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Question 1: How does Bilbo try to obtain freedom from Gollum?

He partakes in a contest of answering riddles He challenges Gollum to a sword fight

Question 2: What type of animal does Beorn have the ability to change into?
Snake bear eagle
Question 3 : How many dwarves accompany Bilbo Baggins on his journey?
7 10 13
Question 4 : The arrow that kills Smaug strikes him:
between his eyes in his foot in his chest
Question 5 : The magic ring that Bilbo finds has what special property?
It enables whoever wears it to fly It makes whoever wears it invisible
Question 6 : What is the name of the wizard who helps the dwarves in their quest?
Merlin Gandalf Shazaam
Question 7 : How do the dwarves know which hobbit hole Bilbo lives in when they start their
A piece of paper is taped to Bilbos front door Gandalf carved a marking on Bilbos front door
Question 8 : Gandalf tells the dwarves that Bilbo is a ________ and that he will be critical to their
mission in this role.
Spy burglar hunter
Question 9 : Which famous dwarven gem does Bilbo take from the treasure that Smaug guards?
Fortunestone Riverstone Arkenstone
Question 10 : What is the name of the archer who kills Smaug?
Bard Elrond Roac
11. What did Bilbo lose while trying to get out of the Misty Mountains?
His vest His buttons His sword
12. What revealed the secret entrance to mountain?
The full Moon The quarter Moon Gandalf
13. Who are the youngest dwarf members of the company?
Fili and Kili Bombur and Bofur Gloin and Oin
14. Who did Bilbo see while the Company was riding the ponies towards Mirkwood?
Gandalf Beorn Trolls
15. While invisible, how did Bilbo distract the spiders in Mirkwood?
His voice and sticks Sticks and stones His voice and stones

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