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Chapter 3 themselves had sons after the flood.

One of the
Our Early Ancestors sons of the youngest, Japheth, was named Javan
(see Genesis 10:1-4). Out of Javan, Noah's grand-
"HE WHO DOES NOT look back to where son, came four sons named Elishah, Tharsis, the
he came from will not know where he is going." So Kittim and the Rodanim. According to the Bible,
goes a famous saying. Certainly, in order to know "From these the maritime peoples spread out into
our country, we must learn about its past. There are their territory by their clans within their nations,
so many lessons from the past to help us. For each with its own language." Thus, Fr. Francisco
example, who were our ancestors and what Colin, a Jesuit historian, wrote that the first settlers
happened to them? Do we have our own culture to of our country was Tharsis, son of Javan and great
be proud of? Or did we just borrow and receive grandson of Noah, together with his brothers and
from other cultures? their descendants. In time, the descendants of these
Biblical characters settled in the parts of the world
The First Filipinos. Who were the first that we now know as Asia, including the islands of
people to live in the Philippines? Where did they the Philippines.
come from? What happened to them? These
questions on the past cannot fully be answered, Scientists do not believe in the story of God's
even by the best scientists who study about our creation, as told in the Holy Bible. Instead, they
early ancestors. The best explanations we have have invented the theory of "evolution," or the
about our distant past come from three main story of how the first man came from apelike
sources: (1) the story of God's creation in the creatures who walked the face of the earth
Bible; (2) the story of evolution made by human thousands of years ago. Most people who go to
scientists; and (3) legends and fairytales made up school only study about the "evolution theory," and
by imaginative people. they are told to reject the Biblical story of God's
We will study about all these three
explanations about the origin of our ancestors. But We have to study about the other theories on
because we are Christians, we believe that the story how our ancestors came to be, because we may be
of God's creation of man, as described in the Holy asked questions about these. As Chris-tians,
Bible, is the real truth. Therefore, any other however, we do not believe that man evolved from
explanation about how early man came into being, apelike creatures. Instead, we believe that man was
is only the product of human theory or thinking, created in the image and likeness of God, because
and it cannot be the truth. Because God made man God loved us.
in His image and likeness, we must love all men, as
the creation of God, even though they come from
primitive or backward ways of living. After all,
once upon a time, we were also crude and simple in
our way of life like our early ancestors.

The Biblical Story. According to the Holy

Bible, all men and women originated from the first
man (Adam) and the first woman (Eve). After the
Great Flood, Noah and his three sons left to settle CHART ON THE ORIGIN OF THE FILIPINOS
the earth. Noah's sons- Shem, Ham and Japheth -
(Holy Bible)









(Apelike Creature)







apelike creatures who lived in caves. But the Bible
says God created the first man and woman
instantly by a miracle. They lived in the Garden of
The Theory of Evolution. The other story Eden.
about the origin of the first Filipinos comes from From the first couple came all other people on
those scientists who study about the past. These earth.
scientists are called "archaeologists. They study old
material relies like bones, jars, pottery and antique According to the evolution theory, the first
jewelry. These relics are found in the sites of old Filipinos or the Tabon Man hunted wild animals
burial plots, homes or villages of people who lived with crude stone weapons. They used simple stone
long, long ago. These scientific explanations about tools to make clothes or prepare food. These stone
the origin of the early Filipino, however, come tools were sharp rocks or Stones. They did not
from the theory of "evolution," or the belief that know how to farm or raise animals. They were
man came from apelike creatures who lived short, with bushy eyebrows and a low forehead.
thousands of years ago in caves and had very crude
tools. The first Filipinos lived in very harsh
surroundings. It was a daily battle for survival.
These scientists who believe in the theory of Most of the time was spent looking for food.
evolution cannot even agree on the origin of the Primitive people like the Tabon Man lived in other
first Filipinos. One group of scientists believe that parts of the world. In other parts of the world, the
the early Filipinos came from "waves of migration" ancestors of man are called the "Java Man," or
- Negritos, Indonesians, and Malays - who peopled "Beijing Man," or others. Life for them was also
these islands thousands of years ago. Another, tough.
more recent group of scientists, favor the "core
population" theory which believes that the early Growth of the Filipinos. Slowly but surely,
Filipinos came from settlers within the islands. not the early Filipinos grew in number and improved
from outside, and in fact our ancestors migrated their lifestyle. They began to cook with fire and to
outside to the other nearby islands to spread our make sharper tools. Many Families also lived in
own culture to other lands. Central Luzon and Cagayan Valley. About 5,000
years ago, the early Filipinos learned to make axes,
Both groups of evolutionists however believe seashell ornaments and pottery. They chewed betel
that the first man in the Philippines lived in nut (nganga).
Palawan about 25,000 years ago. Palawan was then
connected to the Asian mainland. The first Filipino Later, the Filipinos became expert crafts-
lived in caves at Tabon, Palawan. Thus, they are men, travelers and traders. Their pottery and
called the "Tabon Man." They belonged to the jewelry became more beautiful. They traded with
Stone Age culture. This means they only used beads of stone, shells, precious stones and gold.
stone tools and weapons. They did not yet know They made better clothes.
how to use metal.
The early Filipinos were like Vikings of the
'The Ati-atihan festival in Aklan. This traditional pacific. They sailed on boats across the Pacific
fiesta in the Philippines is a mixture of pagan Ocean to nearby islands in Micronesia and
religion and custom. Polynesia. They brought some early tools like iron
arrows and knives. They live in larger villages in
The "migration theory" does not really Manila, Pampanga, Mindoro, Samar, Leyte, Cebu
explain the origin of the Filipinos. Many historians and Bohol. They brought some early tools good
now do not believe in it. Tabon Man skull cap business relations with the Arabs, Chinese, and
dating back to 15,000 years ago. This is the other nearby nations.
evolution theory that the first Filipinos came from
Waves of Migration. Another story of the the Bagobos, Manobos, Mandayas, Bukidnons,
first Filipinos describes three waves of migration to Tirurays, and Sabanuns of Mindanao.
these islands. According to the migration theory,
our country was settled by three kinds of people - 'The Malays. The Malays came after the
(1) Negritos, (2) In-donesians, and (3) Malays. Indonesians, about 2,000 years ago. They also
arrived in boats from Southeast Asia. They were
The Negritos. The first people to come to the medium in height, brown-skinned, with dark eyes,
Philippines were the Negritos. They were also flat noses and straight black hair. They drove the
called Atis or Actas. They came across land Indonesians into the forests and lived in the
bridges from mainland Asia about 25,000 years lowlands.
ago. At that time, our country was connected to
Asia by land bridges which later sank below the The Malays were more civilized than the
sea. Indonesians. They lived in larger villages.
They had government, writing, music, arts, and
The Negritos were very small people. They sciences. They lived by agriculture, fishing, mining
were less than five feet tall. They were called and trading.
"Negritos" because they had black skin, short
kinky hair, thick lips, and black noses. They wore Some legends describe the coming of the
little clothing. They had no government, no Malays. In Panay, this story is called the
writing, and no permanent homes. They wandered "Maragtas." It tells how the first ten Malay datus
in the forests and lived by hunting, fishing, and left Borneo and came to Panay. They bought the
gathering wild plants and fruits. They used the bow land from the Negritos and settled the other
and arrow for hunting. islands. Datu Put led the Malay datus, and
Marikudo led the Atis. This legend is now
Today, there are still Negritos in the hills of celebrated in the famous "ati-atihan" fiesta and
Zambales. dance.

The Indonesians. According to the migration The Filipinos today come from the Malay or
theory, Indonesians were the first immigrants to brown race. Thus, there are Muslim Malays in
come by sea to the Philippines. They came about Mindanao, Jolo and Palawan. And there are
5,000 years ago. They sailed in boats from south Christian Malays in the whole country. There are
Asia. They drove the Nepritos into the mountains also Malay tribes like the Igorots, Ifugaos,
and lived in the lowlands. There were two types of Bontoks, and Tinggians of Luzon.
Indone-sians. 'The first type was tall, with light
skin, large forehead, high nose and thin lips. The Legends and Fairy Tales. There are also
second type came later. They were shorter and various legends and fairy tales about the origin of
darker, with a large nose, thick lips and heavy jaw. the first Filipino, but these are not all true. They
were just the imaginary stories told by old folks to
The Indonesians were more advanced than little children to keep them interested in their past.
the Negritos. They lived in permanent homes. They There are two famous legends about the early
used fire to cook their food. They lived by hunting, Filipinos, as follows: (1) the story of Malakas and
fishing, and small farming. They painted their Maganda; and (2) the story of the brown people.
bodies with colorful figures.
The first one goes as follows:
Today, the Indonesian minority tribes are
found in some interior parts of our country. They Long, long ago, after the land was formed as
are the Apayaos, Gaddangs, Ibanags, and Kalingas a result of the war between the sea and the sky, the
of Northern Luzon; the Tagbanuas of Palawan, and clever bird, which incited the war, flew ashore. It
landed on a bamboo plant in order to rest. While the brown peoples. The brown-skinned Filipinos
resting it happened to peck the bamboo. are thus the perfect handiwork of God.
Suddenly, the bamboo split apart. Out of the first
half of the bamboo came a handsome man, and out Historical Values. From this chapter, we can
of the second half of the bamboo came a beautiful learn two lessons from the past:
woman. The man was named Malakas (Lalake), (1) The early Filipinos had a culture of their own.
and he was the first man in the world. The woman They built the magnificent rice terraces in Norther
was named Maganda (Babae), and she was the first Luzon. They charted the seas and sailed thousands
woman in the world, of miles to other islands in the Pacific. They had a
society of law and order. They appreciated
Malakas and Maganda got married. Many beautiful things like jewelry and pottery. They
children were born to them. From these children buried the dead with respect. Thus, the early
came the Filipinos. Filipinos had their own inventions and spread
cultures to other places. They did not just borrow
The second legend claims a racial superiority of the or receive the culture of other peoples.
brown-colored Filipinos. This story goes as
follows: (2) We must respect and protect our tribal
Many, many years ago, there were no people minorities in the Philippines because they are part
on earth. One day, Gold walked about the earth and of our ancestry. There are about 100 tribal groups
became lonely. So, he decided to create the people in the Philippines. Each has its own customs,
who would inhabit the plains and hills. He stopped beliefs, arts and crafts. They are very much a part
by a riverbank and got some clay. He molded the of our colorful past.
clay into male and female figures and baked them
over a slow fire. (3) We must take the Gospel and train ourselves
how to be Christian missionaries among these
But because he did not know how to bake, minority tribes first. Having many minority tribes
the first figures of men and women turned out too in our country is good practice for our evangelists
black because they got burned. and missionaries, because the other non-Christian
nations in Asia, Africa and Latin America also
Since God was not happy with the black have many rival groups.
peoples who got burned from his first try at making
men and women, he molded new clay figures and
put them back over the fire to cook. This time, he
became too cautious and took away the clay figures
before they could be cooked properly. God was
upset to see that the clay figures were white,
because they were under baked.

For the third time, God molded another set of

clay figure and put them on the fire. This time, he
had practiced and knew perfectly what color of
people he wanted. When the color of the clay
figures turned brown; he stopped baking and was
very happy with his work.

Then God breathed life into all baked clay

figures. Out of the black clay figures came the
black peoples; out of the white clay figures came
using banana plants as plates and coconut shells as
drinking cups. They made fire to cook their food
by rubbing two pieces of dry wood which when
heated, produced a tiny flame. They stored their
drinking water in big earthen jars or in huge clean
bamboo tubes.

The popular wine of our ancestors was tuba

which was made from coconut. 'The other wines
manufactured by ancient Filipinos were basi, an
Ilocano wine made from sugarcane: pangasi, a
Bisayan wine made from fermented rice;
lambanog, a Tagalog wine taken from the coconut
palm; and the tapuy, an Igorot wine distilled from

Mode of Dressing. The men wore a

collarless, short-sleeved jacket called kangan and a
strip of cloth, called bahag, wrapped around the
waist and in between the legs. The jacket (kangan)
reached slightly below the waist. It was dyed
(tining) either in blue or black. except that of the
chief which was red. Instead of a hat, the men used
the putong, a piece of cloth wound around the
head. They had no shoes. They had jewels, such as
gold neck-laces, gold armlets called kalombigas,
and gold anklets filled with agates, carnelians and
other colored glass.
Chapter 4
Our Malayan Heritage The women wore a wide-sleeved jacket
called baro. Their skirt was called patadyong-It
AGES BEFORE the coming of the Span- was a piece of cotton cloth which they wrapped
lards to the Orient, our Malay ancestors had about their waists and let fall to their feet. Their
brought to our shores their ancestral culture, jewels consisted of gold necklaces, gold bracelets,
including food and drinks, mode of dressing, large gold carryings, and gold Rings. These jewels
housing, society, government and laws, writing, were filled with agates, carnelians, pearls, and
language, literature, music (songs, dances, and other precious gems. They tied their long, black
musical instruments), economy, religion, arts and hair in a graceful knot at the back of their heads.
sciences, superstitious beliefs and customs and Like the men, they went about barefoot. Both men
traditions. Such a heritage was enriched by early and women inserted gold between their teeth as an
contacts with the advanced civilizations of India, ornament.
China, Japan, and Arabia.
Tattoos. The early Filipinos tattooed their
Food and Drinks. The staple food of the bodies with various designs representing animals,
early Filipinos was rice. Aside from rice their food birds, flowers, and geometric figures.The tattoos
consisted of carabao meat, pork, chickens, sea served two purposes: (1) to enhance their bodily
turtles, fish, bananas and other fruits and beauty, and (2) to show their war record. The more
vegetables. They cooked their food in earthen pots men a warrior had killed in battle, the more
or in bamboo tubes. They ate with their fingers,
tattooed he was. The women were less tattooed cleaned their teeth upon walking up in the
than the men. The children were not tattooed at all. morning. They filed their teeth to make them even.
They chewed buy which made their teeth colored
House. The early Filipinos lived in houses. but strong.
These houses were made of wood, bamboo, and
palm leaves. They were built near each other in the They kept their homes clean. A Jesuit
barangay (village). Each house had a bamboo historian named Father Francisco Colin said:
ladder that could be drawn up at night or when the They keep a vessel full of water at the door of
family was out. It also contained a gallery, called every house, and every person, whether belonging
batalan, where jars of water were kept for to the house or not, upon entering, takes water
household purposes. The rice, firewood, and from this vessel and washes his feet, especially
chickens were kept under the house. during the rainy season."

Some of them lived in tree-houses. Such Amusements. The early Filipinos were not
houses were built on the top of trees for better always fighting or working. They held banquets to
protection from enemies. The Bagobos and celebrate a good harvest, a wed-ding, a religious
Kalingas still live in such houses. sacrifice, and a victory in war.
These banquets were celebrated with much eating
The Badjaos (sea-gypsies) of the Sulu Sea drinking, singing, and dancing.
still live in boat-houses, as their forefathers did in
ancient times. Aside from the enjoyment they derived from
barangay banquets, they had other forms of
Natural Courtesy and Politeness. The early amusements. They had such games as carabao
Filipinos were courteous and polite. When two races, wrestling, fencing, boat races, and stone-
persons of equal rank met on the road, they throwing contests.
removed their putong (turban) as a sign of
courtesy. When a person addressed his superior, he Music. They were lovers of music. They had
took off his putong. put it over his left shoulder various musical instruments and numerous dances
like a towel, and bowed low. He addressed his and songs for different occasions. Among their
superior with the word po, which is equivalent to musical instruments were the kudyapi, Tagalog
"sir." He spoke in polite language. guitar; the kalaleng, Tinggian nose-flute; the
kulintang, Moro xylophone; the tultogan, Bisayan
The women were shown courtesy every- bamboo drum; the silbay, Ilocano reed flute; and
where. When a man and a woman walked together, the suracan, Subanum cymbal.
the man was always behind the woman. It was
considered impolite for a man to walk ahead of his The folk dances of the early Filipinos were
woman companion. Whenever the entire family charming. Among them were the kumintang,
went out, the mother and daughters walked ahead, Tagalog love dance; the mahinhin, Tagalog
while the father and sons followed behind. courtship dance; the dandansoy, Bisayan tuba
dance; the kinnotan, ilocano art's dance; the
Cleanliness and Neatness. The early paujalay, Moro wedding dance; and the tadok,
Filipinos were clean and neat in their personal Tinggian love dance. Their songs expressed all
habits. They bathed daily. Their favorite hour for aspects of life - love, war, labor, religion, and
bathing in the river was at sunset when they had death. Among them were the tagumpay, Tagalog
finished their daily toil. song of victory; the dallu, Negrito religious song;
the ayog-ku, Igorot serenade song; the bactal,
They washed their hair regularly with gugo Tagbanua death song; the dal-lot, llocano ballad
and water. They anointed it with coconut oil and song, which recounts the exploits of Lam-ang,
other lotions. They washed their mouths and mighty hero of llocandia; the kuilay-kuilay,
Tingian wine song; and the tudob, Agusan harvest And with a loud shout, she threw the rice to all the
song. guests who answered with a similar shout and the
ceremony was over.
Marriage Customs. It was customary for
them to marry within their rank, that is, for a Government. The early Filipinos had their
nobleman to marry a noblewoman, a freeman to own form of government. Each settlement was an
marry a freewoman, and a slave man to marry a independent kingdom called barangay.
slave woman, However, there was no strict The term barangay is a Hispanized form of the
prohibition against intermarriages between the Malayan word balangay, which means
nobility and the commoner and between the rich "sailboat." The early Filipinos applied the name
and the poor. Thus, a prince could marry a slave barangay to their settlement in honor of the sailboat
girl or a freeman could marry a princess. that brought them to Philippine shores.

Before marriage, the groom gave a dowry to Each barangay consisted of about 100
the family of the bride. This dowry was called families. Some barangays were big, such as Sugbu
bigaykaya. It consisted of gold, land, slaves, or (Cebu), Maktan (Mactan), Bigan (Vigan), and
anything else of value. Aside from this dowry, the Maynila (Manila). Each of these big barangays had
groom had to work in the house of the girl for a a population of more than 2,000.
certain period of time. He carried water and
firewood to the house. He assisted the girl's father The ruler of the barangay was called datu. He
in plowing the field.And he helped in the planting was also known as hari or raja. In time of peace, he
and harvesting of rice. was the chief exccutive, legislator, and judge. And
in time of war, he was the commander of the
The early Filipinos practiced divorce. The barangay warriors.
grounds for divorce were (1) adultery on the part of
the wife; (2) desertion on the part of the husband; The datu usually obtained his position by
(3) loss of affection; (4) cruelty, (5) insanity, and inheritance. When the datu died, his son inherited
(6) childlessness. the datuship. If a datu died childless, the barangay
chose a man to be the datu on the basis of his
The Weading Ceremony. On the day of the wisdom, physical strength, or wealth.
wedding, the friends of the groom went to the
bride's house to bring her to the home of the There was no national government in ancient
groom. The wedding ceremony would take place at Philippines. There were many independent
the groom's house. The leader of the groom's barangays and many datus. But there was no datu
friends carried the spear of the groom. strong enough to unite the archipelago into one
Upon arrival at the house, the bride pre.
tended to be shy and would refuse to ascend the Laws. The early Filipinos had both oral and
stairs. The groom's father would give her a gift to written laws. The oral laws were the customs
make her go up. Once inside the house, she would (ugali) of the race which were handed down orally
refuse to sit down, to smile, and to drink - unless from generation to generation.
more gifts were given to her. The legendary law-giver was a woman named
Lubluban, the great granddaughter of the first man
When the groom and the bride were drinking and the first woman in the world.
together, an old man announced to the guests that
the two were to be united in marriage. Following The written laws were promulgated by the
this announcement, a priestess came forward. She datus with the help of the elders, and were put into
joined the hands of the couple over a bowl of writing. These written laws were announced to the
uncooked rice and pronounced them man and wife. people by a barangay crier known as umalahokan.
These written laws were put on the barks of trees, During the period of mourning, the relatives
wood, leaves or cloth. Thus, they did not last. of the dead wore rattan bands around their necks,
arms, and legs. They also abstained from eating
`The only records we have of ancient laws meat and drinking wine.
came from Spanish historians and oral tradi-tion.
Unfortunately, the Code of Kalantiaw, a well- The mourning custom for a deceased datu
known code of laws supposedly given by Datu was called larao. When a datu died, a herald
Kalantiaw of Aklan in 1433 is a clever hoax. The announced the event and the larao was then
hoax was done by Jose E. Marco, an antique observed. No colored clothes were worn by the
collector from Negros Occidental who gave the grieving people. All wars and quarrels were
document to James E. Robertson of the National suspended. And singing in boats returning from the
Library in 1914. It could not be authentic because sea was prohibited. All warriors carried their spears
of its suspicious origin, the strange writing and with their tips pointed downward and their daggers
modern words in the text, and the un-Filipino with hilts reversed.
harshness of its laws (e.g. flogging, exposure to
ants, swimming for hours). Superstitions. The early Filipinos, like all
other peoples on earth, had their superstitions.
Religion. With the exception of the Muslims They believed in witches, such as the asuang who
in Mindanao and Sulu, the ancient Filipinos were assumed the form of a dog, a bird, or any other
pagans. Their supreme God was Bathala, creator of animal, and devoured human flesh; the
heaven, earth, and men. Below him were other mangkukulam, who caused people to die or to be
gods and goddesses. sick by pricking a toy with his magic pin; the
tianak, who sucked the baby's entrails by means of
The early Filipinos worshipped ancestral his elongated probosis; and the rigbalang. who
spirits called anitos (Tagalog) or diwatas (Bisayan). appeared in the form of a dog, a horse, or an old
To these anitos, sacrifices called maganito were man to deceive his victims
offered. The sacrifice was performed by a priest or
priestess called katalona or baylana. They The early Filipinos believed in the magical
worshipped nature - rivers, mountains, old trees, power of amulets or charms, such as the anting-
crocodiles, and fields in the belief that such natural anting, which was believed to make its possessor
objects were the habitats of spirits. invulnerable to iron weapons; gayuma, a love
potion which can arouse an adamant woman's
They also believed in life after death. After affection; odom, a Bicol magic herb which makes
death, the soul travels to the next world to receive its possessor invisible to the human eye: and uiga,
its due reward or punishment. The good soul goes a Bisayan charm which enables any man to cross a
to heaven, called kalualhatian by the Tagalogs and river without getting wet
ologan by the Bisayans, while the bad soul goes to .
hell, called kasamaan by the Tagalogs and solad by Languages. The early Filipinos had dif.
the Bisayans. ferent languages and dialects. But by learning one
Filipino language, it was comparatively easy to
Burial and Mourning Customs. Because of learn the other languages because all of them
their belief in the next world, the early Filipinos originated from a common linguistic source - the
took care in burying their dead. The corpse was Malayo-Polynesian language, the mother tongue of
embalmed, as in ancient Egypt, and was buried the Pacific races. Thus wrote Father Pedro Chirino
amidst deep sorrow near his home, in a cave, or on in 1604: "There is no single or general language of
a headland overlooking the sea. Clothes, food, the Filipinos extending throughout the islands, but
weapons, and sometimes slaves were buried with all of them, though there are many different
the dead. tongues, are so much alike that they may be
learned and spoken in a short time."
and craftsmen. The girls were taught cooking,
Writing. The early Filipinos used a sharp sewing, stock raising, and other domestic work to
pointed iron instrument called sipol as pen. make them good housewives.
They wrote on banana leaves, tree-barks, and
bamboo tubes. The direction of their writing was Formal education was also known to early
from left to right. Filipinos. In certain regions there existed regular
schools for the children. In ancient Panay, for
The ancient alphabet consisted of three instance, there existed a regular barangay school
vowels (serving as five) and fourteen consonants. called bothoan. In this school, the children were
taught the Sanskrit language, reading, writing,
Literacy of the Early Filipinos. Before the arithmetic, the use of weapons and lubus (art of
coming of the Spaniards, there was a high degree acquiring amulets and talismans).
of literacy in the Philippines. "All of these
islanders," wrote Father Chirino, "are much given Arts. The early Filipinos had their arts which
to reading and writing, and there is hardly a man, were part of their cultural heritage. Their
and much less a woman, who does not read and architecture revealed itself in the bahay kubo style
write. of home and in the trim sailing crafts which they
built. Their houses of bamboo, wood, nipa, and
Literature. They had oral and written palm-leaves were not as enduring as the colossal
literature. Their oral literature consisted of: (1) pyramids of Egypt or as magnificent as the temples
myths and legends which recounted of the world of Greece, but they were cool, cozy, and suitable
and the origin of man, woman, birds, flowers, shelters for the tropical climate of the land.
animals and other things; (2) songs and poems
which chanted the deeds of their gods and heroes; Painting was shown in their ancient tattoo art.
and (3) fables, proverbs (sawikain) and riddles The skillful tattoo artists of the barangays were the
(bugtong). ancient Filipino artists. They used the dagger or
knife as brush, black soot and jungle saps as colors,
This ancient oral literature has been preserved and the human body as canvas. They painted on the
to the present day because it has been transmitted human body gorgeous designs representing the
from one generation to another. The existing sun, the stars, the flowers, the crocodiles, the birds,
specimens of ancient oral poetry are the Darangan and the various geometrical figures. They were
of the Maranaws (Lanao Muslims) and the /lim and expert mixers of colors.
the /ud-hud of the Ilugaos
The barangay sculptors carved statues in
Very little of the early written literature has wood, clay, gold, and ivory. These statues, called
been preserved because of the loss of the ancient likha (Tagalog) or lagdong (Bicol), were made in
manuscripts during the Spanish con-quest. Among memory of their anitos or an-cestors. The early
the surviving specimens of the pre-Spanish written sculptors also made fine carvings on the handles of
literature are the tarsilas (Muslim genealogies of daggers, krises, bolos, and knives; on the outer
Mindanao and Sulu). surface of shields; and on the prows of their boats.

Education. The system of education in the Sciences. The early Filipinos possessed some
Philippines before the arrival of the Spaniards was knowledge of science. They knew the curative
generally informal. The children studied in their value of medicinal plants and herbs.
own homes with their parents or with some old Their medicine men had herbs as antidotes for all
men in the barangays as tutors. Both boys and girls kinds of poison. Their medical lore, like that of the
were taught reading, writing, arithmetic, and tribal ancient Egyptians and Greeks, was associated with
customs. In addition, the boys were trained to be religion and magic.
warriors, hunters, fishermen, farmers, mariners,
They knew astronomy. They steered their The Ifugaos still use the calendar of their
vessels by the direction of the stars, the moon ancestors. This Ifugao calendar contains 13 months
and the sun. The ancient Bisayans began the first in a year, each month having 28 days.
month of their calendar at the appearance of the The Ifugaos have a tribal keeper called tumunoh,
Pleiades in the sky. The lugaos still retain the old 13 strings representing the 13 months of the year.
names for various constellations - Monbunkol At the end of each day, he ties one knot on a string
(Dipper), Panwit (Blaster), Kamalit (Shooting to show that one day has elapsed.
Stars), and Monbatang (Twin He ties 28 knots per string to represent one month.
Stars). The Ifugao calendar contains 364 days a year. In
case of a leap year, one more day is added to the
They also knew engineering. They 13th month to make 365 days.
constructed forts (kuta), irrigation ditches and rice
terraces. Their greatest engineering achieve-ment, Coinage. The early Filipinos knew the art of
the famous Ifugao rice terraces have aroused the coinage. Several specimens of their ancient coins
admiration of scientists and scholars from all parts were found in jars (GUIs) which had been
of the world. excavated in Bataan and Manila. These coins were
cone-shaped gold pieces, usually bearing the
They could add, subtract, divide and imprint of the Malayan letter M on their flat bases.
multiply. They used these mathematical op- They are called piloncitos by local numismatists, or
crations in their business transactions. They could collectors of coins. The conical shape of these
count up to 100,000,000. They had native terms for ancient coins was the result of the early method of
numerals, such as isa (one), puo (ten), daan pouring melied gold dust in leaves folded in the
(hundred), libo (thousand), angao (one million), shapesara cone.
kati (ten million), and gahala (one hundred
million). Domestic and Foreign Trade. Domestic
trade existed in ancient Philippines. Barangay
Weights and Measures. The early Fill pinos traded with barangay, island with island. This early
had their own weights and measures. fo weighing domestic trade was carried on by means of barter.
things, they used the calaro, which was a kind of According to Captain Miguel de Loarca, the
balance with scales. Their measures of capacity Filipinos of the inland region exchanged their rice
were the kaban (25 gants), the salop (one ganta), and cotton for fish, salt, and other products raised
the kaguita (one-hair. ganta), and the gatang (one by the dwellers of the coastal district.
chupa). Their measures for length were the dipa,
the leng between the tip of the thumb and that of Ancient Filipinos also carried on commerce
the middle finger when extended; the rumuro, the with China, Japan, Siam (Thailand), Malacca,
length between the tip of the thumb and that of India, Borneo, Sumatra, Java and other Oriental
forefinger when extended; the sandamak, the width lands. A Spanish document (dated 1586) recounted
of the hand with the five fingers pressed together; that they were "keen traders and have traded with
and the sandali, the width of one finger. China for many years, and before the advent of the
Spaniards they sailed to Maluco, Malacca, Hazian
Calendars. Before the coming of the (probably Achen, Sumatra), Parani, Brunei, and
Spaniards, the Filipinos were already using their other king-doms."
own calendars. The ancient calendar of the
Bisayans contained seven days in a week, and 12 The usual method of trading with foreign
months in a year. Each of the 12 months contained merchants was by barter in which they offered their
30 days, except the last month which had only 26 own products in exchange for the products of other
days or a total of 356 days a year countries. Sometimes a price was set for the
commodities, using gold dust and bronze gongs as
money. It had been observed by two early Chinese
writers, Chao Ju-kua (1225) and Wang Tayuan 3. Our ancestors were honest, clean, hardworking
(1349) that they were honest in their commercial and honorable. They had a strict code of conduct
transaction. among themselves and with outsiders. Generally,
they lived at peace within the tribes and with
Agriculture and Industries. Farming was outsiders. They settled their differences peacefully
the main industry of ancient Filipinos. because they liked to have good relations.
Two methods of cultivation were used by ancient
Filipino farmers. The first method was the kaingin
method, in which the land was cleared by setting
fire to the shrubs and bushes after which holes
were bored in the ground with pointed sticks and
the seeds were ther planted there. The second
method was the regular means of tillage using
wooden plows and harrows drawn by carabaos. In
some regions, irrigation was used to increase Chapter 5
production as evidenced by the famous Ifugao Our Heritage from India, China, and Arabia
terraces of northern Luzon.
The Philippines is in Asia and has an Asian
The early Filipinos recognized both systems heritage. This means that our country plays a role
of public and private ownership of land. The in the history of Asia and has close relations with
mountain slopes and less arable lands were other Asian nations. This means that our country
considered public property of the barangay. The plays a role in the history of Asia and has close
cultivated lands were owned privately by the relations with other ASian nations. In this chapter.
different families. These private lands were We will learn how the Filipinos live with these
acquired by occupation, purchase or inheritance. other Asian nations. We will also find out what we
gave to them and what they gave to us. These
Other industries of early Filipinos were influences from other Adian nations are called our
fishing. mining, lumbering, weaving, metal work, Asian Heritage. We have an Asian heritage from
making of tools and weapons, manufacture of India, China, Arabia, and other countries.
wines, raising of poultry and stock, tanning and
shipbuilding. Early Relations with India. Hindus from the
Asian mainland and nearby islands came to the
The existence of agriculture and industries in Philippines as early as 900.AD. Even though the
the Philippines during pre-Spanish times showed Hindus came to our country, we were never
that the Filipino forefathers possessed a relatively conquered by them. This is because the Hindu
high culture. visitors to our land came peacefully. They were
traders or foreign immigrants (people who settled
Historical Values. From this study of our in that area).
early ancestors, we learn the following historical
values: Hindu Antiques. Other Hindus must have
visited other parts of our country because antiques
1. Our early ancestors were civilized people. They or relics from India were found in different places.
were not cruel savages or stupid barbarians. They These Hindu antiques are:
had organized government, written laws, literature, 1. Gold image of Agusan. This statue of a Hindu
arts and sciences. goddess was found at Esperanza. Agusan Province
2. Our ancestors were free - free to choose their in 1917.
leaders, to make their own laws, rules and 2. Copper image of Ganesha. This statue of the
regulations, and to do business or make a living. elephant god of the Hindus was found in Mactan in
No foreigners told them what to do or abused them. 1843.
3. Gold pendant of Garuda, the legendary bird of
India. This was found at Brookes Point, Palawan in Translation of the Laguna Copperplate
1961. Inscription (900 A.D.): According to Antoon
Postma, a Dutch museum researcher, the LCI
Other Hindu Heritage. The Hindu her lage of translation is as follows:
the Philippines is religious, social, and economic.
Traces of Hindu culture is found in our: (1) Hail! In the Indian calendar/ year 822 the
religion, (2) jobs, (3) writing, ( language, (5) month of March-April... on Monday. Ar that time,
customs, and (6) race. Lady Ankaan together with her relative Bulah, the
child of His Honor Namwran, was given, as a
In religion, the Hindus taught us pray to special favor, a document of full payment by the
many gods, spirits and images. The indus also pray Chief and Commander of Tundun (Tondo],
to many and in spirits and images. The word represented by the Leader of Pailah, Jayadewa
"Bathala" is of India [Pila]. This means that His Honor Manwran. . . is
totally cleared of a salary debt . ... therefore all the
In jobs, the Hindus gave us such industries descendants of His Honor Namwran are cleared of
as: mining quicklime in Masbate, weaving cotton the whole debt.
cloth, making lotus designs, making guitars,
making sampaguita flower leis, raising fruits The sarong (skirt) and the putong of the
(mango, langka, and sirisa) and vegetables ancient Filipinos were of Indian origin. Also Indian
(ampalaya, patola, and malunggay). in origin were the tight-fitting trousers and the
embroidered shawls of the present-day Muslim
In writing, our ancient alphabet came from Filipinos.
their Sanskrit writing.
Many Filipino superstitious beliefs came
In language, the Pilipino (Tagalog) language from India. Among them are the following:
has 375 Sanskrit words. Some examples of these 1. A maiden who sings merrily while cooking will
Sanskrit words in our language are: ama (father); marry an old widower.
asawa (spouse), halaga (price), maharlika (noble), 2. A comet flashing in the sky is an ill omen, for it
nanay (mother), mutya (pearl), paa (foot), raha brings famine, pestilence, war, or other calamities.
(king), and sandata (weapon. 3. A pregnant woman who eats twin bananas will
give birth to twins.
Historical Discovery: The Laguna Copperplate
Inscription Certain customs of the Filipinos are of Indian
In January 1990 the National Museum in origin, such as: (1) hanging a garland of fresh
Manila was given a very valuable Philippine relic - flowers around the neck of a visitor as a symbol of
a small copperplate about 20 x 30 cm. with ten friendship and hospitality; (2) giving of a dowry by
lines of ancient writing. It was discovered at the groom to the bride's parents and rendering
Lumbang River, Laguna about 150 km east of personal services in the household of his
Manila. prospective parents-in-law; (3) showering the
groom and bride with rice after the wedding
The Laguna copperplate inscription was ceremony; (4) offering buyo (mixture of betel nut,
dated to 900 A.D. This made it the earliest written lime, and ikmo leaf) to a visitor as a sign of
record in Philippine history. It showed that as far hospitality; and (5) pilgrimage by a childless
back as 900 A.D. the ancient Filipinos were couple to a holy shrine whose deity is believed to
already writing down important business records. It have the power to grant their wish for a child.
also showed that there were international business
contacts in the Philippines even before the Also from India came their decorative arts,
Westerners came. including the artistic designs of gold necklaces and
the lotus design of bolo handles; some musical wife and some of his followers stayed behind to
instruments, particularly the kudyapi (native look after his grave.
Today, about 100 of his descendants still live
Early Relations with China. In 982 AD, in the village of Beijing, where he was buried.
Filipinos from Mindoro sailed to Canton, south They still follow the Muslim religion and have
China in an Arab ship. They sold their goods to the Filipino features, but of course they are now
Chinese and then went home. This was the earliest Chinese. This story of the Filipino king who died
date in our contacts with China. Pretty soon, our in China was made into a popular film in 1987,
trade with China boomed. This time, it was the entitled "Hari sa Hari, Lahi sa Lahi."
Chinese merchants from south China who sailed in
their junks (Chinese sailing ships) to the Our Chinese Heritage. Our Chinese heritage
Philippines. They did business around Lingayen is economic and social. Traces of Chinese
Gulf, Manila Bay, Mindoro and Sulu. The Filipinos influence are found in our (1) jobs, (2) costumes,
welcomed them and exchanged goods with them. (3) food, (4) customs, (5) language, and (6) blood.

The early Chinese praised the Filipinos for From the Chinese the Filipinos learned how
their honesty. According to Wang To yuan, a to make gunpowder, to mine for gold, to work with
Chinese writer, "The Chinese trust the Flipinos, for metal, to use porcelain, gongs and metals, and to
they always keep their Promise." make kites. In costumes, the Chinese gave us the
early Filipino jackets and loose trousers, slippers,
Like the Hindus, the early Chinese cam to our wooden shoes (bakya), fans, and umbrellas. The
land to buy and sell only. They did not conquer or use of white clothes for mourning the dead came
rule us. Many Chinese setiled here and married from the Chinese.
Filipino women. They also spread Chinese culture
to our country Many social customs came from the Chi-
nese. Among them were: respect for elders,
Filipino Visitors to China. Sometimes, the arranged marriages, and worship of dead ancestors.
early Filipinos went to China to visit and offer gifts Unfortunately, some terrible vices also came from
to the Chinese emperor. Even in those days, our the Chinese. These vices were: the use of
rulers and rich people loved to travel abroad. At firecrackers at New Year, the tong (fee) for owners
that time, China was the most powerful country in of gambling dens, and gambling with jueteng,
the world, so our people traveled there. cards and mah-jong.

The largest group of early Filipino tourists in In language, about 1500 words in the Tagalog
China arrived at Beijing, the capital of China, in vocabulary came from the Chinese. Some
1417. They were more than 340 men and women, examples of these Chinese words are: ate (elder
including three datus (kings) of Mindanao. They sister), bakya (wooden shoes), bantay (guard),
visited the Chinese emperor and gave him many buwisit (unlucky), gunting (scissors), kuya (elder
gifts of gold, pearls and turtle shells. In return, the brother), pinto (door), and susi (key).
Chinese emperor gave them hundreds of silk cloths
and Chinese money. Many Chinese married Filipina women and
lived in the Philippines. Today, many rich and
Unfortunately, on their way home, one of the famous Filipino families are of Chinese origin, for
Mindanao kings named Paduka Pahala got sick and example President Corazon Cojuangco Aquino.
died on September 13, 1417. He was given a royal Other Chinese names are Chua, Lim, Sy, Wang,
funeral by the Chinese emperor and buried near Yap, Uy, etcetera.
Dezhov City, Shandong Prov-ince, east China. His
Early Relations with Arabia. Every Filipino and the epic poem Darangan of Maranao. The
today knows about Saudi Arabia because many of "singkil" is a royal Muslim dance of the Maranao.
our countrymen work there and in other Arab And some Tagalog words have Arabic origin.
countries in the Middle East. Examples of these are: alak (wine), apo (old man),
Long, long ago however, it was the other way bukas (tomorrow), pilar (scar), salamat (thanks),
around. In ancient times, Arab missionaries and and sulat (letter).
traders came to the Philippines.
Many Filipinos are Muslim or have Mus lim
In 1380, the first Arab visitor named blood. About 2% of Filipinos have Arab blood
Mukdum came to Sulu from Mecca, Saudi Arabia. from their ancestors. Some Filipino names are
He spread Islam, the Muslim religion and built the Arabic in origin: Mohamed, Abdul, Fatima, Jamil,
first mosque (Muslim church) at Simunul, Sulu. In Leila, Hassan, and Zaide.
1450, another Arab missionary named Abu Bakr
went to Jolo. He married the princess of Jolo and Early Relations with Other Asians. Our
founded the sultanate of Sulu. In 1475, an Arab early ancestors also had contacts with Borneo.
trader named Kabungsuwan landed at Cotabato and Malaya, Malacca, Thailand (Siam), Kampuchea
conquered that valley. He also married the local (Cambodia), and Indonesia. Filipinos traded with
princess and founded the sultanate of these Asian nations and sometimes settled over
Maguindanao. there.

From Mindanao, the religion of Islam spread In 1515, the Filipinos had a small colony at
to other places in the Visayas and Luzon. Dingding, Malacca, in Malaysia. They were
Manila and Tondo became Muslim kingdoms. prosperous merchants who were called "Luzon
If the Spaniards had not come and spread Chris- men" by the local natives. This was their trading
tianity, the Philippines would have become a base for Malaya, Borneo, and Indonesia When the
Muslim country. Spaniards came to the Philippines, they met foreign
traders in the Philippines. These foreigners told
Our Arabic Heritage. Arabic culture has them we had business contacts with Thailand,
influenced our (1) religion, (2) polities, and (3) India, Chink, Malaya, and Indonesia.
social life. Our Arabic heritage is mostly seen
among Muslim Filipinos in the south. Historical Values. After studying about our
rich heritage from other Asian nations, we learned
The Arabs gave the Muslim Filipinos the the following lessons from history:
religion of Islam. Today, there are about 1,600,000 (1) The Filipinos have a rich heritage from Asian
Muslims in the Philippines. They live mostly in nations like India, China, Arabia, and other
Mindanao and Sulu. In politics, the Arabs countries. Our Asian heritage is seen in our
introduced the sultanate form of government and religion, politics, economics, and social life.
laws. The title of sultan (king). raha (heir), dayang (2) The Filipinos also influenced these other Asian
(princess), and kali (judge) came from the Arabs. nations. Some Filipinos spread Islam to east China.
Some examples of Muslim customs are: polygamy, Filipinos traded in Malaysia, Indonesia, China, and
divorce, and the pilgrimage to Mecca. Thailand. Filipino products were very much in
demand in other Asian countries.
In our social life, the Muslim Filipinos follow (3) We could have been a Muslim country if the
the Muslim way of life. Their calendar and Spaniards had not spread Christianity in the
holidays are Muslim - for example, they celebrate Philippines.
Ramadan. This is the Muslim holy festival of (4) The early Filipinos were indepen-dent. They
fasting and prayer. Some famous Filipino epic were never conquered by the empires of India,
poems, tales and plays are of Muslim origin - for China, and Arabia. This was to our benefit because
example, the "moro-moro" play of the Tagalogs we became Christians more easily than the other
Asian nations who were colonized by India, China, nation in the world. But it did not succeed in this
and Arabia. aim.

(3) Glory. The third aim of Spain was to get

political glory. When Spain conquered the
Philippines in Asia, it became the greatest empire
in the world during the 16th century.
Philip I was the first king to boast that the sun
never set on his kingdom, because when it was
sunset in Manila it was also sunrise in Madrid,

Magellan's Voyage. The coming of

Magellan to the Philippines was not an acci-dent.
He really planned and wanted to find the
Philippines because he heard that it was a very rich
land. So Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese
explorer, asked the Portuguese king, King Manuel,
to finance a project to sail to the Philippines. But
Chapter 6 the Portuguese king only laughed at Magellan and
The Coming of Spain told him to go away.

IN THE 16th century, the Philippines was Magellan traveled to the next country, Spain,
invaded by the Spaniards. They made our country and talked the king and queen of Spain into
into a colony of Spain. A colony is a country that is supporting his expedition to Asia. King Ferdinand
ruled by foreigners from another land. The coming and Queen Isabel of Spain, who ruled jointly,
of the Spaniards changed our history. Through became interested because Magellan said he could
Spain we became Catholic in religion. We also got find a new route to the East by sailing through a
a new and more advanced culture from Europe and secret passage in the west. At that time, the rich
Mexico. But, for the first time in our history, we lands of Asia were closed to Spain. King Ferdinand
lost our freedom and independence to foreigners. It and Queen Isabel ordered an expedition to
took 300 years before we could have our freedom accompany the brave Magellan on his historic
back again. voyage. His fleet consisted of five ships and 265
Why the Spaniards Came. The Spaniards came to
the Philippines and Asia because of these reasons: On September 20, 1517, the expedition of
(1) God, (2) Gold, and (3) Glory. Magellan left Spain for the East. They sailed
westward across the Atlantic Ocean down to the tip
(1) God. The first aim of Spain was to spread of South America. Here they crossed the secret
the Roman Catholic religion. At the time, Spain passage that was known only to Magellan. This
was the greatest champion of Catholicism in the secret passage is now called the Strait of Magellan.
world. The Spanish king spent vast sums of money Then they crossed the Pacific Ocean and hopped
to convert more people to Catholicism. from island to island until they reached the
(2) Gold. The second aim of Spain was to get
rich. It wanted to control the spice trade in Asia "Discovery" of the Philippines. Westerners
because spices (peppers, ginger, garlic, etc.) were trumpeted Magellan's landing in the Philippines as
very much in demand in Europe. If Spain could its "discovery" by Spain. Of course, this was not
control the spice trade it would be the richest true because our country was known to Asians long
before the white Europeans came. We were never with each other to be the first to "discover" or find
really lost, so how could we be "discovered"? countries not yet known to the others.

Historical Discovery: When Did Magellan At the time, the Big Powers in Europe were
Come? building their empires in Asia, Africa, and South
There is an historical controversy about the America. They wanted more power and riches by
correct date of the landing of Magellan in the grabbing as many colonies as possible in the other
Philip-pines. Some sources say March 16th, but continents.
other sources say March 17, 1521. Which is
correct? This political race to grab new lands around
the world was called "colonialism." Colonialism
Those who use the date March 16, 1521 was popular in the 16th to 19th centuries among
follow the original dates used in the actual records the European powers. Colonialism began when a
written by the survivors of Magellan's expedition, Big Power invaded a smaller country. The smaller
for example the diary of Pigafetta, his right-hand country then became the colony of the Big Power.
man, the logbook, the interview with the survivors, The Big Power used the natural resources of the
etc. colony. The people of that colony were no longer
free. They fell under the control of the Big Power.
Those who use March 17, 1521 add one day
because they claim that when Magellan crossed the Sometimes, colonialism is also called
International Date Line, he should have added one "Imperialism." Spain, Portugal, England, France,
day to his logbook. This is why the survivors of his and the Netherlands became great empires because
expedition were surprised that when they returned of their many colonies then. They became bitter
to Spain it was one day behind already. This is rivals for these colonies.
because when somebody goes around the world
from west to east, they advance one day when they Rivalry Between Portugal and Spain. In the
cross the International Date Line near Guam. 16th century, Portugal and Spain were the most
bitter rivals for colonies in the world. They
However, it is very difficult to advance one quarreled over the ownership of these lands.
day now for modern historical records. If we
advance one day to March 16, we shall have to In 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued four papal
advance every other day after that. Therefore, the bulls (decrees). One of the papal bulls divided the
first mass happened on April 1 and not March 31. world between Spain and Portugal. The next year,
The founding of Manila was June 25, not June 24. in 1494, the two countries made an agreement
And so on. (Treaty of Tordesillas) shifting the demarcation
line (division) made by the pope. Then, in 1529,
This is impossible now. We have to stay with they quarreled again over ownership of the
the original date in Magellan's records because it is Moluccas (Spice Islands), So they made a new
more convenient. agreement (Treaty of Zaragoza) to fix a new
demarcation line. The Spanish king sold his rights
Why did Spain advertise its landing in the to the Moluccas to the Portuguese king. But this
Philippines as a "discovery." It had to do this in was a big mistake for Portugal. It did not know that
order to keep away the other rival European the Moluccas and the Philippines were really
powers from grabbing its new colony. It was like a included on the side of the line belonging to
race for new lands. Whoever got to the place first Portugal. So, Portugal only bought what it really
could plant their nation's flag and claim that land owned.
for their king. The Big Powers Spain, Portugal,
England, France, and the Netherlands - competed Portugal really owned the Philippines and
came here ahead of Spain. But the Portuguese did
not make us a colony. This story is one of the
mysteries of our history. To seal their new friendship, Kolambu and
Magellan made the traditional blood compact,
In 1512, a Portuguese explorer named known as "sandugo." Each man made a small cut
Francisco Serrano was stranded on the coast of on his left arm and let his blood drip into a glass of
Mindanao. Later he wrote about it to his cousin wine. Then they crossed arms and took a sip of the
Magellan. No doubt Serrano's letter inspired cup with the blood of the other. It was the local
Magellan to look for a new route to the East and custom of becoming friends then. This was the first
the Philippines. In 1516, another Portuguese named blood compact by a Filipino with a white man.
Duarte Barbosa wrote about Sulu in a book of his
voyages. Later he became Magellan's brother-in- (*) The municipality of Magallanes near Butuan is
law. Many Portuguese ships have been to the also a possible site of the Magellan's landing in
Philippines before Magellan because they often Mindanao traditional artists' version of the planting
sailed in the waters of southern Philippines. of the first cross (by an unknown artist) Note the
absence of filipinos.
Fortunately, Portugal never claimed the
Philippines. If we had been a colony of Portugal, Another important event took place at
the Dutch would have taken over our country. The Butuan. The first mass was held on the shore of
Dutch took over Portuguese colonies in the Masao, Butuan on Easter morning, March 31,
Moluccas in the early 17th century. The Dutch 1521. It was said by Father Pedro de Valderama,
were more cruel colonial masters than the Span- the Spanish chaplain. The Filipino kings and their
jards or the Portuguese. If we had been a colony of men attended the mass, along with Magellan and
Portugal, the Dutch would have taken over our his men. After the mass, the Filipinos were treated
country. to a fencing exhibition by the Spaniards. Then, at
sunset of the same day, Magellan planted a huge
First Mass at Butuan. Magellan and his men wooden cross on the top of a hill overlooking the
saw the heights of Samar on March 16, sea.
1521. This date is celebrated as the European
"discovery" of the International dateline, and they Historical Discovery: Where was the First
should have added one day to their calendar. Mass?
The location of the first mass in the
After seeing Samar, the Spaniards landed at Philippines is a subject of historical controversy.
the island of Homonhon in Leyte Gulf on March Some historians say it was held at Limasawa
17. Here they saw their first Filipinos who brought Island, Southern Leyte. Other historians say it was
them food. Magellan and his men had been at Masao Butuan, Agusan del Norte in Mindanao.
starving until then. Where is the right place?

From Homonhon they were driven by a storm

to Masao, Butuan in Agusan del Norte,* reaching it
on March 28. There they found a rich Filipino
kingdom with plenty of food, gold, forests, rice These are the reasons for Limasawa and those
fields and mountains. for Butuan:

At Butuan, two kings - Raha Kolambu and Pro-Limasawa:

Raha Siagu - met Magellan. In the finest tradition 1. Limasawa was the place given by the American
of Filipino hospitality, they welcomed the historians and some Spanish historians who wrote
Spaniards. The foreign visitors were generously famous books later.
fed with lots of rice, chickens, pigs, and fruits, all 2. The place is described as an "island," and
served on the finest Chinese porcelain. Butuan is not an island.
3. The latitude position is given as 92/30 and that is speak the same language and have many rela-tions.
closer to Limasawa than to Butuan, which lies at 9° The Cebuanos and Limasawans do not speak the
latitude only. same language and do not have contacts.
4 Magellan was sailing to unknown seas and he Magellan's actual voyage was longer, according to
bumped into Limasawa after Homonhon. the documents.
Magellan was never in Mindanao.
5. The relics of ancient balanghai boats and gold The Mindanao visit of Magellan may also include
artifacts in Butuan could have come from the site of the present-day municipality of
Limasawa. Magallanes Agusan del Norte near Butuan.
6. Limasawa is closer to Cebu where Magellan
went next. Magellan Claims the Philippines for Spain.
Alas, the Filipinos did not know what Magellan
Pro-Masao, Butuan: * was doing. In fact, when he planted the cross it was
1. The name of the place in the original records of like planting a different flag
Magellan's expedition was only three syl. lables - on our land. Magellan claimed our country for the
Masao, Masana, Mazzana. It was said as four king of Spain. He called it the "Archipelago of San
syllables (Limasawa) only by the colonial Lazaro," because he came here on the feast day of
historians who made a mistake about the place. that saint. In short, Magellan wanted to make the
2. Butuan is a delta-like island surrounded by a bay Philippines a colony of Spain.
and rivers. It could have appeared as an island at
the time. The Spaniards Go to Cebu. The Spaniards
3. The latitude position is given as 9° exact in two continued their voyage by going to Cebu.
original records and 92/° in two other records of King Kolambu guided them there. They arrived at
the journey. The 9° latitude is the correct one Cebu on Sunday, April 7, 1521.
because that was the position at Magellan's
logbook. There is no island at 92/30 North. At first, the King of Cebu, Raha Humabon
4. Magellan had a map and was looking for an refused to meet Magellan or let him land. But his
"island" at 9° latitude that the map said had much friend, King Kolambu, persuaded him that the
gold. The shape of the island in his map looked white men came as friends. So, the Spaniards were
like Mindanao. Moreover his cousin Francisco allowed to land and become the guests of the
Serrano was stranded in Mindanao in 1512, four Cebuanos.
years before, and told him to look for that island.
Magellan was looking for Mindanao, and he found The wealth and culture of the Cebuanos
it by landing at Butuan. impressed the Spaniards very much. Cebu was a
5. Butuan was an old settlement with relics dating booming town. It had trade relations with China,
to the 4th century AD. Magellan met two rich Thailand, the Moluccas, and other barangays of the
kings who were experienced in trading and had Philippines. The Spaniards were treated well here.
impressive Chinese porcelains and gold jewelry.
Limasawa does not have any archaeological relics King Humabon and Magellan made a blood
to show it was ever a rich kingdom. The relics in compact. On April 14, 1521, a mass was held on
Butuan also show ancient houses, burial places, the shore. Then Magellan placed a cross which still
and mining tools. Houses, cemeteries and mines do stands at Cebu City today.
not travel.
6. Butuan has more contacts with Cebu than After the mass, the Cebuanos were invited to
Limasawa has. Even today, the ferry boat from convert to Christianity. More than
Cebu goes to Butuan. There is no direct contact 800.Cebuanos, including Humabon, his wife and
between Cebu and Limasawa. son, agreed to be baptized. They became the first
The Cebuanos and the Butuanons Filipino Catholics. The queen was baptized as
Queen Juana. She was given a beautiful image of
the Child Jesus (Santo Niño), which is still the But they lost face. The Cebuanos did not respect
patron saint of Cebu City until today. them anymore. The Spaniards also became
abusive. Duarte Barbosa, one of the new
Later, a miraculous cure of the king's brother commanders, maltreated Enrique, Magellan's
astonished the Cebuanos. Thus, thousands more in Malay slave. So Enrique plotted with King
that island threw away their pagan idols and Humabon to kill the Spaniards.
became baptized as Catholics.

Lapulapu Defeats Magellan Magellan, who On May 1, 1521 the Spaniards were invited
wanted all Filipino kings in Cebu and nearby to a feast day by King Humabon. While they were
islands to surrender to Spain. But there was one eating and drinking at the feast, the Spaniards were
brave Filipino ruler who defied him. He was King attacked by the Cebuanos.
Lapulapu of Mactan, a little island near Cebu. Many Europeans were killed, including Duarte
Barbosa and Juan Serrano, the new com-manders.
One day, the other king of Mactan called
Zula asked Magellan for help in destroying After the Cebu massacre, the survivors of the
Lapulapu. The two kings in Mactan were bitter expedition quickly left for the south. After visiting
enemies. Magellan agreed to help Zula, for he also Palawan, Brunei, Mindanao, and the Moluccas,
wanted to kill Lapulapu. At dawn of April 27, they set sail for home. One ship, the Trinidad
1521, Magellan invaded Mactan. sailed for Mexico. But it was caught by the
Portugese in the Moluccas. The other ship, the
Magellan boasted to the Cebuanos that he did Victoria sailed for Spain via the Indian Ocean and
not need their help in fighting Lapulapu. He told the African Cape. It reached San Lucar, Spain on
them to stay in their boats and watch the Spaniards September 6, 1522 with only 18 survivors.
beat the Philippines. So, with only 60 men,
Magellan attacked Lapulapu's kingdom. Results of Magellan's Voyage. Magellan's
expedition was the greatest sea exploit of all time
The battle was short but very bloody. because of three reasons:
Fighting for their land and liberty, Lapulapu and (1) It was the first voyage around the world by sea.
his warriors fought like lions. Magellan and his It proved that the earth was not flat and ships
men were beaten in this battle. So Magellan would not fall off when they got to the end of the
ordered his men to retreat to their boats. He himself world.
was wounded in the arm, leg and face. As the (2) It added to the knowledge about geography.
Spaniards were re-treating, Lapu lapu's men The Europeans learned that the Pacific Ocean is the
surrounded Magellan and killed him. largest ocean. The Strait of Magellan in South
America was discovered. The Europeans also
Lapulapu, the First Filipino Hero. Truly, discovered the Philippines and other new lands in
Lapulapu of Mactan was the first Filipino hero. Asia. Magellan blazed the trail for a new westward
It was the first battle between the Filipinos and the route of Asia. to the fabulous riches
white men and it was the first victory of the (3) It made Spain interested in colonizing the
Filipinos. Philippines.

Lapulapu defended the freedom of the HISTORICAL DISCOVERY:

Philippines. He deserves to live forever in the Famous Firsts: First Around the World
pages of our history. In his honor, Lapulapu City in
Mactan was named after Him. The Victoria was the first ship to sail around
the world. But who was the first man to p
The Spaniards Go Home. After their defeat around the world? The three candidates this honor
at Mactan, the Spaniards returned sadly to Cebu. are:
wanted to make it a colony of Spain, even if the
1.Enrique. The Filipino slave or Magellan, he was other expeditions had ended in disaster.
a Cebuano. Magellan bough, him in the Malacca
slave market. He was a good servant and became a The new expedition was fitted in Mexico, a
Catholic. When Magellan went to the Philippines, colony of Spain in the New World. This made the
Enrique acted as interpreter of the expedition. After voyage shorter and easier. The commander of the
Magellan died and his men went back to Spain, he expedition was the noble and wise Miguel Lopez
remained in Cebu. Some historians say Enrique de Legazpi. His expedition had four ships and 380
was the first man to go around the world because men, most of them Mexicans. Thus, this was really
he came home when Magellan landed in the a Spanish-Mexican expedition. The Legazpi
Philippines. expedition sailed from Navidad, Mexico on
November 21, 1564.
2. Ferdinand Magellan. The Portuguese explorer
who planned and led the expedition that sailed After passing through the Marianas, they
around the world. Magellan Was in the East before, reached the Philippines on February 3, 1565. The
as a Portuguese soldier in Malacca in 1505-1513. explored Samar, Leyte, and the other islands. They
Because he was killed by Lapulapu in Mactan, he were well-received at Limasawa, Leyte, and Bohol.
did not return to Spain with his men. But some In Bohol, Legazpi made a blood compact with
historians say " he was the first man around the King Katuna (Sikatuna) and King Gala (Sigala).
world. This event became the subject of a famous painting
by Juan Luna, a famous Filipino painter.
3. Sebastian de Elcano. The Spanish, ship captain
who brought the Victoria and her survivors back to Cebu Becomes the First Spanish City. From
Spain. He was on Magellan's I voyage from start to Bohol, Legazpi sailed to Cebu, arriving there on
finish. Although he was one of the mutineers April 27, 1565. Raha Tupas, the son of Humabon,
(rebels) at Port Julian, Magellan pardoned him. fought the Spanish invaders but did not win the
After Magellan and other leaders died, Elcano led battle. The Spanish ships bombarded the Cebuano
the survivors back to Spain. The Spanish king kingdom. On the shore, the superior weapons of
gave him the honor which should have gone to the Spaniards won the day. Tupas and his men
Magellan. Elcano, got an annual pension and a retreated to the hills.
coat-of-arms with.' a picture of the globe saying
"prime• circumdediste me (first to sail around To win the Filipinos back, Legazpi adopted a
me)." some historians say he was the first man policy of attraction. This policy was friendly and
around; the world peaceful. So, King Tupas became a friend of Spain
instead of an enemy. Because of their kindness, the
Other Spanish Expeditions. All Magellan, Spanish missionaries converted many Filipinos to
Spain sent more expeditions 10 19 through the Christianity. King Tupas and his family were
same westward route. From 1525 to 1564 there baptized. Then the other Cebuanos followed their
were five expeditions ) the Loaisa expedition example.
(1525); (2) Cabot expedition (1526); (3) the
Saavel expedition (1542); and (5) the Legazpi In 1565 Legazpi made Cebu the first Spanish
expedition (1564). Only the last - the Legal settlement in the Philippines. He built a fort and a
expedition - was successful. The others end in church in what was also the first Spanish outpost in
failure. Asia. He named the town "City of the Most Holy
Name of Jesus" in honor of the Child Jesus. The
The Legazpi Expedition. In 1564, the new image of the Child Jesus was found in a native
Spanish king named Philip II ordered a new house by the Spaniards. It was the same statue
expedition to the Philippines. He was the king of given by Magellan to Queen Juana in 1521.
whom the Philippines was named. Naturally, he
Conquest of the Other Islands. Because of However, some Filipino rulers of Hagonoy,
a food shortage in Cebu, Legazpi moved to Panay Macabebe, and nearby barangays did not want to
in 1569. At first, the Filipinos in Panay were very give up easily. They met at Navotas and decided
hostile to the Spaniards. to. attack the foreigners. They were led by
But Legazpi and the Spanish missionaries Bambolito, a stubborn Macabebe warrior.
won them over by means of wisdom and
friendship. Panay became the next Spanish military On June 3, 1571 Bambolito led his fleet of
base in the Philippines. war boats to fight the Spanish navy. The naval
battle happened at Bangkusay Channel, near the
Also in 1569, Masbate, Ticao and Burias Tondo shore. This was really the first battle of
were captured by the Spaniards. They penetrated as Manila Bay. It was a historic battle because it
far as Albay in the Bicol region. In Masbate, the opened the way for the Spanish conquest of Manila
Spanish priest was so successful in preaching and the whole of Luzon.
Christianity that he kept the island peaceful with
only six soldiers to help him. The battle at Manila Bay was fierce and
bloody. The Spaniards led by Marshal Goiti, won
In 1570, the Filipino Muslim (Moro) villages the battle. The Filipinos lost because of three
and forts at Mindoro and the nearby islets of Ilim reasons:
and Lubang were destroyed. The fall of Mindoro
brought the invaders closer to Manila. -Lakan Dula and Sulayman did not help the
other Filipinos;
The Battle for Manila. At that time, Manila -The Spaniards had superior weapons and
was a rich Muslim Kingdom. The Span-jards discipline; and
decided to conquer this important outpost. It took -About 600 Cebuano archers helped the
two battles - in 1570 and 1571 to capture Manila. Spaniards in the battle. About 500 Filipinos
were taken prisoner that day. After the battle,
At first, the Filipino Moro king of Manila, the Spaniards took over Manila.
Raha Sulayman, resisted the Spanish invaders. Manila Becomes the Capital. On June 24,
The first Spanish expedition to invade Manila was 1571 Legazpi proclaimed Manila as the new capital
led by Marshal Martin de Goiti in May 1570. He of the colony. He rebuilt it from a Moro kingdom
led 120 Spaniards and 600 Visayan warriors. After to a Spanish city, with Spanish homes, churches
a fierce battle, Goiti won against Sulayman. He and a fort. King Philip I gave it a new coat-of-arms
also captured the Filipino cannons made by Panday and a new name: "Distinguished and Ever Loyal
Pira, a Pampangueño blacksmith. This made it City" (Insigne y Siempre Leal Ciudad. But the old
harder for the Fill. pinos to fight the foreigners. name of Manila continued to be used. Manila
However, Goit could not hold the place and means "a place where there are nilad plants."
returned to Panay to regroup. Today, Manila is the capital of the Philippines.
June 24th is celebrated as the founding day of the
In 1571, another Spanish invasion of Manila city.
was personally led by Legazpi himself. Sulayman
wanted to fight the invaders again, But his old Conquest of Luzon. From Manila, Spanish
uncle, Lakan Dula of Tondo, persuaded him to rule spread to other parts of Luzon. In many places
befriend them instead. Because they did not want in Luzon, Filipinos put up a strong resistance to the
to sacrifice any more Filipino lives to a lost cause, Spanish invasion. It seems however that God was
Sulayman and Lakan Dula decided to accept on the side of the Spaniards who wanted to bring
Spanish rule. They knew they could not win the Christian religion to the Philippines.
against the superior weapons and military power of
Spain. In Cainta and Taytay, the Filipinos refused to
surrender to the Spanish at first. "Come and fight,"
they answered the Spanish challenge, "let us see
who is stronger - your Christian God or our 1. The Filipinos at the time of the arrival of
ancestral gods" Legazpi were not united. They were divided into
different tribes under their own kings or chieftains.
As the Spanish troops approached the The Spaniards took advantage of the disunity of the
barangay fort at Cainta, a Filipino warrior on top of Filipinos. They played one tribe against another.
a tall tree shouted to them, "Castillas! What did my For example, the Cebuano archers helped the
ancestors do to you that you should come to Spaniards win the Battle of Bangkusay.
plunder us?" Again the fighting was very bloody. 2. The Spanish invaders had a great
The Spaniards were outnumbered. They had only commander in Legazpi. He won the friendship of
100 soldiers and three big guns. But, alas, the the Filipino kings with his generosity and wisdom.
Filipino defenders still lost the battle. They were He did not abuse them and treated them with
simply no match against the superior Spanish kindness, unlike other Spanish rulers later.
military strategy and weapons. About 400 3. Although the Filipinos were brave and
Filipinos, including women, were killed in the tenacious, they could not win against the superior
battle of Cainta. military arms and knowhow of the Spaniards. The
Spanish conquistadores had the advanced
The news of the fall of Cainta spread like technology of the West at that time. They fought
wildfire to all the nearby barangays. It scared the with bigger cannons, muskets, swords and metal
people living in these areas, and they decided to armor. The Filipino warriors only had bronze
give up to the Spaniards. Taytay, Bay, and Liliw cannons, crude swords, daggers, lances, and
surrendered without a flight. wooden bows and arrows.
4. The Filipinos were won over by the
The rulers of Nagcarlan and Majayjay Spanish missionaries who taught them a better
however resisted the invaders. But like the other religion than the barbaric paganism of their
places, they too fell to the Spaniards. Captain Juan ancestors. The first Spanish missionaries who came
de Salcedo, Legazpi's grandson, captured Laguna, to the Philippines were truly unselfish and
locos, Bicol and Catanduanes. Marshall Goiti dedicated martyrs of the faith. The Filipinos were
captured Pampanga. won over by their virtues and by the Gospel. Truly,
the Cross did more than the Sword to win the easy
By the end of the 16th century, the Spanish conquest of the Philippines.
invaders had effectively conquered Luzon and
Visayas. Only Mindanao, Sulu, and the interior Historical values. From our study of why the
mountain regions remained under the control Of Spaniards came to the Philippines, we learn the
the Filipinos. But practically speaking, the the following lessons of history:
battle for the Philippines was over - the Spaniards (1) A brave and determined hero can change the
had won. history of the world. Magellan sailed on in spite of
many troubles during his voyage. He got Spain
Why the Philippines Fell to Spain. It Was interested in the Philippines and proved that the
really a miracle how the Spaniards conquered the carth was round. Lapulapu defied Magellan. His
Philippines with only a few hundred soldiers in the heroism delayed the Spanish conquest for nearly
16th century. Our country was then made up of 50 years.
free independent barangays with a total population (2) The Philippines could not avoid being a colony
of around 1,500,000 people. The Spaniards, led by because the European powers were building their
Legazpi, brought only from 300 to 1,700 soldiers. empires by grabbing colonies in other continents.
This number included reinforcements from Fortunately, we fell to the Spaniards who brought
Mexico. How could such a small army conquer Christianity tO us.
Luzon and the Visayas? The reasons why the
Philippines fell to Spain are as follows:
If the Portuguese or Dutch had cob. nized the The island archipelagos of Guam, the
Philippines, we would have had, harder time. The Marianas, the Carolines, and the Palaus in the
Dutch took over the Pom guese colonies in our South Pacific were included in Philippine territory
areas. They were more Ervel than the Spaniards to during Spanish times. These islands are now
their colonies. The Dutch did not spread the separated and no longer part of Philippine territory.
Christian religion. unch, "The Filipinos lost to Most of Mindanao and Sulu were excluded.
Spain because leg were not united. The Spaniards Spain claimed sovereignty (supreme power) over
had superior weapons and knowhow. Moreover, them, but only a few coastal areas were really
the early Spanish rulers and priests treated the under its control then. The Filipino Muslims
Filipinos well and spread the Christian religion. (Moros) were not conquered by Spain.
Interior mountain regions of Luzon and
Visayas were also excluded. They were not
colonized by Spain. So the tribes in the highland
regions (Ifugaos, gorots, etc.) remained
independent like the Moros.

The Philippines as a Colony of Spain. The

Philippines was a colony of Spain for 333 years,
from the time when Legazpi came in 1565 to the
time when Spain lost to America in 1898. Being a
Chapter 7 "colony" means our land and our people belonged
Our Country as a Colony of Spain to the Spanish monarch. The Filipinos practically
had no say in who ruled them, what laws applied to
THE PHILIPPINES was a colony of Spain them, or what rights they had. In short, our rulers,
for 333 years (1565-1898). How did the Spanish our laws, and our rights were all dictated by Spain.
officials rule our country? What changes did Spain
make to the Philippine government? How did the Monarchy under Spain. The Spanish king
Filipinos react to Spanish rule? In this chapter, we (or queen) was the supreme power in Spain and its
will understand more of the Filipino attitude to colonies like the Philippines. This system of
government which we inherited from the Spanish government is called "monar-chy." In this system,
era in our country. Later, we will study why the power came from the king who appointed the
Filipinos revolted against the Spanish colonial colonial officials. He also issued the royal decrees
masters. (orders). At first, the Council of the Indies helped
the king to rule the colonies. When it was
Central Government under Spain. Spain abolished. The Minister of the Colonies took
established one central government in the charge of colonial affairs.
Philippines. The many independent barangays of
our ancestors disappeared. One government alone Monarchy is different from our present
ruled most of our country. Thus, for the first time system of government. At present, we have a
in our history, we became united as one nation "democracy" where power comes from the people.
called "FILIPINAS" (Philippines). The rest of the The people can change their public officials in a
world came to know our country by that name. democracy. The monarchy of Spain was inherited
at the time. So we could not change who ruled over
Philippine Territory in Spanish Times. us.
However, Philippine territory was very different
during Spanish times. These differences in the The Mexican Viceroy. Until 1821, the
territory ruled by the central government then were Philippines really was ruled by the Spanish viceroy
as follows: in Mexico in the name of the king. This was
because the Philippines was colonized from
Mexico, the Spanish colony in the New World Local Government. Spain formed the origin
(Americas). However, after Mexico got its of our present system of local govern-ment. The
independence in 1821, the Philippines was ruled country was divided into provinces, with towns and
directly from Madrid, Spain. cities.

The Spanish Governor-General. As the The cities had their own government called
chart shows, the Spanish governor-general "ayuntamiento." The city council, known as
represented the King of Spain in the Philippines. "cabildo," was headed by the mayor ("alcalde").
He had great powers. He could make laws him- The Spanish cities then were: Manila, Cebu, Nueva
self. He could appoint and remove any official, Caceres (Naga), Nueva Segovia (Lalloc, Cagayan),
except those appointed by the king. He was the Arrival, Nueva Fernandina (Vigan), Jaro,
commander-in-chief of the colonial armed forces. Batangas, Albay, and Legaspi.
Therefore, he was usually also a military officer in
the Spanish Army or Navy. For a long time until The provinces ("alcaldias") were groups of
1861, he was also president of the Royal towns and barangays. There were 19 provinces:
Audiencia, like the Chief Justice of the Supreme Manila, Albay, Bataan, Batangas, Bulacan,
Court today. Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Cagayan,
Laguna, Mindoro, Nueva Ecija, Nueva Vizcaya,
There were 115 Spanish governors-generals Pampanga, Pangasinan, ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur,
in our country. The first one was Miguel Lopez de Isabela, Tayabas, and Zambales. Each province
Legazpi (1565-72), and the last was Diego de los was ruled by a Spanish official called "alcalde
Rios (1898). mayor." He was appointed by the governor-
The Royal Audiencia. The highest court of
the land during Spanish times was the Royal Spain did not destroy the old barangays.
Audiencia. It was equivalent to the Supreme Court These were grouped together to form towns called
then. The Royal Audiencia decided important cases "pueblos." Each town was ruled by a Filipino
appealed to it from the lower courts. It could also official called "governadorcillo" (little governor).
make local ordinances and check upon all financial He was elected yearly by prominent citizens of the
records. It ruled the country temporarily when the town. At the head of each barangay was a Filipino
governor-general died or was absent. official called "cabeza de barangay" (barangay
captain). At first, he was the hereditary head of the
Laws, The laws of the Philippines were made area. Later, his position was also elected. His main
by the Spaniards. Thus, most of these laws were duty was to collect taxes.
for the benefit of Spain and the Spaniards, not the
Filipinos. However, some of these laws were good These elections for some local officials were
and Christian. For example, slavery was abolished really fixed. They were not open to everyone. The
in 1589. Human and child sacrifices were winning candidate was usually the favorite of the
abolished, Divorce and polygamy were also parish priest, who was the real power in the town.
banned. Only a few male voters (the rich) voted. The idea
of free and popular elections did not start until the
The major laws were compiled in a legal code American era in the Phil-ippines.
called "Law of the Indies." From time to time, the
Spanish king issued royal decrees (orders) which Government Debts. Since the beginning of
had the force of laws. Other Spanish laws covered the Spanish rule, the colonial government in the
such subjects as penal law, civil code, code of Philippines suffered debts year in and year out.
commerce, and copyright law. Even then, the government officials could not
support the expense of the govern-ment. Their
income from laxes, customs duties, and other
public fees were not enough. The government
debts were due to two reasons: The Spanish Population. The Philippines
was far from Spain and Mexico. As a colony it was
1. Government officials were dishonest. They never really profitable to Spain. So y did not attract
engaged in graft and corruption - bribes, many Spanish settlers.
cheating, stolen wealth, etc. In short, they
wanted to enrich themselves instead of Early in the 17th century, there were only
collecting the right amount of taxes or fees about 2,000 Spaniards in the Philippines. of those,
due to the government. 400 were missionaries; the rest were sol. diers and
officials. In the 19th century, the Spanish residents
2. The ordinary people lacked cooperation and numbered a little over 4,00g, Until the end of the
loyalty to the State. The Filipinos did not Spanish rule the Spanish population was relatively
really love their country because it was ruled small.
by foreigners. They looked at taxes and other
government fees as a heavy burden. As much Most Spaniards (officials, soldiers, and
as possible, they avoided paying anything to merchants) lived in the cities. In the provinces and
the government. remote towns, only the missionaries liver as the
white "castila" among the native popu-lation.
To lessen the financial worries of the colony, Spain
granted it the annual subsidy ('real situado"). Filipino Population. There was no "popu-
Starting in 1606, the Mexican viceroy sent an lation boom" during the Spanish era. The Filipino
annual subsidy to Manila. The average amount of population increased slowly, as shown below:
the subsidy was P 250,000.
1565—---------------------- 500,000
1591—----------------------- 667,000
1735—---------------------- 837,000
1800—------------------------ 1,500,000
1817—------------------------ 2,000,000
1829—--------------------------- 2,500,000
1850—------------------------- 3,800,000
1870—----------------------------- 4,700,000
1885—------------------------- 5,800,000
1896—---------------- 6,200,000
There were even times when the Filipino
population decreased, as follows:
1591—------------------ 667,000
1621—--------------------- 610,918
1655—---------------------- 505,250
Spaniards keep on controlling the Filipinos? What
This decrease was because of the Dutch naval was the secret behind the Spanish power?
attacks on the Philippines in the 17th century.
Many Filipinos were killed in these battles. And Christianity and Spanish Colonization. The
many more fled to the hills for safety, thus leaving Spaniards were really able to keep the Philippines
the towns and cities. as a colony because most of the Filipinos became
Christians. The secret behind Spanish power was
Now we will compare the Filipino population the Cross, not the Sword. The Filipinos were
with the Spanish population, as shown in the last attracted to Christianity because of three reasons:
two topics. It will be obvious that the Filipinos
always outnumbered the Spaniards. How did the
1. The message of Christianity appealed to the Manila started with a bishop in 1578. The
Filipinos. 'The good news or "gospel" behind first Bishop of Manila was Monsignor Domingo de
the Christian religion is found in the Bible: Salazar. He defended the Filipinos from abuses by
"God so loved the world that He gave His the other Spanish officials. Later, in 1595, Manila
only beloved Son, so that those who believe was raised to an archbishopric. with an archbishop
in Him (Jesus Christ will be saved and have as head of the church here. We had no cardinals
everlasting life" (John 3:16). then.

2. Filipino life was approved by Chris-tianity. The first missionaries who came to our shores
Its message about God's love and the belonged to different religious orders. These
brotherhood of men stopped the old barangay religious orders were the Augustinians, the
feuds. It gave our people a better way of life. Franciscans, the Jesuits, the Dominicans, the
It reduced usury. drinking, and swearing. It Recolleros, and the Benedictines.
banned the killing of children, human and
animal sacrifices, and other brutal practices. The Power of the Church. During the
It discouraged divorce, polygamy, adultery, Spanish times, the Catholic Church was the official
and live-ins before marriage. religion of the people. No other religion was
allowed to exist. 'This practice of allowing only
3. The missionaries helped the soldiers in the one religion in the country is called the "union of
conquest and pacification of the Philippines. Church and State." Because of this union of
The success of Spanish colonization was duc Church and State.
largely to the early missionaries in the 16th
and 17th centuries, The missionaries were not The Catholic priests then had a great
only preachers of the gospel, but they were influence in government. The Archbishops,
also pioneers of Western civilization. They bishops, and parish priests received their salaries
brought the new European arts, sciences, from the government. The government paid for the
education, literature, and music to our shores. churches, schools and charities run by the religious
They built schools, colleges, universities, orders. Until 1764, the Archbishops could act as
printing presses, libraries, hospitals, and the temporary governor-general of the Philippines.
orphanages. They introduced new plants and
animals from Mexico and Europe. They Today, of course, the situation is certainly
taught our people new industries like making different. No Filipino cardinal could ever act as the
colored dyes, bricks and stone houses. They president of the Philippines. But in Spanish times,
wrote the first histories, grammars, an Archbishop became the acting head of state. He
dictionaries, and maps. And they constructed was Archbishop Manuel Rojo, who became acting
the first roads, bridges, forts, irrigation governor-general during the British invasion in
systems, and public works. 1762-64.

Church Organization. Side by side with the In every town, the parish priest was the real
civil government was the church organiza-tion. The power, for he symbolized the king. He was also
head of this organization was the Archbishop of called the friar ("fraile"). He inspected the
Manila. He was appointed by the pope upon collection of taxes. He supervised the local
recommendation of the Spanish king. Below the elections, schools, and charities. He documented
Archbishop were bishops who headed the group of records of births, marriages, and deaths. All local
parishes (diocese). Below the bishops were the officials and townsfolk feared him; kissed his
parish priests, who took charge of the town hands, and obeyed him. So powerful was the parish
parishes. priest that it was said: "In every friar in the
Philippines the king had a captain- general and a
whole army." In short, although he could be the
only Spaniard in town, the Spanish friar was like a the king. When he reached the royal palace in
whole army in his power. Madrid, the frail old priest knelt before King Philip
III, and said: "In God's name, please do not
The Only Christian Nation in Asia. Spain's abandon the Philippines, Your Majesty.
dream of an empire in Asia started with its Remember what your illustrious great grand-
conquest of the Philippines. The Spaniards used the mother, Queen Isabel the Catholic, stated in her
Philippines as a military base and a mission center testament."
to spread Spanish power and Christianity to other
parts of Asia. Although the Spanish dream of an Deeply touched by the old padre's words, the
Asian empire failed, it kept the Philippines as a king replied: "Go with God, Father Moraga.
mission field. Thus, other nations in Asia are non- Be assured that I will not give up what my father
Christian - Buddhist, Confucian, Hindu, Muslim, had conquered and left me."
and Shinto. The Philippines is the only Christian
nation in Asia. In 1621, the Council of the Indies
recommended again that Spain abandon the
From the Philippines, the gospel of Philippines or exchange it for Brazil with Portugal.
Christianity was beamed to other nearby nations. But Father Hemando de los Rios Coronel, royal
The Philippines was the spiritual light of Asia as adviser in Madrid, asked King Philip IV to keep
far back as the 16th century. Today, missionaries the Philippines for "the glory and honor of God."
from the Philippines are still going to other Asian
countries to spread Christianity. Thus, Spain kept the Philippines as a colony.
For a long time, most Filipinos lived under Spain
Why Spain Kept the Philippines. Several and accepted the Catholic religion.
times in our history, Spain almost left the
Philippines because it was a big economic loss to Historical Values. From the time when
the king. It gave no economic profits to the Spanish Spain ruled the Philippines as a colony, we learn
crown. And it cost a lot to support the expenses of the following lessons:
the colony. 1. Spain and the Philippines have very special
relations. The Philippines was the greatest
It was truly a miracle that the Spanish kings colony of Spain in Asia.
decided to keep the Philippines. They were 2. Spain introduced two good blessings:
reminded of their obligation to spread Christianity. (1) a centralized government and (2) the
This obligation was first found in the last will and Catholic religion. As a Spanish colony, the
testament of Queen Isabel I, the greatest queen of Philippines was united under one government
Spain, in 1504. and became a new nation called
"FILIPINAS." The Philippines also started to
Her grandson, Philip I of Spain told his become the only Christian nation in Asia.
advisers that he would not abandon the Phil- 3. The interior mountain tribes and Muslim
uppines, even if it was a heavy burden on the Filipinos (Moros) were not conquered "by
economy. He said: "For the conversion of the Spain. That is why these minority groups
people of the Filipinas, I would gladly spend the have different customs, traditions, religions,
riches of the Indies." and cultures.
4. Sometimes Filipinos do not love their country
In 1619, the advisers of the new king, Philip or obey the laws of the land because of their
III (son of Philip Il), again told him to withdraw bad experiences during the Spanish era. The
from the colony. When news reached Manila that Spanish colonial officials were abusive and
Spain might abandon the country because of the dishonest. So for three centuries, Filipinos
great expense in maintaining the place, Father did not trust government officials or love
Hernando Moraga sailed to Madrid to plead with their country. But we must remember that we
fought to win our independence. We have our three centuries. Without the cooperation of the
own government now and our country is Filipinos themselves, Spain could not have used
already free. So we must obey the laws and our country as its base in Asia. Unfortunately, the
love our country. foreigners got the best homes, best lands, and best
5. Christianity was the real secret behind the jobs. And they made the decisions for us. The
power of Spain. Most Filipinos accepted Filipinos had to obey them, and we were not united
Spain because of the good work of the Early or enlightened enough to break away from Spanish
Spanish missionaries and the appeal of the rule until the 19th century.
Gospel of Christ. Christianity united the Fili-
pinos. It was also the reason why Spain did The services of Filipinos during the 300 years
not abandon the Philippines. when we were only a colony of Spain taught the
Filipinos the values of endurance and service even
under hard masters. The time of the Philippines
under Spain was like the time of the Israelites as
slaves under Egypt.

Why Did the Filipinos Serve Spain? The

Filipinos served Spain instead of serving their own
countrymen because of three reasons:
1. The Filipinos were not united. They did not
think of themselves as one nation. So the
Spaniards divided and conquered them. Spain
played one tribe against another. For
example, the Visayans were used to put down
a revolt in the Tagalog region. The Christian
Filipinos were used to fighting against the
Filipino Muslims (Moros) and the pagan
2. The Filipinos were converted to the Roman
Catholic religion. So the Filipinos were
taught to be loyal to the Spanish officials and
priests who converted them and who
defended that religion. The Filipinos fought
on the side of Catholic Spain against the
Muslims and the Protestant Dutch and
3. The Filipinos were offered rewards and
honors by the Spanish rulers. The Spanish
flattered and took care of the loyal Filipinos.
But they punished and killed the Filipinos
who disobeyed or revolted. Loyal Filipinos
were given positions in the local government
as "gobernadorcillos" (little governors) and
"cabezas de barangay" (barangay chiefs).
Chapter 8 Master-of-Camp Francisco Laksamana
Filipino Services to Spain received the highest military honor given by
Spain to a native. In June 1662, he became
THE FILIPINOS helped the Spaniards to the military commander of Fort Santiago for
remain and rule in the Philippines for more than 24 hours (one day). It was his reward for
putting down the Third Chinese Revolt numerous galleys and frigates used by the
(1662). Spaniards to fight their enemies. These ships were
made of wood because there were good forests for
How Did Filipinos Serve Spain. The ships, timber in the Philippines. go shipyards were
Filipino services to Spain during the Spanish era located at Cavite, Ally, Camarines, Marinduque,
included the following: Masbate, and Mindon The ships built by the
1 Filipinos provided food for the Spaniards. Filipino workers way of good quality.
2. Filipinos worked in industries owned by the
Spaniards. Filipinos in the Portuguese Wars. The
Filipinos fought on the side of Spain against Portuguese attacked the early Spanish settlements
Portugal. in Cebu in 1568 and 1570. The Portuguese attacks
4. Flipinos joined the military expeditions to were led by their governor in the Moluccas, which
Borneo and the Moluccas. was then a Portuguese colony.
5 Filipinos fought on the side of Spain against the
Dutch and British. But Raha Tupas and his Cebuano warrion
o. Filipinos joined the expedition to Indochina. remained loyal to Legaspi and fought on the side of
7. Flipinos joined the expedition to Tai- Spain in these attacks. If they had not sided with
8 Filipinos helped to colonize the Marianas, the Spaniards, the Portuguese would have won and
Palaus, and Caroline Islands. made the Philippines a colony of Portugal.
9. Filipinos helped put down the Chinese revolts
and to stop the invasion of Lim-Ah-Hong. Filipinos in the Expeditions to Borne and
10. Christian Filipinos fought with Spain against the Moluccas. In March 1578, the Filipinos helped
the Filipino Muslims (Moros). the Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Sri Lela (Sirela), to
regain his throne. Sultan Sri Lela had complained
Filipinos as Farmers. It is not true that the to the Spanish governor general that his brother
Spaniards took away all the land from the had usurped (stolen) his throne. So Governor
Philippines. The lands owned by the religious Sande ordered a military expedition to help this
orders and foreigners in the Philippines were small sultan regain his lost throne.
as compared to those owned by the wealthy
Filipinos. Buteven in the farms owned by the With a powerful expedition of 1,500 Fili-
Spaniards and other foreigners, the Filipinos pinos, 400 Spaniards, and 300 Bornean war-riors,
became the real farmers. they sailed to the island of Boreno. There, they
fought and recaptured the city of Brunei. Sultan Sri
This was because the Spaniards did not like Lela was returned to the throne. His victory was
manual work. They thought it was shameful to be due to the courage and fighting abiliyy of the
seen working in dirty jobs like digging, farming, Filipinos.
cleaning, or carrying heavy loads.
The military expeditions to the Moluccas
So the Filipinos tilled the land and raised were not as successful. But the Filipinos helped the
foodstuffs and livestock. All the Spaniards - Spaniards here also. At first, the expeditions were
officials, priests, soldiers, and civilians - would sent to try to capture the rich Moluccas (Spice
have died of starvation if the Filipinos had not Islands) from the Portuguese. Later, they were sent
provided them with food. to capture it against the Dutch, who had taken over
the Moluccas colony in the 17th century.
Filipinos in Industries. The Filipinos
became good builders of ships for the Spaniards These numbers show that thousands of
during the Spanish era. They constructed many Filipinos fought in these military wars 10 colonize
galleons used in the Manila-Acapulco trade, and the Moluccas unsuccessfully:
1580—------------------------------- Ships
1585—------------------------------- 3
1593—------------------------------- 24
1606—------------------------------- 100
1616—------------------------------- 36
No. of
No. of Filipinos Spaniards
1,500—------------------------------ 300
600—--------------------------------- 300
8,400—------------------------------1,643 1,000
—------------------------------ 1,400
3,000—------------------------------ 2,000
Manila (1646) when the Filipinos and Spaniards
Filipinos in the Dutch Wars. Dutch naval won the 8-month naval battle off Manila against
squadrons attached various places in the the invading Dutch on October 4, 1646. Our Lady
Philippines from 1600-1747. The Dutch wanted to of the Rosary (Nuestra Señora del Rosario) was the
make us a colony by defeating the Spaniards here. patroness of the Spanish fleet. This naval victory is
At first, the Dutch ships blockaded Manila Bay. still a fiesta celebrated in Manila every October.
Then, the British became their allies, and both the
British and Dutch ships blockaded Manila from
1621-1622. When those tactics failed, the Dutch Filipinos in Indochina. It is interesting to
landed troops in Cavite and Abucay to try to note that the Filipinos helped France, another
capture these towns. They harassed the people in European power, to colonize Indochina in the 19th
coastal areas. Finally, they tried to win the century. In 1858-63, about 1,500 Filipino soldiers
friendship of the Filipinos. But the Filipinos were sent by Spain to help its ally, France, to
remained loyal to Spain and Catholicism against conquer the Vietnamese. The fighting skill of the
the Protestant Dutch and British. Filipino was praised by the Spanish and French
The results of the Dutch Wars were as follows:
Many Filipinos remained in Vietnam after
1. Victory of the Spaniards against the Dutch. these wars. They married Vietnamese women and
The Philippines remained a colony of Spain raised their children in Vietnam.
because the Filipinos helped the Spaniards against
the Dutch invaders. Filipinos in Taiwan. When the Spaniards
2. The Filipinos suffered tremendously. The tried to colonize Taiwan (Formosa) in 1626-1642,
Filipino population declined during the Dutch the Filipinos also took part in these expe-ditions.
Wars because many Filipinos were killed or ran to Filipino and Spanish troops manned the two
the hills. Spanish settlements in North Taiwan. However,
3. The Philippine economy stagnated. Trade they surrendered these garrisons on August 24,
with Mexico, China and other countries was 1624. The Dutch took over the island of Taiwan
paralyzed. Filipinos left farms and industries to (Formosa).
fight in the wars or to hide from them. The
Filipinos paid the price of these costly wars. Filipinos in the Marianas, Palaus, and
Carolines. The Marianas, Palaus, and the
Highlights of the Dutch Wars Carolines are island archipelagoes in the Pacific
"Massacre of Abucay" in 1647 when 400 Filipinos Ocean near Mindanao. During the Spanish era,
died as they bravely defended the town against the they were ruled by the Spanish governor in Manila
invading Dutchmen. Festival of La Naval de and the Spanish bishop of Cebu.
The Filipinos helped the Spaniards to make Filipinos and the Moro Wars. The word
these islands a colony and a Catholic area. Many "Moro" in Spanish means a Muslim. The Filipino
Filipinos went to Guam to settle down permanently Moros in Mindanao and Sulu were not conquered
in that island. In time, these Filipino immigrants by Spain. Many times the Moros were defeated in
married local women and raised families there. battles, but they won the war in the end.
Filipino soldiers also helped to man the Spanish
garrisons and to put down revolts of the local Out of loyalty to Spain and the Cross, the
people. Christian Filipinos from Luzon and the Visayas
fought against the Filipino Moros from those wars.
Filipinos Against the Chinese. The Chinese Thousands of Christian Filipinos died in battle.
were welcomed in the Philippines because they They served as soldiers or seamen in all the
were excellent artists and tradesmen during the Spanish expeditions against the Moros.
Spanish era, the Chinese were important to the
economy of the country. The Christian Filipino heroes of these wars
were as follows: Juan Aquino, Nicolas Martinez,
Unfortunately, the Chinese revolted five Cirilo Maypit, and Geronimo Sundulin.
times during the Spanish era - in 1603, 1639, 1667,
1686, and 1762. The causes of these revolts were In retaliation for these Spanish attacks, the
the bad treatment of the Chinese by the Spanish Filipino Moros raided the coastal towns of the
rulers. Some of these Spanish abuses against the other islands as far north as ilocos. They burned the
Chinese were as follows. churches, killed the Christians, and took slaves
(1) The Chinese were forced to pay heavy taxes; whom they sold in slave markets of Celebes,
(2) All Chinese were forced to live in the Parian Malacca, and Djakarta.
(Chinatown) outside the city walls:
(3) The Chinese were ordered to cut off their The Filipino Muslims also had their heroes.
queues (long hair); Those who defended Islam and Moro
(4) Many Chinese were deported to reduce their independence were:
population; and
(5) The Chinese were massacred everytime they 1. Sultan Kudarat, the greatest warrior of
revolted. Mindanao, who defended Lamitan against the
Spaniards in 1637;
All these Chinese revolts failed because the 2. Sultan Jamalul Alam, who defended Jolo
Filipinos sided with the Spaniards. The greatest in 1876 and leased North Borneo (Sabah) to the
Filipino hero of the Chinese revolts was Francisco British in 1878:
Laksamana, commander of the Pampangueño 3. Datu Utto, who defended Cotabato in
troops in the Spanish army. He defeated the 1886-1887;
Chinese rebels in the hills of Antipolo in June 1662 4. Datu Amai Pakpak, who defended Lanao
and saved the city of Manila. As a reward, in 1889-91;
Laksamana was made commander of Fort Santiago 5. Datu Pian (Amal Mingka), who conquered
for 24 hours. This was the highest military honor Cotabato and Tamontaka in 1878-1899.
given by Spain to a Filipino during the Spanish era.
Historical Values. From our study of the
In 1574 when the Chinese pirate Lim-Ah- help given by the Filipinos to the Spaniards during
Hong invaded Manila, the Spaniards saved the city. the Spanish era, we learn the following lessons:
With the help of the Filipinos. Later, about 1,500
Filipino soldiers including Lakan Dula and his 1. Without the cooperation of the Filipi-nos,
sons, helped Marshal Juan de Salcedo drive away Spain could not have ruled our country for more
Lim-Ah-Hong from Pangasinan. than three centuries.
2. The Filipinos served Spain because of
three reasons:
(a) lack of unity among Filipinos;
(b) the Catholic religion; and Chapter 9: Our Spanish Heritage
(c) rewards and honors given to
Filipinos who cooperated with Spain. What was life like for our people during the
3. The Filipinos rendered the following Spanish era (1565-1893)? How did the Spaniards
services to Spain: change the lives of our Filipino ancestors? Did
(a) providing food for the Spaniards. Spain improve or worsen life in the Philippines? In
(b) working in various industries that this chapter we will study about the culture of the
helped Spain; and Philippines during the Spanish era. Just as we
(c) fighting in the armed forces of Spain studied the way of life of our ancient ancestors in
against other Filipinos and foreigners. Chapter 3, we will now learn about life in Spanish
4. The Filipinos under Spain was like the Philippines.
time of the Israelites as slaves in Egypt. We
became almost like slaves in our own land. We Catholicism Was Spain's Greatest Legacy.
learned the value of endurance, service and hope in The Roman Catholic religion was the greatest
God. legacy of Spain in the Philippines. If the Spaniards
had not come and colonized our country in the 16th
century, we would have been a Muslim country,
like Indonesia and Malaysia. To Spain, the
Filipinos owe a lasting debt of gratitude for making
the Philippines the only Christian nation in Asia.

Catholicism spread quickly in the

Philippines. This was due to the diligence and good
works of the early Spanish missionaries. The first
Spanish missionaries who came to the Philippines,
especially in the 16th and 17th centuries, were
really zealous soldiers of Christ. They knew they
had come to overthrow the devil and win souls for

The Spanish priests destroyed the pagan idols

and practices of the early Filipinos. This is why we
have so few relics of our pre-Spanish era. The
pagan and Muslim Filipinos were told to leave
their religion and convert to Catholicism.

When the Catholic priests met resistance

from the older people in the community, they
taught the children. In this way, they attracted more
new believers because children are easy to teach
new ways. They combined the teaching of religion
with other skills, like writing, reading, arithmetic
and music. They also introduced new European
culture and technology. This fascinated the early
Filipinos who had never seen such new costumes,
decorations, and practices. The beauty of Catholic
rituals and the good character of the first
missionaries attracted more and more new converts But many Catholic priests abused their
to Catholicism. power. Although Catholic priests are not allowed
to marry, many of the priests in the provinces and
By the end of the 16th century, there were towns had secret marriages with beautiful women,
more than 500,000 Catholics in the Philippines. By and they had illegitimate children. Many of these
the 17th century, this number doubled to over a children of the Catholic priests inherited fortunes
million Catholics. And, by the end of Spanish rule from their secret fathers, because the Spanish
in 1898, most of the Filipinos had become priests had control of much wealth during the
Catholics. This was the greatest missionary success Spanish era.
in colonial history. Sometimes, the Spanish Catholic priests (called
friars) also abused the local inhabitants of the small
So, it came to pass that the Philippines towns. They used their religious power to terrorize
became the only Christian nation in the Asian people into doing what they wanted, even if they
world. Catholics consider themselves as Chris-fans were cruel and arrogant.
who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
But they add and subtract some beliefs in the Bible. Finally, the Bible was banned at that time.
Catholics believe the Pope in the Vatican, and so The Catholics during the Spanish era were not
Rome can change what the Bible says. For allowed to have or to read the Bible. Only a priest
example, the Pope has allowed Catholics to make was allowed to do that. Having a Bible during the
religious images that look like Jesus, His mother Spanish colonial era was considered a criminal
Mary, and other Biblical characters like Peter, offense, and the person with a Bible could be put in
Paul, Mary Magdalene, etc. The Pope and Catholic jail. Only the Catholic religion was allowed to be
priests allow Catholics to kneel down, pray before practiced, and the Bible was not available for all.
these religious images, and parade them in
processions. Another characteristic of Catholics is The abuses of the Spanish friars and the
that they pray to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Catholic Church in the Philippines became one of
they use the rosary (prayer beads), the prayer the reasons for the Philippine Revolution that the
novenas (repetitious prayers), and "holy water" Filipinos started in 1896.
when they cross themselves. They make the sign of
the cross when they pray, and they go to a priest Hospitals and Orphanages. Due to the good
for confession and communion. influence of Christianity, the sick and the poor
were given better care during the Spanish era. In
Many Catholic priests during the Spanish era 1578 the first hospital was founded in Manila. This
helped improve our lives. For example, they hospital later became the Hospital of San Juan de
stopped the awful pagan practices of divorce, Dios and the San Lazaro Hospital, two of the oldest
killing unwanted babies (abortion), offering human existing hospitals in Asia. There were other
and animal sacrifices, and tribal wars. The practice hospitals in Manila. Los Baños, Cavite, Cebu and
of polygamy (having many wives) was banned, and Laoag. The first hospital in the Philippines was
marriage between a man and woman became a started 173 years earlier than the first hospital in
holy union. The Catholic families lived very the United States.
religiously, feared God and the priests, and obeyed
the laws of the land and the commandments of the Orphans and homeless children did not
Catholic church. During our Spanish colonial era, wander around. They were cared for in special
the Catholic church and the government were orphanages and asylums. In 1810 the first regular
united. No other religion was permitted, and it was orphanage was founded in Manila.' It was the Real
illegal to disobey a Catholic priest. The power of Hospicio de San Jose. It is still existing. The other
the Catholic Church was very strong during the existing orphanage is the Asylum of St. Vincent de
Spanish era. Paul, built in 1885 in Manila.
obeyed, but he was not a tyrant. He consulted his
Diet and Dress. The simple diet and dress of wife on important decisions affecting the family,
the early Filipinos were also changed and like family expenses, the children's education, and
improved by the Spaniards. Spain introduced new sale or purchase of family property. The mother
food plants like corn, potatoes, coffee, cacao, was the first tutor of the children. She taught them
cabbage, sigadillas, chicos, guavas, and wheat. the alphabet and Catholic prayers (the Hail Mary,
Filipinos learned to eat bread, and drink coffee and Our Father, rosary and novenas).
Christianity was a good influence on family
Other new foods introduced by Spain were life. Parents and children prayed together with the
beef (from cattle), mutton (from lamb), sausages rosary and angelus every night. Family members
(longganizas), ham (hamon), and sardines. From went home before the church bells pealed at 6 PM.
other parts of Europe came imported canned goods They woke up to the sound of the early morning
like chorizos de Bilbao, olive oil, and pickles. We church bells. They went to church together to hear
learned to eat with spoons, forks, table knives, mass on Sundays, holy days, and town fiestas.
napkins and crystal drinking glasses. New drinks They prayed before every meal.
came from Spain (sangria), Portugal (Port),
Germany (beer), and France (cognac). There were a few broken families. It was
considered a scandal to come from a broken home.
In clothing, the men's jacket and bahag were Parents spent time with their children. In return,
replaced by the Western coat and trousers. Today, children obeyed and respected their parents. As a
we call the Western coat "americana" because it sign of respect for parents and grandparents, the
was introduced by the American Spaniards from children kissed their hands and said, "Mano, po."
Mexico. The Filipinos wore the "americana" long
before the Americans from the United States came. Filipino Women in Spanish Times. The
The lower-class men wore hats, instead of the position of women in society was improved even
putong. more during the Spanish era. The women were
respected and honored by men. If single, the
The style of dressing of the women also women were chaperoned when they attended
changed. Instead of the sarong robe, they wore the dances and other social events. Even when they
saya (skirt) and the camisa (blouse). They learned were courted by a suitor, women were strictly
to wear hair combs, shawls (monton de Manila), chaperoned. Women did not mix freely with men.
and handkerchiefs. They still wore jewelry, but
gave up wearing armlets and anklets. Young women were kept in the home or at
school with other women. They were educated in
Instead of bare feet, everyone started wearing the colegios (exclusive schools) run by nuns for
slippers and shoes. girls. They could not study in the universities or
practice a profession like law, medicine, and
Family Life. Family life was also improved engineering. They were only trained to be good
by the coming of the Catholic Spaniards. Many wives and good mothers.
early Filipinos killed unwanted babies or married
many wives. These practices were stopped during Many young women entered the nunnery and
the Spanish era. became nuns. The beautiful Maria Clara in the
novels of Rizal is a good example of womanhood
The family became the unit of society, with a in Spanish times.
father as the head of the household and a mother in
charge of the daily chores and children. Family ties A New Calendar. Spain introduced the
were very close then. The father was the Western calendar into our country. With this
breadwinner of the family. He was respected and calendar, we kept dates similar to that used in
Europe, which was then the most advanced region Latin Alphabet and Spanish Language. The
in the world. introduction by Spain of the Latin alphabet and
Spanish language made our people closer to the
However, Governor General Narciso Claveria Western world. This was an improvement of our
corrected the Philippine calendar. On August 16, lives because the West was then the most advanced
1844 he ordered that Tuesday, December 31, 1844 civilization in the world. So, we came to know
would be Wednesday, January 1, 1845. Until that Western culture and technology better.
time, our calendar had been one day behind the
European time. Some Filipinos learned Spanish, especially
those who came from the upper classes and
attended formal schooling. But the lower classes or
Spanish Names for Filipinos. During the the masses really did not know Spanish well. This
Spanish era, Filipinos got Spanish names. At first, is because the Spaniards did not make Spanish the
the early Spanish colonizers changed our local national language of the Philippines, unlike in their
names to Spanish names that they could remember. other colonies in Latin America.
For example, the Queen of Cebu was baptized as Thus, today, the Latin Americans (Mexicans,
the first Filipina Catholic and given the name Peruvians, Argentinians, etc.) speak Spanish but
Juana, after Queen Juana of Spain (mother of the Filipinos do not.
Charles D. It was difficult for the Spaniards to
remember Filipino names like "Malakas" or However, the educated and rich Filipinos
"Maganda." So, when Filipinos converted to earned to speak Spanish. There are about 5,000
Catholicism, they were given new names during Spanish words in our native dialects. The Spanish
their baptism. These new names usually followed words are still commonly used, like "mesa" (table),
that of the saints in the Catholic calendar. For "silla" (chair), "oras" (time), "campana" (bell), etc.
example, a boy baptized on the feast day of St. Today we still consider it a sign of culture to be
Gregory was named "Gregorio." A girl baptized on able to speak Spanish After all, Spanish is the
the feast day of St. Anne was called "Ana." language of Spain, one of the world's former
powers, and of Latin America, a region with 300
Secondary, the early Filipinos did not bother million people.
with surnames. One name is good enough for our
ancestors. But this practice was so con. fusing Preservation of Filipino Languages. The
because family ties could not be known. So, there Spanish friars (priests) studied our native
was a need to add surnames (family names) to first languages and taught us in these languages. They
names. believed that we would learn faster if we used our
native tongues. It was strange, but the Spaniards
It was Governor General Claveria who solved actually preserved and developed our native
this problem. On November 21, 1849 he ordered languages, like Tagalog, Visayan, Ilocano, etc.
all Filipino families to choose a surname from a
catalog sent to all provinces in the country. The The early Spanish missionaries wrote the first
special catalog listed Spanish surnames from A to grammar books and dictionaries of the Filipino
Z. That is how Filipinos came to have Spanish languages.
Western Education under Spain. Spain
However, some Filipinos did not follow this introduced Western-style education in the
catalog. They just added a native family name to Philippines. This was the formal schooling in
their first names. For example, Dr. Jose Rizal's different levels - elementary, secondary (high
family adopted "Rizal" as a surname. The name school), and college. The Spaniards used these
"Rizal" comes from the ricial (green field). schools to spread the Catholic religion and Spanish
culture. Thus, apart from learning how to read,
write and count, a Filipino youth was taught the The first printing press in the Philippines was
Catholic doctrine and prayers, Spanish history and started by the Dominican friars in Manila in 1593.
languages, and European arts and sciences. That was 47 years before the first printing press
was started in the United States. The U.S.T. press
The first foreign teachers in the Philippines is still existing as the oldest press in the country.
were the Spanish missionaries. The first Filipino printer was Tomas Pinpin. He
trained under a Spanish priest at Abucay, Bataan.
Then, the different religious orders Pinpin, the "Prince of Filipino printers," was also
established private schools and colleges. To these the first Filipino author. He wrote the first Tagalog
private schools, rich Filipino families sent their book ever published.
The first book printed in the Philippines was
Thus, Filipino boys from rich families studied at the Doctrina Christiana, It was published in 1593
the Colegio de Manila of the Jesuits, or the Colegio in Manila by the Dominican friars. It is 47 years
de San Juan de Letran of the Dominicans. Rich ahead of the first book of Catholic catechism and
Filipino girls went to the Colegio de Santa Isabel prayers.
(the oldest school for girls in the Philippines), or
the Beaterio de la Compañia de Jesus (now St. The first newspaper was Del Superior
Mary's College), or Santa Catalina, La Concordia, Govierno (Of the Superior Government). It
and Assumption Convent. appeared from August 8, 1811 to February 7, 1812,
it was edited and published by Governor General
There were also famous Spanish schools in Manuel Gonzales de Aguilar.
the provinces. For example, the Colegio de San
Ildefonso in Cebu (now the University of San In the 19th century, other newspapers came out in
Carlos), the Colegio de San Agustin in Iloilo, the Philippines. They included the first daily
Colegio de San Buenaventura in Guinobatan, newspaper (La Esperanza); the first vernacular
Albay, and the Colegio de San Jose in Bacolod. paper (El Ilokano); and the first women's magazine
(El Hogar).
There were three universities during the
Spanish era. But only one of them has remained
until today. It is the University of Santo Tomas. Literature. During the Spanish era,
Founded in 1611, the U.S.T. is the oldest existing Philippine literature was religious and taught
university in the country. It is 25 years older than lessons about good and evil. Most of the reading
Harvard University, the oldest university in the materials were prayer. books, novenas, and
United States (1636). biographies of saints.

The Spaniards also introduced vocational During Lent, the Filipinos read or chanted the
schools and normal schools for teachers. pasion which are long poetic stories about the life
and sufferings of Christ. The first Tagalog pasion
Printing, Books and Newspapers. Printing was by Gaspar Aquino de Belen in 1704. There
is important because people learn a lot by reading, were also well-known pasions by other writers.
especially good books and news-papers. The
ancient Filipinos wrote on wood, bark or leaves of Other types of literature for the masses were
trees, and other flimsy materials. These materials the wits (heroic poems) and corridos (religious-
did not last. Unfortunately, the early Spanish legendary poems). They were stories about knights,
colonizers and missionaries studied and wrote heroes or legends. Some examples were Don Juan
about our culture in books. Tenorio, Ibong Adarna, and Bernardo Carpio.
Some writers wrote in the different Filipino From Europe and Mexico came new musical
languages during the Spanish era. The most famous instruments, like the violin, flute, piano, harp, and
of them was Francisco Baltazar, or Balagtas. others. In many towns and villages during Spanish
Today, the Tagalog poetical contests are called times, there were many bands who played in the
balagtasan in his honor. Balagtas was the "Prince town plaza and during fiestas. Sometimes, they
of Tagalog poets”. His masterpiece was Florante at only used musical instruments made from bamboo.
Laura, a story of the love and adventures of a hero So they were called musikong buh (bamboo
named Florante. musician).

The most famous Ilocano poet then was Today, there still exists one of the wonders of
Pedro Bukaneg. And Father Anselmo Fajardo the world - a church organ made from bamboo.
wrote Pampango drama. The bamboo organ at the old Catholic church of
Las Piñas is the only one of its kind in the world. It
The Filipinos also produced great writers in was built in 1818 by Fr. Diego.
the Spanish language. The three greatest Filipino Cerra.
poets in Spanish were Cecilio Apostol, Fernando
Ma. Guerrero, and Jose Palma. Palma wrote the Houses and Villages. The modern towns
original lyrics of the Philippine national anthem. grew out of the early settlements built by the
Out national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, wrote in Spanish. Spaniards. The Spanish villages formed a
His two books, Noli Me Tangere and El rectangular pattern, with a central plaza and
Filibusterismo helped to bring down the. Spanish rectangular street blocks.
The Spaniards wanted the Filipinos to live
Theater. Western-style plays performed on "pajo de campana," or within hearing of the church
stage by live actors were first introduced by the bells. So, the Catholic church in town became the
Spaniards. The first play was presented at Cebu in most beautiful building and the center of town life.
Gone were the scattered dwellings of the
During the Spanish era, two kinds of plays became early Filipinos. In their place arose more orderly
popular. They were the cenaculo and the moro- and planned communities, with street names and
moro. The cenaculo was a religious play about the roads.
life and sufferings of Christ. It was performed
during the Lenten season, when no other plays Spain introduced the use of stone for
were allowed. The moro-moro by contrast, was an building. During the Spanish era were built the first
adventurous play featuring fights between stone churches, stone buildings, stone forts, and
Christians and Muslims. In these plays, the stone houses. Some "bahay na bato" (stone houses)
Christians always won in the end. of the rich families still exist today, for example
the house of Dr. Jose Rizal at Calamba, Laguna.
Music. Our music was also enriched by The oldest existing stone church is San Agustin
Spain. The Philippine national 'anthem shows Church at Intramuros, Manila.
Spanish influence. Our musical instruments, songs
and dances were Westernized. It became fashionable to have a house with a
red tile roof, an azotea (balcony), and a patio
Spain influenced Filipino dances like the (yard).
carinosa, surido, pandango, and the jota. The polka,
lancero, waltz, and rigodon were originally Art. European painting and sculpture were
European dances. brought to the Philippines by Spain. Thus, the first
art works were religious art of official portraits of
kings or governors general.
Fiestas and Amusements. The Filipino love
In painting, Damian Domingo was the for pageantry and food was satisfied during
"Father of Filipino painters." He also founded the Spanish times with the introduction of the fiestas
first school of painting at Manila in 1820. and religious occasions. During these special days,
the people could put on their best clothes and eat
Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo and drink to their hearts content.
won international fame with their paintings. They
won first and second prizes, respectively, 1 the Spain introduced the religious festivals
National Exposition in Madrid in 1883. (fiestas) in the Philippines. Every town or barangay
had its own patron saint. Each year the feast day of
The God-given talent of the Filipinos for the patron saint was celebrated in the town or
sculpture, especially woodcarving was developed barangay.
during the Spanish era. Beautiful woodcarvings of
saints, altars and pulpits decorated churches. It was also Spain who gave us the idea of a
Images of Catholic saints replaced the pagan idols sleepy and quiet Lenten season. From Ash
(anitos) of the Filipinos. The greatest Filipino Wednesday to Holy Saturday, all festivals and
sculptor in the Spanish era was Mariano C. parties were stopped. People chanted the "pasyon"
Madrian from Paete, Laguna. or watched the "cenaculo" to remember the life and
death of Christ.
Science. The Spanish missionaries introduced
modern science in the Philippines. They studied The Filipino love for gambling came out in
our plants and animals, and wrote many famous the introduction of horse races, lottery and
books on these subjects. They also trained a few legalized cockfighting. Horse racing in the race
Filipinos to be scientists, especially doctors, tracks was started in 1868 at Santa Mesa, Manila.
chemists, and pharmacists. Cockfighting was made legal and taxed. The
Manila Lottery, a monthly event, became the origin
Anacleto V. del Rosario became the first of the present-day sweepstakes,
Filipino director of the Manila Laboratory in 1888.
He was called the "Prince of Filipino chemists." Other amusements during the Spanish era
Other famous scientists during Spanish times were were family events, like baptisms, weddings, death
graduates of the University of Santo Tomas Dr. anniversaries (siyaman), visits to holy shrines, the
Leon Ma. Guerrero, Dr. Mariano V. del Rosario, Flores de Mayo (May, flower festival), and
and Dr. Jose Rizal. Santacruzan (Holy Cross procession in May).

The Observatory of Manila. The crowning Because there were no radios or televisions
glory of Philippine science during Spanish times then, people played games indoors and outdoors.
was the Observatory of Manila. It accurately Favorite games then were poetical contests (duplo
warned of typhoons. It also measured earthquakes. and balastasan, story-telling, card games (juego de
prenda, pangguingui, manilla, tres siete), and
The Observatory was founded by the Jesuit outdoor games like patintero, juego de anilla
priests in 1865. The first director was Fr. Federico (rings), sipa and kite-flying.
Faura. The Padre Faura Street in Ermita, Manila is
named after him. He also invented the Faura Spanish Blood. Among the Spaniards, there
Barometer. His successor, Fr. Jose Algue, invented were two classes of foreigners. They were called
the Barocyclometer. the "peninsulares" and the "insulares." The
peninsulares were the Spaniards who originally
The Observatory of Manila is the oldest came from Spain to live and work in the
weather center in Asia. Philippines. The peninsulares felt superior to
others. Secondly, the insulares were the Spaniards
who had been born and bred in the Philippines. 2. Christianity improved the standard of life of our
They were made to feel inferior simply because people. It stopped the practice of divorce,
they did not come from abroad in Spain. Actually, infanticide, animal and human sacrifices,
the word "Filipino" was originally used to describe polygamy, and tribal wars.
the insulares or the Spaniards born in the 3. Spain improved our diet, dress, family life, the
Philippines. Only later, during the independence position of women, the calendar, names, alphabet
movement and the American era was the word and language, education, literature, music, housing,
"Filipino" used to mean the citizens of the and arts and sciences.
Philippines. 4. Many of our cultural traits and customs were
influenced by Spain.
Many Spaniards married Filipino women. The
descendants of these mixed marriages are known as
mestizos (Eurasian). Because of their fair skin,
these half-breeds and Spaniards were sometimes
teased as "mestizong bangus" (pale fish) by the
Filipinos. In return, the Spaniards looked down at
the brown-skinned natives as
"indios" (savages).

However, the Spaniards had less racial

prejudice than the British. Dutch or French
colonialists. The children of Spanish mixed
marriages were welcomed in high society. In
British India or Dutch Indonesia, such half breeds
would not have been welcomed.

Today, many Filipinos have Spanish blood in

their ancestry. Our history was made by great
Spanish-Filipinos like Dr. Jose Rizal, Manuel
Quezon, Fathers Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora.
Felipe Calderon, T.M. Pardo de Tavera, and others.

Because of the Spanish influence, the

Filipinos have such good character traits as (1)
Christian devotion; (2) delicadeza (honor); (3)
palabra de honor (keeping promises); (4) urbanidad
(good manners); and (5) romanticism. On the other
hand, the Filipinos also inherited some bad traits
as: (1) the mañana habit (delaying work); (2)
sentimentalism; (3) siesta (afternoon nap); (4)
señorito habit (dislike of manual work); and (5)
aristocracy or snobbishness.

Historical Values. The Spaniards gave the

Philippines a rich heritage. The Spanish influence
improved our social and cultural life. From our
study of the Spanish heritage, we learn the
1. We are the only Christian nation in Asia.

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