said to the coach and Why her friend took her
own life, how was she affected and what She was doing for Hannah?
She took her own life after giving birth because of drugs and the principal was paying her
21. Summarize in 5 lines everything that happened with Hannah's family?
The mom and dad died. Because of drugs, Hanna's daughter stayed with her
22. What was the great miracle that took place after he was almost discouraged?
The miracle was due to the help of Thomas and John found who he was and the
encouragement he needed.
23. What is a Scholarship? Why was it so important to the coach? And his children?
A school economic benefit that could be paid or by the government. And it was important
why they covered the expenses.
24. What was the question that the patient asked the coach, what did he answer?
Who you are? A coach, history teacher, white man and a Christian.
25. How would you answer that question? Do you know who you are?
I am a person in constant change.
26. Why did Hannah face the reality of knowing that her Father was alive, what was
Hannah's reaction, why did Coach hide it from Grandma?
Hanna reacted a bit shocked, and she wanted to see him to find out about him and why
she felt he never loved her and hid it from Grandma because she told her he was dead.
27. Summarize in 5 lines the situation after they meet and what happened afterwards?
She talked to him a bit but she felt uncomfortable and she didn't last long and she told amy
that she wanted to leave.
28. How did life go on after Hannah saw her father, where did she go, what did the
principal do, how did Hannah feel, what did she read?
She felt better and she began to change to give back what she stole and be a better

29. What happened to her after reading the Bible? What she did?
Find out about God's promises?
After reading the bible she started to give back what she had stolen and she felt happier.
30. What is a monologue and what happened in the gym, explain? How did the art teacher
react when he heard
Hannah's statement?
Interpretation of a person and in the gym Hanna said who she was and the art teacher
loved how she expressed herself.
31. How did Hannah's life change after this situation?
She improved her asthma, she was a better person and she spoke to the other girls
advising them.
32. Explain everything that happened to her and her grandmother when she found out that
Hannah visited her father?
Grandma got mad and talked to him and saw dad so Hanna wouldn't come back and then
she prayed and gave God help to forgive him.
33. Why is lying so harmful, how can it devastate your life?
This is why it makes you illusions or leads you to things that do not allow you to see reality.
34. Why did Hannah's grandmother lie
Because her daughter died because of her dad and she said she would never let her meet
her dad.
35. How was the relationship between Hannah's father and her grandmother after they met
at the hospital?
It was a little better since he began to support her in her career and they lived together
36. What happened in the different Racing practices after, did Hannah meet her father?
She started to improve running faster in menls time.
37. Why did Hannah win the state championship in track, who trained her, how did her
relationship with her father change her? life?
She won because the pope cheered her on through a recorded playback, the pope got
excited because he helped Hanna win.
38. How did the movie end? What was in each black box, who left them, why? Who was in
charge of sending the boxes,
Where was Hannah at the end of the movie?
There was a little card with audios of the pope and John sent them to Hanna and she was
giving a talk.
39. What did you like about the film and what is your opinion?
I liked the message that everything can and can be achieved if you make an effort.
40. After seeing this movie, what advice would you apply to your personal life from her and
what can you change in your personal life?

life? How did this movie help you? How could you help others? After seeing this movie?
I would be a better person, and I would help by talking about the bible.
41. Do you think people can benefit from seeing a movie like This? why? explain.
If he can because he gives you a nice tableware and can make you change your mind.
42. How did the actors in this movie communicate, I mean which one, what were the
different methods of communication they used? explain
It was all talking, or letters.
Write a Glossary of 25 words with their meanings.

 Overcome: [person] Who has won a competition or a fight.

 place: Portion of space, real or imagined, in which something is situated.
 Match: Sports event in which two teams or two players face each other.
 team: Group of people organized to carry out an activity or work.
 movie: Detailed and chronological narration of an event or a story
 news: Communication or report that is given about a fact or a recent event,
especially if it is disclosed in the media.
 problems: Person or thing that poses a difficulty or inconvenience for something.
 discouragement: Lack of encouragement, strength or energy to do, solve or
undertake something.
 cheer up: Force or energy to do, solve or undertake something.
 Sport: Physical activity or exercise, subject to certain rules, in which skill, dexterity
or physical strength is tested, with or without competition.
 Question: Interrogative statement that is issued with the intention of knowing
something or obtaining some information.
 Promise: Solemn offer made by a person to fulfill a certain duty with rectitude and
fidelity, using a fixed formula for it.
 situation: Set of circumstances, conditions or characteristics that surround a
person, animal or thing or determine its state at a given time.
 events: Thing that occurs or happens, especially if it is of some importance.
 reality: true and effective existence of something or someone.
 monologue: Speech that a person maintains with himself, as if thinking aloud.
 training: Preparation to perfect the development of an activity, especially for the
practice of a sport.
 Send: To make someone go somewhere.
 help: Do something in a disinterested way for another person to relieve their work,
to achieve a certain goal, to alleviate or avoid a difficult or risky situation that may
affect them, etc.
 Communication: Transmission of signals through a common code to the sender
and receiver.
 devastate: Ruin and destroy a territory, an area, a building, etc., so that nothing is
left standing.
 discover: Finding a thing whose existence was unknown.
 to know: To have in-depth information or knowledge and with direct experience
about something.
 avoid: Prevent a person from suffering or having to do something annoying or
 game: Activity that is generally carried out for fun or entertainment and in which
some capacity or skill is exercised.

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