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ability to determine business direction, flexibility, cost minimisation, lifestyle goals

raising capital, lack of established customer base, cash flow shortages, learning curve expenses

M&A between thai pev and sabeco:

The main advantage of purchasing an existing business is that it allows a proprietor to begin trading immediately, since
an established business operation, cash flow, staff, product range and customer base already exist. It is also easier to
arrange finance for the venture, and the established track record of the firm allows the prospective owner to make a
more objective evaluation of likely future performance than would be the case if starting a new enterprise.

might have some difficulties to establish a purchase price. , buyers should also be aware that they will face ancillary
costs. These can include the accountant’s fees, for reviewing the books of the business; legal fees, for the contract of
sale; valuation costs; government taxes, such as stamp duty, on the sale transfer and contract registration; and bank
fees, when loans are established to pay for the business.

Mc Donalds

a lower failure rate than new independent small businesses, customers are usually attracted by the presence of an
established product or brand name, the cost of raw materials and supplies is often lower

The purchase price for entering into a business system franchise is often quite high,

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