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Jamaica is de therd laryest ailand in de caríbian, tu jondred forti kilomerors end eiti tú
kilómerors waid, with a toutal éruea of ólmost iléven tausand kilomerors. It kud bi de
eqivalent of trí taims de ailand of mayorca.

Iris lokeired sauth of kiuba end uan jondred sixty kilomerors from Haití. De popiuleishon
is clous tu thrí milion injabitants. Mosto f dem ar of africano or jalf blud oriyin,
descendants of sleifs brot tu di ailand.

It Jas uan jondred and tuenty rivers and thríi neishonal Parks: túU ar maruin and the other is
mauntenious. The claimeit is trópical. Wi ar toking abaut tempershurs bituin tuenty faif end
therty digrís.

Territorial limits: it is located in the Caribbean Sea, to the west is Central America at 630
km, to the north lies Cuba 150 km away, and to the east is the island that includes Haiti and
Dominican Republic at 180 km.

Territorial limits: iris lokeired in de caribian sii. Tu di west is central ameruica at six
hundred therty kilomerors. Tu de north lais Kiuba uan jondred fifty kilomerors awei. End
tu di ist is de ailand dat includs haity end dominican ripóblic at uan jondred eiri kilomerors.

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