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Archimedes Principle
9 Pertanyaan TANGGAL : 

1. Archimedes Principle is the Law of what?

A Mass B Matter

C Fluids D Buoyancy

2. If the weight of an object is less than that of the displaced fluid, what will happen?

A It will go to the side B It will rise

C It will stay the same D It will fall

3. The buoyancy force always opposes?

A Water B Fire

C Air D Gravity

4. What is an Iowa Law

A No Faking Your Butter B No Confetti

C No Snowballs D No Catapulting
5. If the weight of the water displaced is less than the weight of the object, the object will

A It Sink B It Disappear

C It Rises D It stays the same

6. An empty water bottle floating on the water is an example of?

A Sideways buoyancy B Positive buoyancy

C Weird buoyancy D Negative buoyancy

7. What is an Florida Law?

A No pig greasing B No catfish stealing

C No frisbee golf D No selling children

8. Archimedes' Principle states that

The buoyant force acting on an object

The buoyant force acting on an object will
A B equals the volume of the fluid displaced
always be equal.
by the object.

The buoyant force acting on an object

C equals the weight (force of gravity) of the
fluid displaced by the object.

9. If the weight of an object is less than that of the displaced fluid,

what will happen?

A It will stay the same B It will fall

C It will rise D It will go to the side

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