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Model Of Teaching


Vinber Kate A.Casuat

BSE2- English
Table Of Content

Paraphrastic Approach
Moral-Philosophical Approach
g. Stylistic Approach

Paraphrastic Approach is
Primarily paraphrasing and
rewording the text to simpler
language or use other languages
to translate it.
Paraphrastic approach,This
approach deals with the
surface meaning of the Text .
-Hwang and Embi(2007)
An Example of
Original paragraph, Usually female kangaroos give
birth to one joey at a time. Newborns weigh as little
as 0.03 ounces at birth. After birth, the joey crawls
into its mother's pouch, where it will nurse and
continue to grow and develop. Red kangaroo joeys
do not leave the pouch for good until they are more
than eight months old.

Paraphrase After a female kangaroo gives birth to a

joey,the newborn crawls into its mother pouch
where it feeds and grows until its eight months old.
Rosli 1995
He asserts that it allows teachers to use
simpler words and sentence structures
than the more complicated ones in the
texts. Sometimes the teacher can
translate it into other language.
Keep it positive.
Moral-Philosophical Approach
Critics believe that the larger
purpose of literature should
instruct morality and to probe
philosophical issues one of the
oldest approaches.
Advantages Judgemental

Recognizes that literature

has an effect on readers.
Plato- Empasized morality
and utilitarianism.
Persons Known for
Approach Horace-Literature should be
delightful and instructive.
Works that are clearly written to be
subject to Moral/Philosophical approach

Morality Plays
Examples of Works
1. The tortoise and the hare: Never Give up!
2. The Two Crabs: Lead by Example!
3. The ants and the Grasshopper: Work hard
and Play Hard!
4. The Bell and the Cat: Ideas are good but,
execution is better!
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Literature The Republic by Plato
Example Works
Biblical Allegory C.S Lewis "The Chronicles of Narnia"
Classical Allegory Plato's" Allegory of the Cave"
Modern Allegory J.R.R Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings
Morality Plays
Examples of works Lily "A morality
play" cassie rocks"
What is
It is a science that explores how
readers interact with the language of
(mainly literary) texts in order to explain
how we understand and are affected by
texts when we read it.
What is Stylistic Approach?

The stylistic Approach incorporates a close

reading of its literature contrary to the
additional ways of memorization and
This approach concentrates on the peculiarities
of diction and imagery employed,sometimes
relating them to social theory
It teaches students to look for and interpret
stylistic dimensions of a text.
Characteristic of Stylistic Approach

1. Applies linguistics to literature in the

hope of aiming at analysis that are more
broadly based on rigorous objectives.
2. Represent a promising area not only
because stylistic analysis involves both
fields, but because such an analysis
makes possible a more complex
approach to literature.
3. Focuses on the linguistic devices or
applications at the phonological, lexical
or syntactic level, whichever proves to
be meaningful in any kind of literary
Why apply Stylistic
Common Activities
using Stylistic Approach
1.Identify Linguistic Feature( E.g. vocabulary words)
2.Discuss different meaning of a text
3.Extract Examples from a text that describes a setting
4.Identify objectives that describes a character
5.A combination of literacy analysis and literary critic

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